Chapter 14

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The campaign was going quite fine among the americans.
But, apparently not in Italy in November 1943. 
Steve, used to be respected, was quite shocked when the other soldiers didn't look interested in him and in what he was saying.
y/n looked at the show from the backstage.  
She usually danced with the other girls. 
And she hated it, because she was like Steve, so why couldn't she do what he did? 
Simple, because she was a woman. 
"You aren't a soldier." was the thing that she had heard more in those days. 
-How many of you are ready to help me sock old Adolf on the jaw?- Steve asked at the soldiers, who were visibly annoyed and no one answered -Okay...ehm...I need a volunteer.- 
-I already volunteered! How do you think I got here?- one of the crowd asked, as everyone laughed. 
-Bring back the girls!- another yelled as all of them agreed with him. 
Steve looked around a little confused on what to do. 
-I think they only know the one song, but...ehm...I'll see what I can do.- he said, looking for help.
-You do that, sweetheart.- another man answered him. 
-Nice boots, Tinker Bell!- a man shouted and everyone laughed at what he had said. 
-Come on, guys, we're all on the same team here.- Steve tried to keep them calm.  
y/n could see that it wasn't going well but she couldn't do anything. 
-Hey, Captain! Sign this!- a man yelled, standing up and showing his ass to Steve, who looked away, embarrassed then he sighed, as everyone clapped and started throwing stuff at him on the stage as Steve used the shield to protect himself.
-Bring back the girls!- they yelled again as he walked into the backstage and the girl walked on the stage, trying to keep the soldiers calm. 
y/n looked at the dress she was wearing, a white top with a blue star, too low cut for her and a too short red and blue striped skirt. 
"How do the other girls wear this and don't complain?" she thought, taking her helmet off and decided to follow Steve, after she had changed her clothes.
-Don't worry, pal. They'll warm up to you. Don't worry.- a man told Steve, as he walked down the stairs of the backstage, while the girls were walking up, to get on the stage. 
Peggy had arrived a few hours ago, when she bumped in y/n, so they started searching for him.
It was raining, but Steve was sitting outside sketching under a canopy. 
-Hey there.- y/n caught his attention. 
-Hello Steve.- the agent said approaching him. 
-Hi.- he said, turning his head to where the voices came from. 
-Hi.- she said, adjusting her jacket, as the two women sat next to him. 
-What are you doing here?- Steve asked Peggy. 
-Officially, I'm not here at all.- she said -That was quite the performance.- 
-It sure was.- y/n nodded, giving her brother a half smile. 
-Yeah...emh...I had to improvise a little bit.- he said, shrugging -The crows I'm used to are usually more...ehm...- he started talking but he stopped. 
-Twelve?- his sister completed the phrase as he nodded. 
-I understand you're "America's new hopes".- Peggy told them. 
-Not me. Just him.- y/n said, taking a deep breath. 
-Bond sales take a 10% bump in every state we visit.- he said to her.
-Is that Senator Brandt I hear?- Peggy asked. 
-At least he's got us doing this.- he answered -Phillips would have had us stuck in a lab.- he pointed out, as y/n nodded. 
She knew it was true. 
-And these two are your only options?- Peggy asked them -Lab rats or dancing monkeys?- she asked, looking over Steve's notebook -You were meant for more than this, you know.- she said as him and y/n looked around, not talking for a moment -What?- 
-You know, for the longest time, I dreamed about...coming overseas and being on the front lines, serving my country. I finally got everything I wanted...and I'm wearing tights.- he sighed. 
-You can't say that they don't suit you.- y/n joked, trying to light up the mood. 
Steve was about to say something when a van with a white square and a red cross on it entered the base, playing the clason as loud as it could. 
Some men rushed to it, opening the back and taking out a man lying on a stretcher, seriously injured. 
y/n sighed loudly, worried for Bucky. 
"What if he is wounded?" was immediately her first thought, remembering the letter he had written to her, telling her she had tried to fix the wound himself, but he had failed by hurting himself even more. 
She chuckled a little at that memory. 
-Like tooks like they've been through hell.- Steve commented, pointing those men with his gaze. 
-These men more than most.- Peggy said, shifting her gaze -Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men went up against him, and less than fifty returned. Your audience contained what was left out of the 107th.- she said as y/n and Steve's eyes immediately widened, as their heads turned to her in pure shock -The rest were killed or captured.- 
-The 107th?!- y/n's voice asked, as a knot formed in her throat and her heart sank. 
"No, no, no. Please be a bad joke or a misunderstanding...please..." she thought, as her hand flew to her necklace. 
-What?- Peggy's voice and eyes were full of confusion. 
y/n, followed by Steve and Peggy, run to reach the Colonel who had the list of the dead soldiers.
They run under the rain and risk slipping every step because of the dirt and the mud. 
But she didn't care. 
She had to know that he was okay.  
He had be okay.
"He promised me that he wouldn't have died!" she thought as a tear formed in her eyes. 
Her heart was beating so fast that she heard it in her ears.  
-Come on.- Steve encouraged Peggy, who had his jacket on her head so that she wouldn't get too wet. 

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