Chapter 20

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The next morning, when y/n was walking to the equipment room to meet her brother and Howard, when she heard some gunshots, then Peggy left the room with an angry face.
Confused, she walked in and saw Steve and Howard, with an expression of pure shock and their jaws almost reached the floor.
-I heard four gunshots, I saw Peggy walking out of here pretty angry but I don't see any dead bodies here. Care to explain?- she asked, looking around. 
-We...well...I...- Steve muttered, trying to find the words.
-You know what? I'm gonna ask her.- she said walking to the door.
-When you have time, make a stop here. I've got a few new ideas for your uniform. I wanna know what you think.- Howard told her.
-Got it. Bye boys.- she said closing the door and walked in the direction Peggy went. 
After asking a couple of people she found her. 
Peggy was outside, far for everyone, in the spot only they two knew. 
-Oh hey, y/n.- she tried to smile, but it was obvious she was quite upset. 
Her breath was irregular, making her chest go up and down very quickly, and her eyes were a little glossy. 
-What happened?- she asked calmly, approaching her friend. 
-Nothing, don't worry.- she said, looking away, as her breath regulated itself. 
-I heard some shotguns, then you walked out almost as angry as you were when the Colonel didn't make you go on that super important mission. So tell me what happened.- y/n said, sitting next to her. 
-Your idiot brother kissed someone and then when I saw him he went "Peggy, that's not what you thought it was", oh please. Does he think I'm that dumb? He can kiss who he wants, it's not that I care anyway! When I told him that I didn't care he pulled Howard in the middle for some reason.- she explained, becoming even more angry. 
-That doesn't explain the gunshots through.- she said, even more confused, trying to find a link between the two things. 
-Stark was showing him some prototypes of some shields, and he asked me what I thought about one in particular and I...well, I shot in his direction..- she said, moving her gaze.
-Four times?!- y/n asked, widening her eyes.
-I was mad at him.- she shrugged, smiling a little in a guilty way. 
-Well, I can't blame you, he doesn't know a bloody thing about women.- she smiled at her -But I know for sure that he cares about you. More than he'd admit.- she comforted her, placing a hand on her shoulder. 
-You sure?- she asked, hopefully. 
-I am. He's a total chicken when it comes to feeling. You can ask literally anyone. Even Bucky understood it when we just got here, the first day.- she tried to cheer her up -Just give him time to understand it.-
-I will try. Thanks y/n.- Peggy said, hugging her. 
-You're welcome and, please, try not to be so hard on him.- she advised her.
-I'll try but I don't promise.- she shrugged -Anyway what is going on between you and the Sergeant?- she asked, with a smirk.
-Nothing is going on between me and him.- y/n blushed immediately. 
-Come on, don't lie. Every time you two are in the same room you two don't stop making doe eyes at each other. I'm not Steve, I notice this kind of things.- she said, raising an eyebrow. 
-Stop Peggy. It isn't true.- y/n said, looking away. 
-I'll tell you more. I noticed the way he looks at Howard, when he's near you. And let me tell you, it isn't a friendly and kind look.- Peggy smiled even more. 
-Okay maybe, maybe, I like Bucky. But he doesn't feel anything for me. Just platonic love. He always saw me as his little sister and he always will.- she sighed -And well, we had already met Howard before coming here, he didn't like him from the very first second.- she told her. 
-Think what you want, but I'm telling you. He likes you.- Peggy said, standing up -Now come on. I've heard that Howard has some ideas on your uniform, let's go see what the Captain and the Sergeant think about it.- she joked as y/n followed her.
In tha period Steve and his men had halved the enemy troops and also destroyed many hydra bases. 
Sometimes, when Steve's companions were  injured or they needed extra help, y/n joined them, happy to be useful.
Peggy and y/n watched every record of Steve and Bucky's missions. 
During one record in particular, for a second was framed Steve's compass, in which there was a photo of Peggy. 
-Told you.- y/n whispered, smirking at her friend.
When they framed Bucky, she froze. 
Attached to the Sergeant's backpack there was a creamy white patch with his name sewn onto it with a blue thread. 
-What's wrong? What did you see?- Peggy asked, noticing the sudden change of her behaviour. 
-That patch...I made it a long time ago. I thought he had lost it.- she admitted, blushing a little. 
-Told you.- Peggy mocked her, smiling amused. 
That afternoon when the soldiers came back, everyone went to greet them. 
The two women managed to make some space into the crowd to reach their interest.
-You're back and you're okay.- y/n threw her arms around the two men's neck, hugging them at the same time. 
-Have more faith in us, y/n/n.- Steve giggled. 
-Slow down, miss. Hey, hey, ow, you hurt me.- Bucky complained as she broke the hug. 
-Sorry, sorry.- when she looked at their faces she saw some wounds and blood -You two in my room. I can fix this. No infirmary need.- the she turned to her friend -Peggy, can you help me, please?- 
-Yeah, I'll see what can I do.- she said, as the four of them walked to y/n's room. 
As Peggy dabbed the Captain's wounds, y/n took care of the Sergeant's cuts, sewing them up, when needed. 
Peggy and Steve were sitting on the two only disponible chairs, while Bucky was sitting on her bed, leaning against the wall, y/n's knees were on both sides of his legs. 
If he had moved an inch she would have found herself sitting on his lap.
He admired her concentrated face as her lips were pressed together, her eyebrows were frowned and her eyes flicked up and down, searching for other small cuts.
-And...done.- she said, standing up. 
He immediately missed the warmth of her body. 
-We have done too.- Peggy said, standing up. 
After they put away the aid kit, they chatted a little.
A few days later Steve, Bucky and their companions had another mission.
They had found out that Doctor Arnim Zola was on a train. 
-We'll be okay, y/n. Don't worry.- Steve told her, hugging her. 
-I know, I know, Captain. Be careful, Sergeant.- she told Bucky.
-I will, doll, I will.- he smiled -I want you to keep these for me.- he told her, taking off his necklace with tags -I want them back when I return.- 
-You will, don't worry. I will take care of them.- she smiled, hugging him again. 
-When I'll come back I need to tell you something really important.- 
-I will wait for you.- she said, kissing his cheek.
Bucky had thought a lot about his feelings and he had decided to tell her what he felt when he had come back.
-Let's go. The first we start, the first we finish.- Steve said, as they got on the jeep and left the base. 

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