Chapter 28

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-And last but not least the main room, in which we were before.- y/n finished her tour to Bucky, noticing that now the room was empty.
-Thank you. For everything.- he said, smiling at her. 
-You're welcome. Let's go sit. I made you walk for quite long time.- she said, taking him by his left wrist and she was a little surprised when she noticed it was tough, then she remembered what he told her and Steve before, that he had lost his arm during the fall, he immediately flinched and retracted his arm -Sorry, I didn't mean to.- she said, as he took a step behind. 
-No, no. Don't apologise. It's my fault. I...I'm still not used to physical touch when we talk about my arm. Sorry.- he said, lowering his gaze and adjusting his glove.
-Hey, it's okay, Buck. Me and Steve are here and you're safe, okay?- y/n smiled, reassuring him,and carefully put her hand in his right hand. 
-I know, I know and I'm really thankful for that. I really am.- he said, smiling sadly -Come here.- he said spreading his arms as she threw herself in his arms. 
When y/n felt the warmth of his body against hers, she felt good.
She felt protected. 
Bucky closed his eyes, imagining that he was still "normal" and nothing had happened. 
Not the enrollment.
Not the capture. 
Not the torture.
Not the fall.
-Miss Rogers, if I may interrupt you for a second.- the voice asked as y/n and Bucky broke the hug, immediately, almost flinched at the voice. 
-Yes Jarvis. What is it?- she asked, looking around. 
-Miss Maximoff told me to send you a video. Do you want me to reproduce it?- the AI asked, politely. 
-Sure. Go on.- she said, frowning a little confused, as both her and Bucky turned their heads to the TV.
On the screen appeared the main room, full as it was a few hours before. 
The scenes, y/n noticed, it had happened just when she and Bucky had left, a moment later Tony left the room too. 
-What the frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac is this shit?- Peter asked. 
-What the fuck, kid?- Steve asked looking at him confused. 
-Language, Captain.- he said, proudly as everyone tried not to laugh.  
-I'm going to train.- he said, standing up. 
-Maybe you meant under a train?- Nat said, high-fiving Peter as everyone burst out laughing. 
-I'm so done.- he said, sighing and leaving the room. 
After a first moment of shock, they looked at each other and then burst into laughter. 
-I's the first time I ever...ever heard Steve swearing.- Bucky said, trying to stop the laugh.
-There is a first time for everything, I guess.- y/n answered, covering her mouth as she laughed. 
When the room was filled with her laugh, Bucky couldn't help when his heart skipped a beat and bounced in his chest. 
Her laugh still had an effect on him apparently. 
After they calmed down, y/n explained what had happened to the world in the last decades and what had happened after their defrost.
-Okay. That's insane.- he said, with wide eyes when she told him about the battle of New York. 
-Yeah, when Tony almost sacrificed himself we all were shocked. No-one of us thought he was able to do it.- y/n told him -And after he hit the ground, we all thought he was dead and he had the audacity to open his eyes and say "Hey, let's go and eat Shawarma!" like nothing happened.- she said, throwing her hands in the air, as she stretched out on the sofa. didn't have to say yes to Tony, y'know...- the man said, as his fists clenched at the memory. 
-He would let you stay even if I refused to go out with him. But I'm just curious to see what he has in mind.- she explained, Bucky was about to say something but she preceded him -I know what you're about to say. But don't worry, I can take care of myself. And you know I can. Do you remember when me and Steve saved you and all those men?- y/n said, trying to reassure him. 
-Yeah, I remembered perfectly. I'd never forget it.- he said as she patted his shoulder. 
-Anyway we should go out and buy you some stuff. Like clothes, y'know? I can ask Steve to accompany you, if you want.- she said. 
-No, no. Don't bother him. You can come with me. Back in the days your advice on what I should have worn had always been better than Steve's.- Bucky said.
He really wanted to spend some time with her. 
Possibly alone.
Not that he wanted to do something, just because he had missed her. 
From her part, y/n blushed a little, but immediately recomposed herself. 
-You're right.- she giggled nodding -We can go when you want, Buck.- 
-What about now?- he asked, smiling. 
-Alright. Let me just steal Tony's credit card.- she grinned a little.
-But he...- Bucky tried to complain, but she shut him up.
-He won't get mad. He probably won't even notice. Plus I think I'm buying a new dress for the dinner.- she said, standing up, as Bucky blushed a little remember y/n in that red dress -I'll be back in a few minutes. Wait here.- she said, standing up and leaving the room, heading to the lab to get Tony's card, and maybe, if she was lucky enough, the keys of one of his expensive cars. 
Bucky was left alone with his thoughts. 
He started looking around, waiting for y/n to come back, as his mind started working. 
He remembered all the times in which he could have told her what he felt for her but he didn't because scared of rejection. 
Now he couldn't do anything to get her attention. 
He wasn't rich.
He wasn't smart. 
He had a metal arm.
He simply wasn't enough for her. 
The noise of the metal door opening brought him back to reality and he saw y/n walking in, smiling and showing off a little rectangular piece of gold plastic and a key car. 
-I've got them! Let's go.- she said, linking her arm to his, which made both of their hearts skip a beat, then they walked out of the tower and headed to the garage. 
-These are...many...many cars.- Bucky breathed out looking at them. 
-Come on. Choose one of them.- she said, smiling. 
-But you already have the key of one.- he pointed out. 
-Well, Tony actually made sure that this key is adaptable to any of his cars. So you can chose.- she smiled. 
-I don't know...the black one?- he pointed at one convertible car with the roof down, that looked less expensive. 
-Alright. Let's get in.- y/n said, sitting in the driver seat and Bucky in the passenger side. 

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