Chapter 2

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y/n took the cooked pie from the oven and put it on the table, being careful not to burn her hands. 
She smiled, proud of herself, watching what she had just made. 
"Just like mum used to prepare it." she thought of the memory of her mother cooking it. 
Looking at the clock she noticed that it was pretty late and that Bucky and Steve should have been already there. 
"I really hope Steve didn't get into a fight again." she told herself, checking that the meat and the potatoes weren't burned. 
She quickly set the table for three, then looked at the time and sighed heavily. 
"These two will make me die of worry." she thought, wiping her hands on her apron and untying the knot. 
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Her hair was perfectly neat and styled and she was wearing a mint green dress.
She adjusted the skirt and white collar of the dress before leaving the house. 
She left the house and immediately headed to the pub where Steve and Bucky usually went. 
As y/n walked in, everyone turned their gaze on her.
She approached the counter, trying to look confident and fearless. 
But she wasn't. 
Having all those masculine stares on her body made her feel powerless and defenceless.
-Excuse me, Mr Miller...- she caught the attention of the man behind the counter, a middle aged man who had always been nice to her, since his wife knew her mother. 
-Oh y/n, hey. What brings here, young lady?- he asked in a warm tone. 
-I'm sorry to bother you, sir. Have you seen my brother or James today?- she asked, trying to ignore all the whistles and the comments. 
-No, I didn't. Why?- he asked, looking badly behind her, making the men look away in fear. 
Despite being a very sweet man he looked like someone you didn't want to go against, all the years spent as a soldier had left a lot of scars and muscles. 
-Because it's pretty late and they have not sent anyone to tell me where they are or what they are doing. And I'm starting to worry. You know how Steve is.- she told him, sighing. 
-Yeah, I get it. That boy doesn't know when to stop. He will get killed, one day. But James is probably with him so don't worry.- he nodded -You are such a good girl, y/n. I don't know how you can live with them, honestly.- he chuckled. 
-Trust me, Mr Miller, some days I ask myself the same question.- she laughed a little -Okay, I guess I will wait for them at home. Thank you.- she smiled -Bring greetings to Mrs. Miller for me.- 
-I will, y/n, I will. Good luck with those two boys. Bye.- he waved at her.
-Thank you again. Bye Mr Miller.- she greeted him and left the pub. 
As she was walking home, she had the feeling of being followed. 
y/n decide to stop a couple of times to see if the one who was following her would have stopped too.
And he did. 
When she understood that she had been followed she started panicking but she tried to keep calm and not freak out.
She walked through the whole neighborhood hoping that he would have just stopped. 
But he didn't.
He kept following her. 
While she was thinking that he had stopped, suddenly she felt a hand grabbing her arm. 
-Hey. Leave me alone. What do you want?- she asked, trying to break free. 
She felt anxiety growing in her. 
-Why don't you come with me for a bit? We can have some fun.- he told her, tightening his grip and not wanting to let go. 
-No. Now leave me alone.- she managed to break away and walk a couple of steps away. 
Her heart was beating faster and adrenaline was running through her veins.
-I don't take a no as an answer. You will come with me.- he threatened her, walking to her with evil grin -So, be the good slut you are and don't make any sound.-
She closed her eyes waiting for his touch, she felt her eyes become teary and her knees were trembling. 
y/n wanted to scream but she just couldn't.
But she didn't feel anything. 
Instead y/n heard someone fall to the ground, and opened her eyes.
Someone punched the other guy in the face, but he responded with two punches.
The last one arrived kept his bleeding nose but immediately threw the other against the wall, making him grunt in pain. 
The other tried to stand up, but the other was too fast and kicked him in the ass, with all the hate and fury he had in his body. 
The man ran away, risking falling.
-Next time, pick someone your size!- a voice yelled, a voice that y/n knew too well -Hey, y/'s okay. He went away.- 
When she saw that it was Bucky, she sighed in relief with a shaky breath.
-Oh my god, Bucky...- she threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck. 
-I'm here. I'm here. Don't worry.- he stroked her back, holding her close.
Bucky was glad that he had arrived just in time.
He would have blamed himself if something had happened to her. 
When he felt her tears wet his neck, he held her tighter against him. 
Bucky murmured some reassuring words in her ears. 
y/n felt her cheeks burn up as he speaked. 
-Thank Bucky, you saved me.- she said, smiling at him -Oh goodness. Your nose is bleeding and you have a small cut on your lip.- she said, looking up at his face and widening her eyes.
Despite his bruised face she still found him incredibly handsome.
She shook her head a little, trying to drive away those thoughts. 
His heart skipped a beat, seeing her smiling again.
He didn't care if he was bleeding, all he cared about was that she was okay. 
-Don't worry about me.- he shrugged -I will live.- he said, trying to make her laugh.

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