Chapter 9

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A couple of days have passed since y/n and Steve's arrival. 
Every human being in that base with a penis seemed unable to think without the use of their own penis. 
The only three exceptions seem to be the doctor Erskine, the Colonel Phillips and, of course, Steve. 
y/n really felt like an object and she didn't understand how Peggy managed to don't get mad with all those men. 
-Morning cookie. You're dish as always.- one said, whistling at her, one morning while she was with Steve, they were waiting for Peggy because y/n didn't feel safe walking around alone in that base seeing the behaviour of the majority of them. 
-Hey sugar, are you rationed?- another asked, winking at her. 
She simply didn't answer, deciding to ignore them, sighing heavily, and moving on. 
-They are making me snap my cap.- Steve said, feeling the anger grow inside him. 
He hated that type of comportment. 
Especially towards his sister. 
-It's not like you can beat them up Steve.- she shrugged, trying to make him laugh. 
-Just wait 'til I get the serum, then you'll see.- he said, puffing out his chest. 
-I'm sure you will, Steve, I'm sure.- she smiled at him. 
One morning y/n woke up and got dressed, in a simple pastel yellow dress.
She was about to leave her room, when she remembered the necklace. 
She put it on, admiring it. 
"I miss you, Buck. Please get home safe." she thought, holding the necklace in her hands. 
y/n felt her stomach growl, so she left her room, heading to the dining room.
On her way she bumped into Peggy.
-Oh hey, good morning.- the agent told her, smiling.
She was perfect as always. 
Her uniform was impeccable, her makeup simple and natural. 
-Good morning Peggy.- she smiled back, looking around. 
y/n had got used to looking around always more often, in search of an escape, in case things got bad for her. 
-You okay?- Peggy asked, seeing her expression. 
-Yeah, totally.- the other answer immediately, not wanting to make her worry -I'm kinda hungry. Let's get breakfast.- 
-Yeah, let's go before they eat everything.- she nodded as the two girls walked chatting.  
After breakfast they accompanied the soldiers to their usual workouts. 
They were running around and someone was shouting at them. 
-Pick up the pace, ladies!- he yelled -Let's go, let's go! Double the time!- 
Peggy looked at the papers then at y/n sighing. 
-God if I hate this.- she mumbled -He have to call them "ladies" to make them feel weak.- 
-Yeah, I do too.- y/n nodded, looking at them. 
-Come on! Faster! Faster! Move! Move! Squad, halt!- he said, as the whole group stopped, in front of a pole with a flag, then he pointed at it -That flag means we're only at the halfway point. First man to bring it to me gets a ride back with Agent Carter and her friend. Move! Move!- 
At that moment all of them ran to that pole and tried to climb it. 
-Seriously?- y/n looked at Peggy, shaking her head. 
-Tonight I'll cut his...- Peggy started. 
-Peggy don't, please.- y/n immediately blocked her. 
-Can I shoot him at least?- she asked. 
-Only if no one is watching, Peggy.- she joked, shrugging. 
-Come on! Get up there!- he encouraged them, but they all failed -If that's all you got, this army's in trouble! Get up there, Hodge!- he had climbed for a couple of meters, before falling to the ground, Peggy and y/n giggled when he failed -Nobody's got that flag in 17 years! Now fall back into line! Come on, fall in! Let's go! Back into formation!- 
-I almost reached once. Then they screamed and I fell.- Peggy admitted, whispering at y/n. 
-But this isn't fair. They are jerk.- she said, indignant. 
Everyone followed the captain's order, but someone approached the pole. 
-Rogers! I said fall in!- he yelled at him. 
-What is he doing?- Peggy asked as he managed to make the pole fall and, proudly, grabbed the flag. 
-I don't know?- she said, looking at him, surprised and confused. 
Steve walked to him and put the flag into his hands, smiling. 
y/n and Peggy smiled amused and nodded at him. 
The other men looked at him shocked. 
-Thank you, sir.- he simply said, sitting in the car. 
Peggy looked at the driver and nodded, so the car was turned on and they went away. 
-I'm proud of you, Steve.- y/n smiled at him -I never thought you were able to do such a thing.- 
-I didn't know either, to be honest.- he nodded. 
-Good job, Rogers, seriously a good job.- Peggy smiled at him. 
-Thanks, Agent Carter.- he looked at her. 
That evening y/n walked to Peggy's room, deciding that she wanted to start to learn a little self defence. 
Peggy from her side was quite happy to have some girl to talk to and also enjoyed teaching her things. 
The rest of the week it passed pretty quickly and the day of Steve's injection arrived.

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