Chapter 21

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A few hours later, when y/n heard a motor, her smile grew. 
She took Bucky's tags from her nightstand, then she immediately ran outside. 
When she spotted Steve, she rushed to hug him. 
-I'm so happy you're back.- she said as he held her close. 
Steve didn't want to tell her what had happened, because he himself still did not believe it. 
It was a shock for him seeing his best friend falling off the train. 
Now he was scared to lose her too. 
-Yes...yes, I'm back.- he whispered, closing his eyes. 
-Did you catch him? That that dwarf of Arnim Zola, I mean.- 
-Yes. He's locked up. Don't worry.- he nodded, a little. 
-Where's Bucky? I have to gave him these.- she said smiling, looking among the other men, Steve didn't answered, and lowered his gaze -Where's Bucky, Steve?- she repeated, as her heart started to beat faster, feeling a knot in her throat, then she understood, no, no.- she shook her head, feeling her eyes tearing up and her breath became irregular -Tell me this is a stupid joke, please...he can't...he can't, no.- she said, bursting in tears as he hug her tightly, trying to comfort her. 
All the men who were watching that scene knew the relationship between the Sergeant and woman, they felt bad for y/n, seeing her like that.
-It's gonna be okay, y/n/n...I'm here and I won't go anywhere...I promise.- he whispered, stoking her hair. 
-You had also promised...that we would have been...all look what happened...- she answered, breaking from the hug and locking herself in her room.
y/n holed up in her room for a couple days, before Steve, Peggy and Howard convinced her to come out. 
She was feeling overwhelmed by the sadness. 
The idea of not seeing Bucky or hearing his voice anymore broke her heart even more. 
She had spent the first two nights crying, cuddled up with his jacket. 
She was hitting rock bottom and she knew it, but there was nothing she could do about it. 
y/n that used to be happy and cheerful, she was the one who brought a little joy around the base, now it was like all her emotions were drained. 
And everyone noticed that. 
Even Colonel Phillips, who usually was a total jerk, had understood the fragile situation in which the woman was living, and decided to be a bit more careful with his words when she was around. 
Steve was as devastated and broken as she was. 
-I'm going after Schmidt.- y/n told Steve and Peggy, one day -I'm not gonna stop until all of Hydra is dead or captured.- 
-You won't be alone.- Steve told her, placing a hand on her shoulder and nodded a little. 
After a quick meeting they arrived at the conclusion that Schmidt was in the last Hydra base in the Alps, so they decided to go to his front door.
Steve and y/n got on their motorcycle and started driving in the direction of the Alps.
When they were relatively close to the last base, they noticed dozens of hydra agents on motorcycles.
The two supersoldiers defeated them pretty easily using Howard's little tricks that he had incorporated in the vehicles. 
They managed to break in and killed many enemies. 
But after a while the two of them were surrounded and captured.
Once they were inside Schimdt was in front of them.
His skin was still red as they remembered. 
-Arrogance may not be an uniquely American trait, but I must say, you do it better than anyone. But there are limits to what even you can do, Captains. Or did Erskine tell you otherwise?- he asked, walking to them.
-He told us you were insane.- y/n told him, with a tone full of hate.
-Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny what was rightfully mine. But he gave you everything. So, what made you two so special?- he asked, looking at them.
-Nothing.- Steve smiled -We're just kids from Brooklyn.- he said as Schimdt punch him in the face a couple of time and kicked in the stomach, until he fell on his knees -I can do this all day.- he said coughing a little as y/n tried to freed herself. 
-Of course you can, of course.- he mocked him -But, unfortunately, I am on tight schedule.- he said, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Steve's head.
Suddenly some soldiers started to arrive, to help the two siblings.
-So are we.- the blonde said as he and his sister chased their enemies away. 
The alliance started to shoot at the hydra agents and at Schmidt, who ran away.
-Rogers! You might need this!- one of Steve's friends threw the shield at him. 
-Thanks!- he answered, as the two siblings started chasing the man, while the rest of the team attacked Schimdt's army. 
During the chase they bumped into Peggy, who had just killed a man, and the others.
-You're late.- Steve told her, getting closer to her.
-Weren't you about to...- she made him notice. 
-Right.- he said, walking away, leaving her behind.
When y/n and Steve found him, after fighting with a couple of agents, he was getting on a plane.
They were too slow so they missed it, luckily enough the Colonel and Peggy passed next to them with a car.
-Get in.- he told them, playing the clason. 
They got in the car and the Colonel drove as fast as he could. 
-Keep it steady!- Steve ordered as they stood up. 
-Wait!- Peggy said, taking him from his uniform and kissing him -Go get him.-
-I'm not kissing you!- the Colonel told him, as y/n chuckled a little.
The two of them jumped on the wheels of the plane just in time before it got up in flight.
Steve used his shield to force a door and they got in. 
After a few moments, trying to understand where the pilot cabin could be, they started to look around.
While they were perlustarting the plane something caught their attention.
Three bombs with some names on it.
Boston, Chicago and New York.
But they were sure that there were more of those. 
Once they had found the cabin, while Steve was fighting with Schmidt, y/n tried to change course to the plane. 
-You don't give up, do you?- he asked Steve.
-Nope.- he answered, protecting himself with the shield. 
y/n heard behind her the two men fighting, but she didn't know who was winning. 
Suddenly one of them hit the push-button and the plane started to go down. 
Steve kicked Schimdt against something and a blue glowing cube appeared, as he picked it up and it started to glow even more, then the man started screaming in pain. 
Some seconds later a flash of light sucked him in, making him disappear.
One he was gone, Steve reached his sister.
-Come on. These are the Captains Rogers. Do you hear me?- Steve asked, by radio.
-Steve, is that you. Are you and y/n alright?- Peggy asked him, worried.
-Peggy, Schimdt is dead.- he said, looking in front of him. 
-What about the plane?- 
-This's a little bit tougher to explain.- he said, looking at y/n, who was trying to find a solution. 
-Give me your coordinates. I'll find you a safe landing site.- Peggy said.
-That's not gonna be a safe landing. But I can try and force it down.- he said. 
-I'll get Howard on the line. He'll know what to do.- she said, hopefully. 
-There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York. We got to put her in the water.- be said, as y/n nodded a little. 
-Please, don't do this. We have time. We can work it out.- she begged. 
-Right now we're in the middle of nowhere. If we wait any longer, a lot of people are gonna die.- he said.
-Peggy, this is our choice.- y/n said, trying not to cry, as they turned the plane down, heading to the water.
-Peggy?- he called her.
-I'm here.- 
-I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance.- 
-Alright.- she said, as her eyes teared up -A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club.- 
-You got it.- he nodded. 
-8 o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare dare to be late. Understood?- she asked, as y/n smiled through her tears.
-You know, I still don't know how to dance.- he admitted.
-I'll show you how. Just be there.- she said, chuckling a little. 
-We'll have the band playing something slow. I'd hate to step on your foot.- he said as the connection interrupted and they sank in the water. 

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