Chapter 22

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-Curved ball, high and outside for ball one. So the Dodgers are tied, 4-4.- the radio said as y/n and Steve stating to opened their eyes -And the crowd well knows that with one swing of his bat, this fellow's capable of making it a brand new game again.- 
y/n looked at the room they were in as the radio continued talking.
They were in a lighted room, a little furnished with two beds, two bedsides, a little radio, some flowers in a vase. 
So a pretty basic room recovery room. 
But something felt wrong. 
-Just an absolutely gorgeous day here at Ebbets Field. The Phillies have managed to tie it up at 4-4. But the Dodgers have three men on.- y/n and Steve sat up, continuing to hear the radio, in confusion, because they didn't remember how they ended up there -Pearson beaned Reiser in Philadelphia last month. Wouldn't the youngster like a hit here to return the favour? Pete leans in. He's the pitch. Swung on. A line to the right. And it gets past Rizzo. Three runs will score. Reiser heads to third. Durocher's going to wave him in.- y/n looked at Steve with wide eyes and it looked like he had thought the same thing -Here comes the relay, but they won't get him.-
At that moment a woman came in, closing the door behind her. 
She was as tall as y/n, with brown hair, dressed in a white shirt, tie and a black skirt. 
y/n could swear that she had never seen her in her life and that Peggy should have been in her place, so why wasn't she there?
Another thing that didn't seem right to her. 
-Goodmorning. Or should I say afternoon?- she said, looking at her watch.
-Where are we?- y/n asked her.
-You're in a recovery room in New York City.- she answered smiling. 
-The Dodgers take the lead, 8-4. Oh, Dodgers! Everyone is on their feet.- the radio said, as Steve looked around, suspicious -What a game we have here today, folks. What a game, indeed.- 
-Where are we really?- Steve asked her.
-I'm afraid I don't understand.- the woman said, chuckling a little, visibly uncomfortable. 
-The game.- y/n said, turning to Steve -It's from May 1941. I know 'cause we were there.- she said, bringing her hand to her neck, feeling both her necklaces.
The one with the three pearls and the one with Bucky's tags.
The woman's face turned pale.
Her expression was of pure shock. 
-Now, I'm going to ask you again.- Steve said as they stood up and they approached the woman -Where are we?- 
-Captains Rogers...- she tried to stay calm as her breath hitched. 
-Who are you?- y/n asked her, as her heart started to beat faster.
In that moment two agents walked in and, immediately, Steve and y/n threw them against the wall, breaking it pretty easily. 
"That it wasn't a real room, just a reconstruction." she noticed. 
They walked out of the hole in the wall and looked around, even more confused than before. 
-Captains Rogers, wait!- the woman tried to call them, without success, as they ran away -All agents, code 13!- the woman said in a walkie talkie, as the men chased them -I repeat. All agents, code 13!-
Steve continued running, checking a couple of times if his sister was near him, and she was. 
On their way a lot of agents tried to stop them, unsuccessfully, because the two supersoldiers were too strong.
As they reached the main room, they immediately ran outside, arriving on a street.
A car almost hit them, when they looked around shocked and confused by the place that surrounded them. 
Tall buildings full of lights, different noises, a lot of different faces, by colors and shapes. 
They looked at the buildings, noticing  a lot of bright and colorful signs as some drivers played the clacson to make them move. 
Then some black cars approached them. 
Some agents came out, keeping as far as possible the curious people on the street. 
-At ease, soldiers!- a black bald man with an eyepatch told them -Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it best to break it to you slowly.- he explained walking to them. 
-Break what?- Steve asked, catching his breath after the run. 
-You've been asleep, Caps. For almost 70 years.- he said as the two siblings looked at each other, then around, taking some deep breaths -You gonna be okay?- the man asked, with a little worry in his eyes. 
-Yeah. Yeah, I just...I had a date.- he answered as she nodded at the man, bringing her hand on her necklaces again. 
A couple of days later Steve was in a gym, punching a punching bag, trying to get rid of the stress of those last days, after they had found out what had happened to them. 
y/n looked at him, from her corner, sighing a little. 
Both of them had different ways to metabolize the thing. 
If for him it was through physical training, she prefered reading what had happened to the whole world after their "sacrifice". 
-Trouble sleeping?- a voice asked from behind, the man, who they learned was called Fury.
"We've been sleeping for 70 years, what did you expect?" she thought, but kept her mouth shut. 
-You're here with a mission, sir?- Steve immediately asked. 
-I am.- he said, approaching them. 
-Trying to get us back in the world?- she asked, closing a book and resting it on her lap. 
-Trying to save it.- Fury said as the two siblings widened their eyes.
A few days later they were on a jet, with an Agent, Coulson, who seemed to be a fan of the Rogers siblings. 
They got on the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s quinjet, because Fury wanted to introduce them to the rest of the team. 
As they walked in, y/n immediately noticed a man with a glowing circle on his chest and her heart skipped a beat. 
-Ho...Howard?- she asked, approaching him. 
-Nope, sweetheart, I'm sorry. I'm Tony Stark. I'm his son.- he smiled, reaching out his hand, which she grabbed -He told me a million times that he had met you two.- he pointed Steve with his gaze. 
-Okay, if you have finished I wanted to introduce the rest of the team.- Fury said, interrupting them. 
-Sorry, boss.- Tony mocked him, rolling his eyes. 
"Cocky as his father, I see." y/n thought. 
-I'm Natasha Romanoff.- said the redhead, who smiled a little. 
She was the only girl, apart from y/n. 
-I'm Clint Barton. Pleasure.- he said, then y/n noticed something in his ear, and he noticed that -Oh, that? I became deaf. This is a hearing aid.- he smiled, as y/n blushed a little for the embarrassed. 
-I'm Bruce Banner.- a shy man with glasses, introduced himself. 
-And, as you all know, I'm Stark Tony Stark.- said the genius, getting a dirty look from almost everyone present. 
-I'm y/n.- she simply said. 
-And I'm Steve Rogers.- the blonde said. 
From that moment everything changed for all of them. 

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