Chapter 6

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After y/n and Steve had seen Bucky going away, they went to buy some groceries. 
But their mind could just think about Bucky. 
It always has been the three of them and now being in two was a little weird.
Once they had come back home, she started sorting the stuff. 
"Now or never." Steve told himself, walking into the kitchen. 
He had tried to make a speech in his mind, but it was all a mess. 
He couldn't find the right words to explain to his sister the situation.
-Hey y/n...- he called her. 
-Oh, hey Steve. What's going on?- she asked, continuing arranging the shopping. 
-Can I tell you something? But, please, promise me you won't get angry.- he said sitting at the table. 
-What did you do this time?- she asked, shaking her head a little, turning around and giving him a half smile. 
-Yesterday night I met someone and...he could have offered me a place the army...- he said, lowering his tone. 
-I'm sorry, what?- y/n widened her eyes, in shock. 
She expected everything but this.
-Yeah. The Doctor Erskine said that he'll inject me with a serum that will make me stronger and...- he started talking. 
-Injection? A serum? What are you talking about?- she asked, confused and worried. 
-Hey, don't worry, Doctor Erskine will come here and will explain some things to me and you can listen too, so you can see it's not dangerous.- he tried to reassure her, but failed.
y/n wasn't ready for all this news. 
-Are you sure you want to do it? You're not obligated, y'know?- she said, sitting next to him, sighing. 
-I want to. I want to help everyone.- he nodded, convinced. 
She hugged him, scared. 
-You and Bucky are the only family I have left. Now Bucky is at the war front and I don't want to lose you too, Steve. I really don't want...- she said, feeling her eyes tearing up. 
-Me and Bucky will be okay, don't worry about us.- he hugged her back. 
Then someone knocked at the door.
Steve immediately stood up and went to open the door, as y/n quickly fixed her dress. 
-Goodmorning Rogers.- a voice said.
-Goodmorning Doctor Erskine.- Steve's voice welcomed him. 
Then an elderly man walked into the kitchen. 
He had white hair and beard, and he was wearing a pair of glasses and a black jacket. 
"He really looks like I imagine a doctor to be." she thought, looking at him. 
-Oh goodmorning miss.- he said,noticing her -I suppose you are Mr Rogers's sister.- he held out his hand for her, which she took. 
-Yes, that's me. I'm y/n. Goodmorning doctor.- she smiled -Please have a seat.- she pointed at the chairs. 
-Thank you.- he said as he sat on the chair, followed by Steve. 
-Can I bring you anything?- she asked politely.
-It's very kind of you, but no, thanks. I suppose Steve told you why I'm here.- 
-He mentioned it to me just a little while ago, yeah.- she nodded, feeling her heart heavier and sat with them. 
-Well, perfect .- then he turned his gaze to Steve -The serum will grow your body in stature and muscle mass and you will develop incredible abilities, including strength, endurance, speed, agility, senses, reflexes and intelligence at the limits of human possibilities. You will become totally immune to mind control and any type of toxin or disease, as well as developing the ability to heal injuries with incredible speed.- 
-That's a lot of things.- Steve said in a surprised tone. 
-It truly is...- y/n said, shifting her gaze on him -Is it safe? I mean are you sure he'll be okay after the injection?- 
-Completely, miss. I can assure you. He takes no risk.- the doctor smiled. 
The two of them discussed about other things, then when it was time for him to leave, Steve accompanied the doctor Erskine to the door, after saying goodbye to y/n. 
-I have a request, if it is possible.- Steve whispered to him as they were in front of the door. 
-What do you want to ask, Steve?- he asked, with a smile. 
-Well, if it's possible I wanted to ask you to let y/n stay in the base with us. She's the only person now who I have left. Please doctor. I don't want to be alone.- he begged him. 
-I'll see what I can do, Steve. I'll talk to a few people and when I'll send you a car, in a few days, I'll let you know.- he answered, with a warm smile -If the answer is positive she won't be the only girl. There is a female agent I know, so in case she'll be okay.-
-Thank you so much. This means a lot to me.- he nodded, thankfully at him.
-Alright then, soldier. I'll see you very soon. Remember. Not a perfect soldier but...- he started.
-But a good man. I know, I know.- he smiled a little -Goodbye doctor.- Steve waved at him.
-Goodbye.- he answered, sitting in the car.
Then Steve saw the car going away. 
When he walked in again, he found y/n wiping her eyes. 
She was scared of what could happen to Bucky and Steve. 
One was who knows where in war and the other was about to get injected with an unknown serum. 
Steve went by her side, not understanding what was going on. 
-What's wrong, y/n/n?- he asked her. 
-Steve...I lost...we lost mum...then Bucky is gone...I don't want to lose you too...- she sniffled. 
-Oh, y/n...- he hugged her -I promise you won't lose me or Bucky. After the war we'll be all together again. Like we used to be. I promise.- 
-Don't do it, Steve...- she said, looking into his eyes -Don't promise thing you can't control.- 
-You're right...sorry...- he lowered his gaze -If it can make you feel better I asked the doc to make you stay at the base with us, so you won't be alone. I also know that there is a female agent.- he shrugged. 
-Yeah, thank you Steve.- she hugged him, with a smile. 
y/n was worried for Steve, but she was trying to be a supportive sister and he had noticed it.

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