He can't be dead!

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Laurences P.O.V:


“Kier KIER!” I scream crying “he ... he was fine” I cry as a doctor drags me away.

Barrones P.O.V:

We walk into the corridor outside Kiers room and see Laurence on the floor outside his room crying. We all stop and look at each other before running to Laurence “Laurence? Laurence?” I ask shaking him trying to get some kind of response “just like Layla” he mumbles under his breath tears flowing down his cheeks. Drew stops dead behind me his eyes wide “no, no. NO NOT AGAIN IT CAN’T HAPPEN AGAIN” He screams falling to the ground crying. I look between him and Laurence torn. Luke taps me on the shoulder “I got this” he says sitting down in front of Laurence. “Oh my God” India whispers realising what he means.

“Drew? Drew. Drew please say something” I cry looking at him his face turned down to the floor, his body shaking “I.. I left and he, he’s gone” he says quietly not looking up from the floor. I wrap my arms around him expecting him to hug me back but he does nothing sitting there despondent before pushing me away standing up and walking away “Drew?!” I shout after him. I turn to look at Luke nodding after him. Luke shakes his head. I don’t follow Drew just collapse against the wall my head in my hands. I’ve already lost one of my best friends I can’t lose him too.

Drews P.O.V:


I walk away from Barrone feeling empty. I can’t be with people right now. I need space to breathe. I walk down to the chapel sitting on the same pew I’d sat on to tell Barrone about Layla. I stare at the simple wooden crucifix hanging on the wall opposite me “are you even real?” I ask defeated looking at the cross “why, why would you take her than him the same way?” I ask. The chapel remains silent. I hear footsteps echoing in the distance in the corridor outside. I sit in silence for a while. “It’s not fair” I cry tears streaming down my face “IT’S NOT FAIR” I scream.

Kiers P.O.V:


Everything goes black. “hello?” I ask the darkness confused. I can’t feel anything, or hear anything actually. “Hello?” I ask again. Suddenly a harsh light penetrates the darkness spreading until I can see the emptiness surrounding me. It’s endless. “hello?” I ask again “hi” a petite girl smiles at me “wh.. who are you, where am I? Whats happening?” I ask confused. She smiles sadly “I’m Asphodel, It’s a shame to meet someone so young” “I .. I don’t understand?” I ask “Asphodel it’s a flower, it represents death” she says matter of factly “and... wait, no NO!” I shout “I’m not meant to die what about Laurence?!” I shout “They always say that, so tragic leaving behind loved ones. That’s how you know they truly love them when they ask about them instead of themselves” she says quietly “No” I repeat “I am not meant to die” “they normally do that too. Refuse to accept it. Apart from the suicides and the terminal illness ones they accept it want it even” she says “I’m not meant to die” I repeat. The pain hits me all at once and I fall. I don’t land though. I continue falling and the light fades away.

I can hear voices and the sound of defibrillators charging “CLEAR” someone shouts before pain pulses through me “He’s back” another voice shouts. I take in a deep breath my lungs on fire. “owww” I mumble I hear a warm laugh “we’ve got a fighter here” “Laurence?” I cry. I hear the door being opened and someone leaving before Laurence runs in “KIER YOU FUCKING BASTARD I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!” he screams. I open my eyes to look at him, his hair dishevelled he eyes red tears visible on his face “I kinda was” I murmur “OH GOD I’M SORRY” he exclaims before sobbing loudly “thank fuck you’re alive!” I hear Luke burst out “yeah death wasn’t as pretty as you” I laugh harshly “death was a girl?” Laurence asks intrigued “yeah I mean I think she I can’t really remember” I stumble “It doesn’t matter” Laurence smiles before kissing me “you’re alive that’s all that matters”

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