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Kier woke up; He was facing the small window of his and Laurence’s small London flat. The sun shone through the window in streaks, lighting the old wooden floors of their bedroom.  He rolled over to face Laurence who was peacefully asleep. It was so pleasant to see him sleeping blissfully, a postive change from the restless nights of months gone by. Kier slowly stretched his arms and yawned simultaneously, he supposed he should be getting out of bed soon. He managed to sneak out of bed and into the adjoining bathroom without disturbing Laurence and began to brush his teeth. Suddenly one Kiers favourite songs started thunder throughout the house, Unable to resist Kier ran into the bedroom singing “Teenagers scare the living shit outta me” into his toothbrush, Laurence managed to join in for a matter of seconds before he burst out laughing. It was another typical morning for the two front men of the up and coming band Fearless vampire killers.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now