Chapter 23

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Despite being in a completely different world from what they remembered, the two Rogers tried to catch up with all those years that they had lost, seeing movies, listening to new music, visiting museums and other stuff. 
y/n had a beautiful relationship with everyone on the team, but in particular with Nat and Tony, that reminded her of Peggy and Howard, somehow. 
One of her first nights in the tower, she couldn't sleep so, after rolling over and over in bed, she decided to stand up and went to the main room.
She noticed it was deep night.
The only lights were from the buildings and the stars weren't visible at all. 
Some moments later she heard some steps coming.
y/n warned herself. 
-Can't sleep?- a female voice asked, approaching her. 
-Oh, Romanoff. You scared me.- she relaxed seeing a familiar face.
-Didn't mean to, sorry.- the redhead said. 
-I'm having problems falling asleep lately.- the soldier admitted after a moment of silence. 
-I bet.- she nodded -Wanna talk about it? It could help.- she shrugged. 
-Why not?- y/n said, smiling a little. 
The two women spent the whole night talking knowing each other better.
-How did you not kill that Colonel? He seems a complete idiot to me.- Nat said, as y/n sat next to her, on the couch of the main room, handing a glass of water to the other. 
-He was, but in the end he changed. A little but he changed.- she said, remembering him -But I will never forgive him for nicknaming me American Cutie.- y/n chuckled a little. 
-A lot of little girls were inspired by what you did, despite your nickname. Including me. You gave me a part of the motivation to go against Dreykov.- the redhead admitted, as the other woman smiled sweetly. 
-I really thought I was going to die and then...boom, 70 years in the future. I don't know if it's better or not.- she joked about it -Everyone I knew is either dead or really old.- 
-I can't even imagine that feeling.- Nat said, the tried to cheer her up -Anyway, there was someone special back in your time?- 
y/n immediately brought her hand on her necklaces, feeling the cold metal of the tags.
-There was, yes.- she smiled sadly at those memories. 
-What was he like?- Nat immediately grinned curiously. 
-He was...Steve's best friend...- y/n started -His name was James Barnes. But we always called him Bucky. I had known him since I was six, I believe. We practically grew together. He was funny, amazing, determined, caring and a lot of other stuff. He died during the mission to capture Arnim Zola. Steve said he fell off the train, right over a cliff.- her breath got a little faster -I...I never had the chance and courage tell him how I felt.- she said as she started blinking a little more so the tears wouldn't come out -The last thing I have of him are his tags. He gave them to me the day he died.-
-While they de-iced you I read some documents and they mentioned a certain Barnes now that I think about it. I'm sorry to hear this.- she said.
-Don't. It's not your fault.- y/n shrugged, trying to pretend that she didn't care.
Natasha had told her almost everything about her days in the Red Room, as y/n told her about her days back in the 40s. 
Some days later while they were having lunch, even Tony, who usually was locked up in his laboratory, was also with them. 
-Everytime I did something wrong at my godmother's house and she scolded me, she always ended up telling me how she had met you two.-Tony said, pointing with his gaze first y/n then Steve -What a woman, Margaret. I should go to find her these days, actually. Jarvis please make a reminder for this Wednesday.- 
-I just did, sir.- the AI said as Steve and y/n flinched a little, still not used to it. 
-My friend in the 40s was called Margaret, but she went by Peggy. She thought it fitted her better.- the supersoldier woman commented. 
-What was her last name?- Tony asked, widening his eyes.
-Carter. Why?- Steve answered, raising his gaze from his plate.
-Margaret "Peggy" Carter is my godmother.- he explained simply -You know that she and dad worked together, don't you?- 
-She's still alive?!- the siblings asked in chorus, feeling their hearts beating faster as the news. 
-Yes, she is. Do you wanna meet her? She's in a hospital but we can go when you want.- the genius smiled at them.
-Now. NOW. WE ARE GOING NOW.- y/n ordered standing up, followed immediately by her brother.
Both the two supersoldiers and Peggy were happy to see each other again after so many years. 
Just not in the way Steve would have liked but it didn't matter now. 
Less than a year later the Avengers were formed and another member had joined them. 
Thor, the god of thunder. 
A damn norse god, yeah. 
In that small amount of time they had fought against aliens and Thor's adopted brother, Loki, who wanted to become king of Midgard.
Or at least that's how he called the Earth. 
In that period the team, despite their differences and teasing, had bonded pretty well. 
Almost like a family. 
Both siblings struggled a little with mental health, but it got better every day. 
They could finally be happy again. 
In the next years they had also fought against a robot created by Tony and Bruce "to make the world a safer place" but things got bad for them, and the team has got some news members, a witch, a toaster and a kid with spider powers, better known as Wanda, Vision and Peter. 

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