Chapter 24

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The days passed normally in the tower.
-Wake up. The sun is shining bright in the sky.- Steve knocked at his sister's door and tried to lower the handle, but failed.
-What are we? Plants who need to do the fucking photosynthesis?- Nat said, with a muffled growl.
-Five more minutes, Steve, please.- Wanda begged, who was locking the handle with her magic.
-Go away.- y/n answered, covering her face with the sheets.
The three girls had spent the whole night talking, now they didn't want to wake up.
-You don't leave me any other chances. Jarvis, open the curtains of y/n's room, please.- Steve said with a sigh, shaking his head.
-Jarvis if you do it I swear I'll find a way to destroy you.- the redhead's threatening voice said -And you know I will.-
-I'll give you five minutes if you're not up I'll have Thor come up to call you. He'll thunder everything.- the Captain said as the three girls made some sounds of complaint -Five minutes, not a minute more. Jarvis, put a timer of five minutes from now.- he said walking to the main room, when the others were having breakfast.
-Jar?- the woman said, yawning, cuddling in the warm sheets.
-Yes, Miss Rogers?- the AI asked.
-Turn off the timer, please.- she said, yawning, as the women falled asleep again.
-Any luck, Captain?- Tony said, walking up to his shelfs full of liquor and alcohol bottles, noticing that a couple of those were missing -Oh, those three little b...- he started, chuckling a little.
-Language.- the blonde said, sitting next to Clint, who was drinking from his purple mug.
-Good morning, friends.- Thor's thundering voice said as he walked into the kitchen, opening some drawers frantically, almost like he was searching something -Do you have more of those sweet snack that you call "pop tarts"?-
-Sorry Point Break. We're out of that. But I can send the kid to buy some of them on his way here. Just have some patience.- Tony said, sending Peter a message, telling him to buy 4/5 pack of those for Thor -He'll be here in no time.-
-Thank you, Stark, thank you.- the god said, walking happily around.
-Hey everyone, morning.- Bruce entered the room, sitting next to his friends -The girls are still sleeping?- he asked, noticing that they weren't there.
-Yup, and apparently there are some missing bottles on my shelf, so I think they stayed up all night drinking and talking.- Tony explained, sipping his coffee.
-Goodmorning.- Vision said, passing through the wall, arriving in the kitchen and scaring the men a little -The misses aren't awake yet?-
-We think they're a bit in hangover.- Tony said to the robot.
-What is that you're talking about?- Thor asked, confused.
-Hangover, severe headache or other after-effects caused by drinking an excess of alcohol.- the robot said.
-But if y/n got the serum too, why is she feeling like that?- Clint asked -She's supposed to not be able to get drunk. Y'know, like Steve.-
-I think it is because y/n got just one vial of serum, while Capsicle here got more.- Tony said, remembering every time his father or Peggy had told him that story.
-Makes sense.- he shrugged.
Around ten minutes later someone knocked at the window of the tower.
-Morning Mr Stark. Morning everyone. I've got the pop tarts.- Peter said, as Tony approached him, opening the window, letting him in.
-Thank you, man of spider.- Thor said, hugging him and twirling around.
-Okay, okay, Point Break, we got it. Now put him down.- Tony said, looking at the norse god, then he put the boy down.
-Jarvis, how much time is left until the end of the timer?- Steve asked, noticing that quite some time had passed.
-Miss Rogers turned it off, actually, Captain.- the metallic voice said.
-I should have imagined that.- he said, facepalming himself.
-What happened?- Peter asked, taking off his mask and his backpack, where he had his spare clothes.
-The girls drank a bit too much yesterday night, now they feel bad. Actually, why don't you go and try to convince them?- Bruce said to him.
-That's a good idea. They won't say no to Peter.- Clint said, nodding.
-Go change, kid, then go knock at the fourth door.- Tony told him as Peter did what was told.
Less than five minutes later, he walked out of the bathroom and headed to y/n's room, with a tray full of breakfast food and some aspirin for their headaches.
-Miss Rogers? Miss Romanoff? Miss Maximoff? Are you okay?- he asked, knocking quietly -Can I come in? I have brought you something.-
-We're okay, sweetheart. Yes, come in. Jarvis, open the curtains a little, please.- y/n answered as he lowered the handle, entering the room.
The room was still a little dark, but you could see the silhouette of the three women.
-Goodmorning ladies.- he said, laying the tray on her desk as they all sat up.
-Morning Spiderlings.- Wanda said, rubbing her temples.
-Morning Petey.- Nat greeted him, braiding quickly her hair.
-Morning sweetie.- y/n said smiling at him -And don't call us "miss" or "ladies", we already told you.-
y/n adored Peter, they bonded almost immediately and their relationship was amazing, Peter saw in her a motherly figure.
-I know, I know, sorry.- he smiled, passing them the tray -I brought you something food. And aspirins. Mr Stark said you drank too much yesterday.-
-Thank you. You're a lifesaver, sweetheart.- the three girls said in chorus, starting to eat.
-Did you have breakfast?- Natasha asked him.
-Not really. I was in a rush this morning.- he admitted.
-Why don't you come here and have a waffle?- y/n said, placing her hand on the free space on the bed.
-Oh, thank you but...- he started.
-No but. Eat it. At your age it isn't healthy skipping meals. And why were you in a rush? It's Sunday, you don't have school today.- she asked, passing him a plate with three waffles and a glass of juice.
-Well...- he said chewing -Mr Stark told me that Mr Thor has finished his pop tarts and asked me to buy them so...-
-Tony sent you to buy food when he could have just gone himself or sent Thor?- y/n asked, widening her eyes, at that moment her hangover had disappeared.
-Yes but...- the kid tried to calm her down.
-I'll go talk to him...- she said standing up and headed to the kitchen, followed by Peter, who tried to stop her, and Natasha and Wanda, who were excited to see how this would have ended.
-Oh look who's up now. Good...- Tony started talking but he was interrupted.
-You send Peter to buy some stupid food? Couldn't you ask Happy or...- she was interrupted by someone who had just entered the room.
Sam Wilson.
-Steve. y/n. You should come with me.- the man said.
-What's wrong?- the Captain asked, confused.
-There is something you might want to see at the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s base.- he said as the two of them quickly dressed up and followed the Falcon.

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