Chapter 39

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Once they entered the tower, y/n saw Clint peeking his head out of the vents.
-Hi there, Clint.- she signed in ASL sign language, while talking -Want some cake?- 
-Sure, thanks.- he said, jumping down and doing the "superhero landing". 
-Hey J. Call everyone down here. Tell them it's an emergency.- Peter said, throwing himself on one of the seats of the table, almost falling, making Bucky laugh as y/n rushed to him, scared.
Less than three minutes later, the whole team was down. 
-Where is the emergency, man of spiders?- Thor's voice thundered, walking in as Mjolnir spinned in his hand, while Nat had his gun ready, Tony had worn his suit and Steve had his shield in his hands.
-There is no emergency. It was an excuse for you to come down more quickly.- Bucky explained, as everyone put down their weapons and sat down  with a "it was really necessary?" look.
y/n took the cake and put it on the table. 
-It's been some years that I don't cook. But I hope you like it.- she said, starting to cut it as Bucky, passed her some plates.
-I helped, but as Steve and y/n should remember, I was a complete mess in the kitchen. And I still am.- he added, as his hand brushed accidentally against y/n's, action that made both of them blush a little. 
Luckily nobody had noticed that. 
-Yeah, one time he almost burned the whole kitchen while he was trying to bake a cake for...- Steve started, but Bucky covered his mouth immediately, as his cheeks became red. 
-Zip it, punk. Don't say that.- he said glaring at his childhood friend, his tone was filled with embarrassment, remembering that episode.
-Mhmhmh.- Steve tried to break free, failing, then eventually he had given up. 
-I don't remember this, actually. Who did you bake for?- y/n asked, confused as she took the cutlery. 
-No-one too important. Just for...mum. Yeah. Mum. Remember that she loved cakes? So I tried and failed.- he babbled out -But I'd rather not talk about the past now.- 
-It's alright, Bucky. Don't worry. I'm sorry I brought that memory back.- Steve apologised.
-Don't worry, it's okay, pal.- he shrugged, giving his friend a half smile as everyone started eating cake. 
Bucky didn't want everyone to know but he had tried to bake a cake for y/n's birthday, failing miserably and ending up buying one to not make a fool.
Of course the only person to know about this was Steve. 
-By the way, what did your teacher want to talk about? What did you do?- Tony asked, after a while. 
-Nothing to worry about. He had heard Peter saying that he was staying here and he didn't believe him. Luckily enough he understood almost immediately.- y/n said, proudly. 
-I believe it. She scared the shit out of him.- Peter said, making everyone giggle -I'm going to have all goods grades without even studying.- 
-Peter Benjamin Parker, don't you dare not to study or I will take your suit for two weeks.- the genius threatened him. 
-No, please Mr Stark. I'm nothing without the suit.- he complained. 
-That's not true, Pete. You were amazing even before the suit.- y/n said to him, reassuring him -Then he would never do that. He cares too much for you, don't worry.- she added with a grin, when Tony had left. 
-Thanks for everything, y/n.- the youngest smiled at her. 
-You're welcome. Now go and study, c'mon.- she ruffled his hair, then he walked to his room -Now that I have some free time. I'm going into the gym. Someone care to join?- she asked, looking around at the other members of the team, as almost everyone had shook their heads. 
-I'm in, I don't have nothing better do to.- Bucky shrugged -And some physical activity won't be bad for me.- 
-That's a great idea, Buck.- Steve said, nodding -Maybe tomorrow we can go for a morning run. Would you like it?- 
-Sounds like a plan to me, bud. Yeah.- he replied. 
-Alright then. Go change and I'll see you in a few minutes in the gym.- y/n told him, as he simply nodded, then they both disappeared out of the room. 
y/n quickly wore her typical black sports bra and a pair of baggy grey and comfy sweatpants before walking in the gym. 
Bucky for his part had worn a simple black t-shirt with long sleeves, sweatpants of the same color and, of course, his glove. 
When he walked in, y/n was punching the punching bag pretty hard.
Her face was frowning in an expression of pure concentration, as her fists hitted the target repeatedly and her eyes were fixed on it. 
He stared at her for a few minutes until he noticed the bruise on her stomach. 
It had the form of his fist and he immediately felt bad remembering what had happened.
-I'm sorry about that. I hope it doesn't hurt too much.- he said, as she turned her head, seeing him. 
-Oh, Buck. Here you are. No, don't worry about it. I've been worse.- she smiled, taking a few steps forward the bench, taking something then handed it to him.
It was some strips of fabric, to wrap his hand.
-I don't know if I'm supposed to feel better or not after this phrase.- Bucky joked, wrapping his fleshy hand. 
-Why don't take your glove off? I already saw it and it doesn't bother me, y'know.- she said, in a sweet tone, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
-I know...just...- he sighed, lowering her gaze. 
-Hey, hey. Don't worry, you don't have to do that now. But eventually you'll have to learn to accept yourself. I will help you if that's necessary.- y/n told him, embracing him -Everyone here will help you.- 
He simply hummed in agreement, burying his face in her hair. 
-Thanks...for everything you're doing for me.- he whispered.
-Don't mention that. You'd do the same for me and Steve, wouldn't you?- she asked.
-Yeah. This and more for you.- he nodded, smiling as she blushed.
-You're always been so sweet, Buck.- she said, looking around for a moment, making sure that nobody other than them was in the gym, and left a soft kiss on his lips, leaving him a little confused and blushed -C'mon let's start training a little.- she pointed to the equipment. Bucky said, pulling himself together and following her.
After a couple of hours of workout, Bucky and y/n decided to take a break, and he took a moment to look at her.
Her forehead and the hair on her temples was wet from the sweat, but he still found her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
y/n, when she looked at Bucky, felt her heart skipping a beat, his brown hair, that before was tied up in a low bun, now was down and some strands of hair fell off on his face. 
Without thinking twice she got close to him and brushed his hair off.
-I think it's enough for today. I'm tired.- she said, sitting on the floor as he did the same.
-Yup, I think that too.- Bucky, nodded, sighing.
-Listen for a second. Now that I know you have nightmares, I don't care which hour it is, if you have a bad dream come and talk to me, alright?- y/n asked, taking his hand. 
-Yes, okay.- he nodded, smiling a little. 
-Now excuse me but I need a shower. And so do you.- she said, standing up and offering a hand to Bucky, who grabbed it and stood up too.
-Wait, I need to do something before we leave the gym.- he said, taking her hand and making her spin around until she faced him.
-What?- she asked, then she felt his lips on hers, and brought her arms to his neck and his hands were on her waist. 
When they broke the kiss, she leaned her forehead in his and smiled softly.
-We should go now.- he said, a little sad.
-Don't worry. We'll find some time to spend together.- y/n reassures him, with another quick kiss before leaving the gym. 

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