Chapter 11

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The doctor turned on the microphone to catch the attention of all the men in that room. 
-Do you hear me? Is this on? Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards innovation, but a first step on that path of peace.- he said, while the machine was being attached to Steve -We begin with a series of microinjections into the subject's major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change.- he started explaining, while other were taking some vials with blue liquid and attached that to the machine -And then, to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays.- he says as two metallic arms were attached to Steve's chest. 
A woman, y/n noticed, had injected Steve with something, because his face twitched. 
-That wasn't so bad.- Steve told the doctor, as the needle was removed from his body. 
-That was penicillin.- the doctor admitted, making a weird face -Serum infusion beginning in five...- he said, turning to the others, in the room everyone started to hold their breath -Four...- the machine started moving closer to his body -Three...- the doctor put a hand on Steve's shoulder, trying to reassuring him -Two...- then he raised his gaze to the other men -One.- 
A man moved a lever and the blue liquid started to disappear as Steve's face turned into an expression of pure pain, but he was trying his best not to scream. 
y/n was torturing her hands, pinching her palms, when she noticed her brother's expression. 
When Peggy noticed it, placed her hand on y/n's arm, smiling at her.
-Now, Mr. Stark.- Erskine ordered, turning to him, as he slightly nodded. 
Howard moved a little lever down. 
That weird amount of metal and bolts started to move up and it was closed on itself. 
Shortly after that Steve was completely closed inside. 
y/n immediately stood up, scared and confused. 
Steve, from his part, was just a little scared, way less than his sister was. 
At that moment a few people attached some tubes to the part where Steve was inside.
-Steven?- the doctor asked, knocking at the only piece of glass, where he could see him -Can you hear me?-  
-It's probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?- he asked as the elderly nodded to another man. 
-We will proceed.- he smiled proudly at Stark, who started clicking some buttons. 
y/n now was looking at him, as he turned his head to the little crowd, he gave her a reassuring smile, before putting on a pair of glasses. 
y/n sat back in her place, taking a deep breath. 
-That's 10%.- he said, moving a knob -20%.- as he said that, the capsule where Steve was in, started glowing more and more any moment -30.- everyone started covering their eyes for the too light in there -That's 40%.- 
-Vital signs are normal.- another said. 
-That's 50%.- Howard announced -60. 70.- 
At that moment Steve started screaming. 
y/n stood up again, approaching the glass and touching it with her hands, which was the only thing that divided her and the rest of the lab.
Also Peggy started panicking.
She stood up too and left the room.
y/n followed her, without thinking it twice. 
-Steven!- Erskine immediately ran at the machine -Steven!- 
-Shout it down!- Peggy ordered. 
-Steven!- he shouted again, knocking on the glass.
-Shout it down!- y/n yelled, feeling her heart sinking.
-Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark!- the doctor pointed some buttons -Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!- he rushed to the other.
-No!- Steve yelled as loud as he could, everyone turned to where the voice came from -Don't! I can do this!- 
The doctor, evidently surprised, turned to y/n, who had a very sorrowing face, then to Howard, nodding a little. 
-Please no...- y/n whispered as she felt her heart in her throat.
-80. 90.- Howard said as the glow visibly increased, y/n and Peggy had to close their eyes because of the light, but they could hear everything -That's 100%.- has he said that the machines started to make some sparks and some buttons blew up too.
Then the glow stopped.
y/n immediately ran down the stairs as she saw that the situation was stable, approaching the doctor and Howard.
-Mr. Stark?- Erskine asked. 
As he did the machine opened itself, releasing steam and smoke.
When y/n saw that man she brought her hands to her mouth, not believing that he was Steve.
Steve that she knew her whole life. 
He was bigger and more muscled now.
Everyone was shocked.
-Steven. Steven.- he called him, as Erskine and Howard approached him, helping him to stand up. 
-I did it.- Steve breathed out, stepping off the machine.
-Yeah, yeah.- he nodded -I think we did.- the doctor smiled.
-You actually did it.- Howard said, admiring him. 
At that moment Peggy arrived too. 
-How do you feel?- she asked. 
-Taller.- he answered, trying to catch his breath. 
She touched his chest for a second, before handing him a shirt.
-You look taller.- she simply said as y/n looked at them some feet away.
She was still in shock. 
Everyone was congratulating the doctor and with Howard for their successful work, shaking some hands. 
y/n had just reached her brother, when he turned to her. 
-I guess I won't need your help to reach things on the shelf anymore.- he joked looking at his, now really, little sister. 
-No, I guess you won't.- y/n looked up at him -I need time to process...all this.- she gestured to his body.
-Yeah, me too.- he looked at the lab, when his gaze fell on Howard -That was the man of the Stark expo, wasn't he?- 
-Yeah, it was him.- she nodded, looking around -We're just friends, don't worry.- she shrugged. 
-Now that I can protect you, do you feel more safe?- he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. 
In part he has accepted to be a part in this project to be able to stand up for himself and her, now that Bucky was far from them. 
-Yeah, I do. But you don't need to protect me. I can do it by myself.- she said a little offended that him still saw her as a thing to protect -Peggy taught me a few moves, don't worry about me.- 
-I know, I know.- he smiled, opening his big arms as y/n took a couple of steps forward, hugging him.
It was so weird for both of them.
y/n usually was at the same height of Steve, but now her head just barely reached his chest. 

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