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Kiers P.O.V:

I wake up in pain. My stomach hurts. I’m so hungry. I grab my phone and check the time 3:21. I notice I have a few texts so I check them, they’re all from Barrone.

9:21 hey

9:45 What you up too?

9:50 Is Laurence okay? I think Drew pissed him off

10:35 So how did the dietician go?

01:29 Sorry I shouldn’t have asked that

02:00 did I piss you off or something? You’re practically attached to your phone.

I sigh as I read through the texts before locking my phone. I don’t feel like talking right now. I’m too hungry to think straight. I carefully get out of bed and walk to the kitchen. I drink a few glasses of water which shuts up my stomach but I still feel hungry. I sit on the floor leaning back against the cupboards. I stare at the cupboard opposite. I really want to eat. I need to eat. “I’m not eating” I sigh closing my eyes.

Laurences P.O.V

I wake up alone. Kier’s not in here, weird. I get out of bed and walk into the front room. “where are you?” I ask the empty room confused. It’s too early in the morning for this I think to myself. I realise how thrirsty I am and walk into the kitchen to get a drink. The first thing I notice is Kier asleep in the sitting position “what the...?” I trail off noticing the open cupboard opposite him. I sigh sadly realising he must have wanted to eat something but couldn’t eat it. I decide to not wake him up and walk back into the front room. I grab my phone of the coffee table opening my contacts. I find Barrone at the top of the list.


13: 05 Hey you up? Kier is asleep on the kitchen floor.

13:05 haha really? How much did he drink?

13:06 nothing, he’s just tired

13:06 naaww how cute

13:06 I’m kinda worried, do I make him eat or?

13:08: Laurence I honestly think you don’t have much choice. Try and ask him nicely but if you need to threaten to have him admitted, Barrone.

I put my phone back away. Barrone’s right I need to get him to have something. Kiers still asleep in the kitchen so I grab a glass and fill with water before sitting next to him waiting for him to wake up.

Kiers P.O.V:

Laurence is sitting crossed legged staring at me when I wake up. “you need to eat” I stare at him in silence. “I’m making you dinner what do you want?” “what time is it?” I asked confused. “fiveish” he replies looking me in the eye, he doesn’t even try to hide the pain in his eyes. “it’s a bit early for dinner isn’t it?” I mumble looking down so to break the eye contact. “Kier, please” he whispers. I take a breath before saying “okay”. 

A/N Okay so sorry it took so long for me to update. I'm sorry it's so short and crap. I'm going to brutally honest here. I'm not coping well, I've been bottling up my emotions for a long time and this whole MCR situation has made me worse I guess. Everything I've been bottling up is hitting me and I'm struggling to keep going. School is pressuring me, parents are pressuring me hell even friends are pressuring me so I've been trying to escape via music and other things. I'll try to update more but I'm feeling really bad right now, sorry I'm such a terrible person.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now