Chapter 12

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Because everyone was celebrating, nobody noticed a man who looked very suspicious. 
Suddenly the doctor noticed that something was off. 
He looked around then he saw him. 
A man with a lighter in his hand.
The elderly man was about to reach him, to stop him, but the other pushed the button and the room where the other men, y/n and Peggy were before exploded. 
Steve immediately used his body as a shield for the two ladies.
The man took the last vial with the serum.
-Stop him!- the doctor yelled as the man shooted in his direction, sending the hit, hitting the doctor right in the shoulder, next to his neck. 
y/n held her breath, as everyone else.
Steve ran to the doctor, who fell on the floor, as Peggy shooted a couple of times, trying to stop the thief.
y/n walked to her brother and Erskine, with her heart in her throat, flinching every time she heard another shot, despite they were far from them.
Peggy, without thinking twice, rushed out of the lab, chasing that man. 
y/n knelt next to Steve. 
The older man pointed Steve's heart with his finger.
-Not a perfect soldier...- he started.
-But a good man.- Steve finished.
Then he turned to y/n.
-I...I have another...another...- he coughed a little -Another vial...I want you to have it...- 
-No...I...can't.- she said, shocked -I'm not the right person...why me?- she asked.
-For the same reason as your're a good woman.- he smiled weakly -Call Mr. Stark...this is my last wish...- 
-Please stay with us for another moment.- Steve said -I'll go call him then I'm going to catch that man.- Steve said, standing up and walking away. 
In the next minute everyone had left the lab. 
The only remaining were y/n, Howard and Erskine. 
-Doctor...- he whispered. 
-It's not the time for sentiment, Stark, I need...- he coughed again -I need the buttons guy. Can you...can you do it?-
-Of course, doc, sorry.- he quickly collected himself -y/n, take off your shirt please. You have a tank top under that, right?- Howard asked. 
-Yes, I do.- she nodded, blushing a little.
-Alright. Take that off and lay there where Steve was.- he ordered as setting up the machines again -And your shoes too, please.- 
-It will work?- y/n asked, taking her shirt off and her heels, remaining with a black pencil skirt and a white tank top. 
Only at that moment did she notice that there was some blood on her hands.
She tried to get rid of that blood, but some was still there.
When she turned around she noticed that Howard was struggling with some stuff. 
-Yeah. It has to.- he sighed, checking the values. 
-Alright.- she nodded as she laid down in that weird machine, holding in her hand the necklace, wishing it could give her some courage. 
-When you're ready.- Howard informed her, pushing the last button. 
-Let's do this.- she said, taking a deep breath and looking over where the doctor was sitting. 
He was going to die any moment now. 
y/n forced herself to fight back those tears. 
She had to be strong. 
-You can do it, y/n...- Erskine whispered, but she heard him -You're a good woman...I trust you like I trust your brother...never doubt of yourself...don't let anyone, man or woman, tell you what to do...-
-Thank you, doctor Erskine...- she smiled at him as a single tear ran along her cheek. 
-Five. Four. Three. Two. One.- Howard counted down, then y/n felt some needles in her skin. 
Then she felt moving, in fact the machine was rising, exactly like when Steve had done it, less than an hour ago. 
The pain wasn't strong enough to make her scream, like Steve, but she thought it was because she had only one vial, while he had more of that serum. 
-Everything is okay in there?- Howard asked her -How do you feel?- 
-Yes, I'm okay. I'm starting to feel weird. In a good way.- she answered as the light started to become more intense, making her close her eyes.
-Okay, good. That's 50%.- he informed her, checking the vital signs -Everything is stable. That's 60.- he said, continuing to raise that level -100%.- 
The next moment she felt like her vision blurred and her mind spinning, because of the steam.
When the machine opened itself she started to breathe air again.
Howard rushed to her side, putting an arm around her waist to help her stand up. 
-We...we did it?- she asked, catching her breath.
-I don't know. Punch something and let's see.- he shrugged, joking. 
They looked over at the doctor who now had his eyes closed and had a relaxed face. 
The man knelt next to him, checking his pulse.
y/n looked at him, hoping that was still alive. 
-Is he...?- she asked as Howard nodded a little, looking down -Oh god...- her hands flew to her mouth -No, no...- she started crying. 
In that short time she had grown an affection for that elderly man.
She almost saw him as a father figure.
That scene brought to her mind the memory of mother dead on the floor. 
-It's okay, it's okay.- he tried to comfort her, hugging her, stroking her back. 
She started to cry even more hearing those words -He chose you because he trusted you.- he said, taking her hair off her face. 
He stood up and offered her his hand, which she took, standing up. 
A few minutes later Peggy and Steve walked in, joining the other two.
-You did it?- Steve asked his sister. 
-Yeah, I did.- she nodded, looking at the lifeless body. 
-We should come back to the base. You two need to be checked. And they have to draw blood from you, to try to recreate the serum.- Howard said, giving her a soft look
y/n without a word started to walk out and sat in the car, looking down at her hands.
A stain of blood was still there.
-I'm going to talk to her.- Peggy said.
-No, I'll go. I think it's not only the doctor's death to disturb her.- he said, understanding her behaviour. 
The three of them reached that car and got in there.
Howard was driving, Peggy in the front seat, while the two siblings were in the backseat. 
Steve slid an arm around his sister's shoulders, as she rested her head on his shoulder. 
Another single tear ran along her cheek, but she quickly wiped it. 

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