Chapter 41

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A couple of weeks passed and everything seemed to be calm, between missions, days off and other stuff.
The whole team, somehow even Sam probably forced by Steve, had managed to bond with Bucky. 
y/n and Bucky tried to take time out for themselves in the evening, after dinner and spent the nights together or after training, but of course there was always a chance that someone could walk in and find them, so they had to be very careful.
A few times they almost got caught but luckily enough the rest of the team didn't ask too many questions and left almost immediately. 
The couple had always been on the edge of telling Steve and everyone else that they were dating but in the end they never did because they were scared of Steve's reaction. 
-Come on, doll. Let me get up. It's late.- Bucky said one morning, trying to sit up, but failing because y/n was laid down on her stomach on him, with her head pressed against his chest. 
-Mhmh...- she grumbled, complaining, shaking her head a little -Too comfy...- she replied, cuddling even more closer to him, causing Bucky to shake his head, amused. 
-If someone walks in now we're screwed, doll.- he continued, trying to move but failing again -Let me just get up and you can continue sleeping, love.- he brushed some hair off her face and placed a little kiss on her head.
-Too...comfy...- she mumbled, as her legs were wrapped around his, not letting him go -Don't go...please...- 
-Alright. Just another five minutes, sugar.- Bucky said, smiling involuntarily, as his fingers gently caressed her bare shoulders, moving them from her back and almost to her butt, as y/n shivered a bit under the touch of his cold and metal hand. 
He would never admit it, but he enjoyed the little shivers that her body had when he touched her.
In these few weeks Bucky had worked on himself and on his confidence, managing to show his metal arm around the tower, almost without all the shame he had felt before and everyone seemed to be very proud of him.
Especially y/n and Steve. 
A few moments later someone's stomach rumbled as their nostrils were filled with a sugarish smell. 
-Hungry?- y/n whispered, opening her eyes a little, as she caressed his cold arm.
-Just a bit. If I'm right this morning we're having Clint's pancakes. Can we go? Otherwise everyone will eat all of them.- he said, hugging her tightly. 
-Alright. Yeah. Let's go.- she said, yawning, as she stood up and quickly picked the clothes off the ground.
Bucky lost himself in his thoughts looking at her bare figure as she dressed up. 
Every inch of her body, for him, was perfect. 
When y/n turned to him, she caught him staring at her.
She couldn't help but chuckled a little and blushed.
-What is crossing your mind, Sergeant?- she asked, as she walked up to him, and her arms were wrapped around his neck. 
-I was just admiring you. You are stunning.- Bucky answered, placing his hands on her hips. 
-Just shut up. I'm not.- she replied, lowering her gaze and thinking about all the little scars she had. 
-Yes, you are, doll. Why would you say that?- the man asked, lifting her face with one finger under her chin.
-I mean...look at them.- she answered, pointing a few marks on her skin.
One was a stab in her side, while another one was on her upper thigh and others on her whole body. 
-I think they make you unique.- he smiled softly at her, caressing some of the marks -As you thought me that my arm made me particular, I think these made you particular. And personally I find them pretty attractive.- he admitted. 
Bucky hated to see her like this. 
This scene reminded him of when he and Steve had consoled her because she thought she was a monster like Shmidt.
-Thanks Buck. I needed to hear that.- y/n smiled, kissing him sweetly. 
As their lips touched, and their bodies were wrapped around the other, Bucky grinned in the kiss, y/n broke it, smiled at him, looking him in his eyes, then kissed him again. 
This small gesture made Bucky feel butterflies in his stomach and made him go in ecstasy. 
-God...I love you...- he whispered, without thinking about the words leaving his mouth. 
y/n froze immediately as she heard what he said. 
Her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks became red. 
As Bucky noticed her face, he realised what he had just said.
He gasped a couple of times, but the words died in his mouth. 
-What...what you just said?- y/n asked, not believing her own ears. 
-I...I...- he babbled out, not knowing what to answer, asking himself if y/n was happy or not -I said I...I love you.- he repeated, looking away. 
-I love you too, Sergeant.- she smiled, cupping his face and kissing him passionately. 
After a first moment of confusion, Bucky kissed her back, as his hands were on her waist, keeping her close to him. 
-Sorry...I hadn't planned on telling you like this...- the man admitted, when the kiss was broken and his hand was caressing her cheek -I had in my mind something a little more...romantic.- 
-Bucket, don't worry.- she smiled, reassuring him -The important thing is that we know we love each other. The rest doesn't matter.- y/n said, passing a hand through his soft hair -Now let's go and eat breakfast.- 
-I won't let you repeat it twice.- Bucky said, smiling as they left the room, making sure no-one had seen them leaving the same room.
When they arrived in the lunchroom luckily for them only Clint was awake and was already busy cooking in the kitchen, so they quickly waved at him and gestured a "good morning".
In the next ten minutes the rest of the team woke up too.
Wanda and Nat were talking about something, while y/n was sitting next to them, but her head was in the clouds. 
-What's that?- Bucky asked, trying to sign in ASL for Clint, pointing something on the floor. 
-What?- the man asked, confused, since Bucky wasn't the best person to speak with gestures. 
-Is that sugar?- he asked again, but Clint still didn't understand, so after taking a deep breath Bucky tried again -Sugar?- he repeated for the umpteenth time. 
-Yeah, Buck?- y/n replied, without thinking about it.
The whole team turned their heads to him, as y/n realized what she had done. 

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