Chapter 16

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Once they had reached the ground, without getting too hurt, Steve quickly checked on his sister.
-y/n/n, everything okay?- he asked, looking around. 
-Yeah. You?- she asked as he hummed, nodding, starting to walk towards the base. 
Around them the landscape was dark and noiseless. 
The shawdon of the numerous trees made her nervous and the crunching of the leaves under their feet did not help her to be more calm. 
But y/n had to do it. 
After a while that they were walking, at one point they noticed some light and heards some voices. 
In front of them appeared a tall building, surrounded by iron fences, some guards and a couple of moving lights. 
-Down.- Steve whispered shouting at her, pulling her down as a couple of trucks passed in front of them, but luckily the drivers didn't notice them. 
-Let's get on the last one.- she proposed as Steve nodded. 
They managed somehow to get in the truck, but two armed soldiers were already sitting there. 
-Boys.- y/n said, smiling, not knowing what to do. 
-Fellas.- Steve greeted them, then they started fighting. 
She felt adrenaline in her veins and she liked that feeling.
y/n quickly took one man by his arm, twisting it behind the soldier's back, to disarm him, as Peggy had taught.
When he managed to break free, she kicked him in the family jewels, then threw him off the truck as Steve did the same.
-That was...amazing...- she said, catching her breath.
-When did you learn that?- he asked her, surprised. 
He didn't know his sister was this good at fighting. 
-I had told you that Peggy had taught me a few moves.- she shrugged, sitting down. 
After some minutes the voices were more distinct, which meant they had entered the base, then passed the gate and the guards without being caught. 
A few moments later the truck parked, a single guard looked in the back, but almost immediately, before he could give the alarm, Steve hit him with his shield, knocking him out.
The two Rogers sneaked out of the truck and started to look around the base. 
y/n noticed a lot of tanks with a weird symbol.
It was a skull with six tentacles in a circle. 
They had to hide a few times among the tanks, but nobody had noticed them. 
On the opposite side from where they were there were soldiers marching. 
-Now, now, let's go.- Steve told her, running next to a low wall, then they climbed it out.
When they reached the roof, they walked to the bigger building. 
-There is an open window here.- y/n pointed out as Steve noticed it was big enough to allow the access inside. 
After finding a closed door, they knocked, hoping to find just one or two guards to defeat.
When the man opened it, y/n smashed his head with the door as Seve punched him in the face.
They walked past that room, who had some containers with who knows what inside.
After looking in a couple of empty rooms they found the one with some of the hostages. 
-There are so many cages. Look.- he said as she quickly knocked out another hydra soldier. 
As the guard was on the floor, unconscious, the men stood up, looking above their heads, as she knelt next him to pick the keys. 
-Who are you supposed to be?- a man asked them. 
-I'm Captain America.- Steve said. 
-And I'm...American...- she started talking but she stopped herself -No. I'm Miss Captain.- 
-I beg your pardon?- he said, very confused by who those people were. 
-Since when did dames fight like that?- another asked as y/n and Steve fought a couple of hydra agents -Since today. Understood.- he said, between scared and excited. 
The two superheroes freed them, opening their cells. 
-What, are we taking everybody?- Steve asked, looking around for Bucky, y/n did the same 
-Is there anyone else? I'm looking for a Sergeant James Barnes.- she said to the men. 
-There's an isolation ward in the factory, but no one's ever come back from it.- one explained. 
-All right. The tree line is northwest, 80 yards past the gate. Get out fast and give'em hell.- Steve ordered them. 
-We'll meet you guys in the clearing with anybody else we find.- y/n added. 
-Wait.- someone said -You know what you're doing?- 
-Yeah. He has knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.- y/n said, chuckling a little, starting to walk away, followed by Steve, as everyone looked at them, confused but with admiration.
-You changed your name.- he pointed out, whispering.
-American Cutie doesn't suits me...and I hate it.- 
-This is way better.- he smiled at her. 
From outside there were coming noises from shots, bullets hitting metal and some booms from the tanks. 
They passed a few deserted corridors before finding a room, where someone was talking to himself. 
-Sergeant. Three-two-five-five-seven.- 
The two siblings looked at eachother, then rushed to him. 
She felt her heart was heavy. 
It wasn't a hallucination.
It was truly him. 
-Bucky?- they said in chorus, reaching the postation where he was tied up.
-Oh, my God.- y/n breathed out, seeing in what conditions he was. 
Bucky was looking at the ceiling, with an absent look.
"Who knows what they gave him." y/n thoughts seeing that his pupils were dilated.
Steve ripped off the ropes, freeing his friend. 
-Is that...?- Bucky spoke, looking at the two.
-It's us.- Steve said, trying to help him stand up -It's Steve and y/n.- 
-Steve and y/n?- Bucky asked, smiling in a weird way. 
-Come on.- she encouraged them. 
-Steve and y/n.- Bucky repeated, as he sat down and looked at them. 
-I thought you were dead.- he admitted to his friend, with a worried look. 
-I thought you were smaller.- Bucky said, noticing that his friend's body had changed since he had left. 
-Oh, Buck...- y/n threw herself on him, hugging him tightly -I was scared that I'd never saw you again.- 
-y/n...I was scared too...I missed you.- he said as he enjoyed the warmth of her body against his. 
Too much had passed since the last time they had seen each other. 
For her he was still handsome as he was when he left. 
For him she was even more beautiful than she was when he left. 
After a ment they looked at each other and understood that they had to leave. 
-Come on.- Steve said as both, he and y/n, slid an arm around Bucky's waist to help him stand and started walking. 

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