Chapter 36

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-Hey, y/n. Can he said, while she turned her head, since she was reading an old newspaper. 
-Sure.- she replied - Can I go first?- she asked, standing up in front of Steve's first shield. 
-Mhmh, go on.- he nodded, getting closer to her and lowering her hood. 
At that gesture her heart skipped a beat. 
-I like you Buck...- she said, blushing a little -And what I said yesterday it's all true, you've been with me during the best and the worst moments of my life. You're were and you will always be my Bucky.- y/n said, looking around, trying not to make eye contact with him -It took not too long to figure out that I liked you back in the days. I literally blushed every little compliment you made me but...I never found the courage to tell you. And when...when you left for the war I was so so scared to lose you, then Steve told me about a doctor who had told him that he could join the army, I got even more scared. But then I got some serum too. Weeks later, after an awful show, we saw some pretty injured people and Peggy told us that the majority of 107th had been killed and the others had been kidnapped, at that moment my mind stopped thinking. I couldn't believe...I didn't want to believe that you were dead so Steve and I came to rescue you and the others. That was the most beautiful day of my life.- she said, squeezing his hand -Then when we were all together and safe I was so happy and...and then you, Steve and the others went on that mission and died. I was devastated, sad, angry...- she looked him in the eyes and he noticed that she has teary eyes -Then I promised myself that I would have taken down every single hydra agents and also Shmidt. When me and Steve did it, I realised I had to...sacrifice myself. But I was happy to do it because...I would had a chance you see you again.- she said, as tears came out of eyes and Bucky wiped it with his thumb, touched by what she had confessed him. 
-So...- he said, after a moment of silence, trying to find the best words -I like you too...I'm sorry it took me that long to say it.- he said, making her smile -I figured it out too late. I started to understand I had feelings for you the night you left us to go with Howard. I started asking myself why I was so pissed if I was with that girl. I was jealous and I didn't know. Then when I left for the front I missed every little thing that you used to do and I understood your importance for me. Every word I wrote in that letter I meant that.- he said taking a deep breath -When you and Steve saved me I was really surprised to see you, cause I really thought I was going to die. I was convinced that I was going to die. The evening that you wore that red dress, I decided that I wanted to try to understand if you had feelings for me. Your smile and your laugh were and still are the most beautiful things that made me fall for you. I really wanted to kiss you that night but I didn't because...- Bucky chuckled embarrassed, making her laugh a little -Because I was a coward and I'm sorry. Then the morning that me, Steve and the others left for the Zola's mission I wanted to tell you what I felt but...we both know how things ended up, don't we?- he asked, smiling sadly, as she nodded. 
-Yeah, I guess it was like "right person, wrong time", but here we are.- y/n said with a sweet smile, looking at Bucky's eyes. 
Both their hearts were beating faster, their breaths were shaky.
-So, y/ we want to a...a chance?- he asked, caressing her cheek softly. 
-I...yeah. I mean...if you want it too.- y/n answered, as her cheeks heated up. 
She still couldn't believe it was actually happening. 
"If it's a dream don't wake me up." she thought. 
-I never wanted anything but this.- he admitted smiling as much as he could -You?- he asked, looking at her eyes and her lips.
-I want this too. You don't know for how long I've been waiting.- she said, bringing her arms around his neck as he brought his on her waist, pulling her in for a kiss. 
Once their lips touched it was like the rest of the world had disappeared.
It was just the two of them.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Their bodies were in sync, like they have done it a million times before. 
y/n felt Bucky smirking into the kiss, a thing that made her smile too, together with the feeling of his grip on her waist. 
Butterflies unleashed in both of their stomachs made them feel good, truly happy and loved for the first time in decades. 
When they broke the kiss Bucky leaned his forehead on hers, as y/n rubbed her nose against his, making him smile softly, at that sweet gesture. 
When they started to hear some voices and footsteps, Bucky immediately lifted her hood over her head, covering y/n's face and she took his hand in hers. 
-Let's get out of here. Too many people.- she said, pulling out of the museum, walking on the street again -What do you say if we go and buy you a necklace for that tag, Sergeant?- she asked, intertwining their fingers. 
-Yeah, let's go.- he answered, giving her a smile as they started walking. 
After they got a simple silverfish necklace for Bucky's tag they started getting back in the tower.
-Wait a second.- y/n said, slowing down with the car. 
-What's wrong?- Bucky asked, concerned. 
-Don't we have to tell them immediately, do we?- she asked, turning her face a little.
-No, of course no, sugar. When we'll be ready we'll tell them.- he said, giving her a reassuring smile. 
-Alright. I'm kinda scared of how Steve will react, though.- she admitted -You're his best friend and I'm his sister. If we don't work out it'll be weird.- 
-I'm making you a promise now. I will never hate you and I don't care if we don't work. If this ends I'll try my best to continue to be your friend, alright?- he asked, raising his little finger. 
-Pinkie promise?- she asked, remembering that they used to do that everytime. 
-Pinkie promise.- he nodded, as y/n linked their fingers. 
Before they got out of the car, Bucky quickly kissed her lips then they entered the tower.

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