Chapter 38

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A few hours later, when the others had come back, y/n informed them that her and Bucky had baked a cake and Steve was quite surprised, given that it had been a while since she had cooked.
But she had made it clear that they would have waited for Peter to eat it.
-Hey Buck, do you want to come with me to pick up the Spiderlings and to talk with his teacher?- y/n asked as the keys clattered in her hands.
-I...I'm not sure. How will kids react to my arm?- he asked, a little scared, looking at her.
-I will be with you. Don't worry about them. Sure, they'll give you some looks but it will be purely looks of curiosity and surprise, not of hate and disgust.- she assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
-Alright then. I'm in.- he smiled, sweetly at her.
y/n and Bucky got in the car and drove to Midtown High School.
Once they arrived, they parked the car and got out.
y/n took her phone out of her pocket and sent a message to Peter.

Spider boy 🕸

Hey sweetie.
Me and Bucky are here to talk with your teacher.
Can you come to the enter?
Or tell us where we could find him?

Oh, yeah.
I'm in his class, actually.

Which class is it?

We're in the fourth room of the first floor.
Before the bathroom.
Or ask someone where his classroom is.

Got it.
Thanks Pete.
By the way, you know what you did?

I'm not sure.
I think it's because someone heard me telling Ned and MJ about me staying at the tower and they think I'm lying.

Alright. We are coming.

-Fourth room of the floor. Before the bathroom.- y/n said out loud, reading Peter's messages -That way, I guess.- she said starting to walk, followed by Bucky.
After a few minutes they found the class and knocked at the door.
As they knocked Peter immediately turned his head to the door.
-Come in.- Mr Harrington said as the two supersoldiers walked in, as everyone in that room looked shocked at the two of them.
-Mr Harrington, I presume. I'm y/n Rogers and he's James Barnes.- she quickly introduced, smiling directly to Peter.
-Miss Rogers? What...what are you doing here?- he asked, looking at them, slightly confused.
-I came here as guardian of Peter Parker. May Parker asked me to come here to talk to you.- she explained.
Everyone immediately turned to him, while Peter blushed and looked away.
-Why are you his guardian? Where is his aunt now?- the teacher asked.
-His aunt is out of town for a while and we, the Avengers, are his guardians until she comes back. You can call her, it's true. So anything you wanted to tell her you can tell me.- y/n said, starting to get annoyed by him.
-I'm...sorry...what? What do you mean by that?- the man asked again, glaring at Peter.
-Given that May is the only family member Peter has left, he was supposed to go with her, but as you may know Peter is actually doing his internship at the Stark Industries. So Peter told Tony Stark that he wouldn't attend a few days of internship because of the trip. Tony, being the good man he is, asked May if Peter could stay at the Avengers Tower until she had come back, since he didn't want to go, and she accepted. So. Yeah. That's it.- y/n finished her explanation shrugging, as everyone seemed speechless, moving their gazes from the woman to Peter and vice versa -So, now. What did you want to talk about?- she asked, again, to the teacher.
-I...I had called Miss Parker because I thought Peter was lying about...staying at the tower and saying that he knew Mr Harrington said, scratching the back of his neck, embarrassed.
-I can assure you Peter is staying in the tower and he knows us very well.- y/n said, giving a wink to Peter, who gave her a "that was really necessary?" look, when the whole room was filled with whispers and looks -Actually he often helped us. Like last week he helped Tony to refresh my suit and he came out with many good ideas. He's such an intelligent and nice boy. When Tony introduced him to the rest of the team, we were a little reluctant, but he proved us to be very useful, so I won't be surprised if he in a few years will work at the Stark Industries officially.- she admitted -If that's all you wanted to know, we'll go out and wait for your lesson to finish so then we and Peter can go.-
-Yes, yes. Miss Rogers, of course. Sorry for the bother. I didn't mean...- the man said, adjusting his glasses.
-You don't need to apologise to me. But you should to Peter.- she pointed at him with her gaze.
-You're right. I'm sorry for not believing you, Peter. I won't happen again.- Mr Harrington said, as the class giggled, seeing the immediate change.
-I really hope so. Now we'll leave to your class.- y/n said, shaking the teacher's hand -See you in a bit, sweetie.- she added, as she and Bucky waved to Peter.
-Later y/n. Later Mr Bucky.- he smiled back at them, looking until the door was closed.
At that moment the whole class was on Peter's desk all shouting, asking questions and curiosity about the tower.
Of course he didn't say anything.
Bucky was quite surprised at how good y/n had handled the situation.
When they walked outside, she sighed in relief.
-Was I good enough?- she asked, a little worried, stopping and looking at him.
-Absolutely yes. I'm pretty sure you scared him a bit.- he admitted chuckling, taking her hand in his.
-Well, at least Peter will have good grades in his subject.- she joked, leaning against a wall, next to the entrance of the school, waiting for the end of Peter's lesson.
When the bell rang and the students started to come out, y/n let Bucky's hand go immediately, when he looked at her, confused, she gave him a "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" look.
After a few minutes, Peter was walking to them, followed by a boy and a girl.
-Hi y/n. Hi Mr Bucky. Thanks for coming to talk to him and picking me up.- Peter said, hugging her as she gently rubbed his back.
-You're welcome, sweetie.- she said, touched by that cute gesture -You must be Ned and MJ. Peter talked a lot about you two.- she moved her attention to the two.
-Yes, our pleasure Miss Rogers and Mr Barnes.- Ned said, looking at them, slightly shocked by the fact that she knew who they were.
-We'd like to stay here and talk with you two but we really have to go, but you two could come over some day. It would be lovely, wouldn't it, Peter?- she asked, with a smile.
-We? At the Avengers Tower? Seriously?- Ned asked, as he and MJ widened their eyes.
-Yeah, I don't see why not.- y/n nodded, smiling softly at their reaction.
-Dude! Did you hear that? Avengers Tower!- Peter and Ned said in chorus, doing a weird handshake.
-We should go now.- Bucky joined the conversation, placing a hand on y/n's shoulder.
-Yeah, you're right, sorry Buck. Let's go Peter. Bye guys, it was amazing meeting you.- she said, smiling at them.
-Same for us, bye.- the you teens waved at them as the three superheroes got in the car, on their way to the tower. two...- Peter started talking, placing himself between the two seats.
-No, we're not together!- y/n immediately said, as her heartbeats became faster.
-Why would you say that?- Bucky immediately said too -There is absolutely nothing between us.-
-I was just asking if you two noticed Miss Romanoff and Doctor Banner behaviour lately too, actually...- he admitted, adjusting his own hair.
-Oh...- they breathed out at the same time -Peter, please...-
-I won't tell Captain Rogers, don't worry.- he smiled, sweetly.
-Thanks sweetie.- y/n smiled back at him.
-We made a cake before. Wanna go and eat it?- Bucky asked, turning his head to him.
-Are you trying to buy me?- Peter asked, with an amused grin.
-Depends. Is it working?- he asked, with the same tone.
-Maybe.- the youngest replied.
-Alright. Let's get to the tower and eat it.- y/n nodded, driving to the tower.

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