Spaghetti? we're meant for each other!

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Indias P.O.V:

Me and Luke are sitting outside a nice little Italian restaurant, it’s a little cold but I’m not complaining. A waiter comes by with a pitcher of water and a bowl of bread. He quickly lights a candle “someone will be here to take your order soon” he says quickly handing me and Luke menus before rushing off. I look down at the menu and immediately notice the prices “Luke” I frown “India it’s fine we’ve been living off hospital food we need something good” he smiles. His eyes light up causing me to smile too. I could easily get used to this I think to myself. “what you thinking?” Luke asks smiling looking up from his menu “oh nothing much” I smile back “I’m sure thats not true” he laughs “so have you decided what you want to order?” he asks noticing the approaching waiter “yeah I have, have you?” I ask “Are you ready to order?” the waiter asks before Luke can reply “yes I’ll have spaghetti please” Luke replies. I grin at him “me too please” I smile “you’re order will be with you soon” the waiter says before scurrying away “awhh we’re perfect for each other see? We both like Spaghetti” Luke laughs grabbing a bread roll “We’re so unoriginal” I laugh “hey Italians make blood brilliant spaghetti” Luke exclaims. The meal ends too quickly and he drops me off home too soon “I guess I should go” he says sadly “thats a shame” I murmur kissing him gently “see you tomorrow?” I ask hopefully “of course” he grins before planting a kiss on my forehead and getting in the van and driving away. That was perfect I smile as I unlock the front door to my apartment.

Lukes P.O.V:

I drive away with a smile on my face. I better grab some clean clothes for everyone I think to myself. We all have keys to each others apartments so I can grab everyone some clothes quickly. I go to Drew and Barrones apartment last. I stop on the way out before grabbing a handful of comics and a wheezer cd “Kier is going to hate me” I laugh to myself locking the door behind me.

*times lapse*

I arrive at the hospital to find everyone in Kiers room. Barrone and Drew and sleeping curled up together in a unclaimed bed. Kier and Laurence are sitting at opposite ends of Kiers bed talking in hushed voices so not to wake the others “hey” I whisper causing them to both stop speaking and look at me “whats in the bag?” Laurence asks curious “some more clothes and some comics” I smile placing it at the foot of the bed, I decide not to mention the weezer cd “you guys made up then” I smile quietly dragging the chair closer to the bed “yeah I found the nurse and apologised” Laurence said sadly “she understood” Kier adds “well thats good, shame she lost her job though” I sigh “well actually I think she’s retraining then coming back” Laurence smiles “so alls well then” I say looking over to the sleeping timids now mumbling softly in their sleep. Barrone moves even closer to Drew if thats even possible and snuggles into him more “they’re adorable” Laurence sighs “you guys know you do that right?” I ask. Kier looks at me horrified “you watch us sleep? My hairs a mess when I sleep” he exclaims “he watches us sleep and you’re worried about how your hair looks?!” Laurence asks incredulously “when have you watched us sleep” Kier asks cautiously “when you guys fall asleep on movie nights” I laugh quietly “oh” Kiers says “makes sense” Laurence adds. There’s silence for a moment apart from the timids sleep induced mumblings “So are we cuter than them or?” Kier trails off I sigh “as cute as in your own way” I smile “thats ano then” Kier pouts “why are you concerned about us being cute?” Laurence asks genuinely confused “I thought Luke could tweet a picture of us sleeping” Kier says dreamily “thats just weird” Drew pipes up “shit” I jump “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” I exclaim. I hear a lot of indistinguishable shouting then turn to see Barrone fall face down on the floor “uhhh my face” he mutters. We all begin howling with laughter, everyone apart from Barrone that is “it’s not that funny” he whines “It definitely is” Laurence laughs “totally” Kier adds “fucking hilarious” I say my throat hoarse from laughing so much. Barrone crawls over to us before getting up onto his knees and flicking me on the head “hey” I exclaim “thats for startling me” he explains “he started it” I protest pointing at Drew. Barrone catches him off guard tackling him to the ground “what the ... YOU ONLY FLICKED HIM!” Drew exclaims “yeah but he doesn’t get this as apology” Barrone grins kissing Drew passionately "ahem guys” I say uncomfortable. They carry on kissing regardless. Kier and Laurence look between themselves mischievously I grab my phone out of my pocket and begin to film guessing this is going to be funny. “pile on!” they shouting Laurence jumps on top of them with no reservations Kier gently lies on them careful of his injury. A nurse walks in looks at them shakes her head at them and walks out. Things are almost back to normal I smile.    

*the next day*

Drews P.O.V:

“So you brought comics?” Barrone asks excitement in his voice. Laurence sighs from behind his laptop “What you doing Bevers?” Kier asks “Writing a blog” Laurence replies. “What for the site?” I ask, Laurence nods “We should all read it before you post it” I state “yeah sure” Laurence replies not really listening. I swear once he starts writing everything around him could burst into flames and he wouldn’t notice. I look over to Barrone who’s rummaging through the pile of bags trying to find the one which contains the comics “how many days till K! Tour now?” I ask “seven” Kier frowns. I look back over to Barrone who’s now rummaging through another bag. I see him pick up a CD “Dreeeeeeew” he smiles holding up one of my beloved weezer CD’s. I grin madly and run over grabbing it off him and sticking it in the CD player “thanks Luke!” I exclaim sticking it into the CD player. Kier turns to Luke malice in his eyes “Why the fuck did you think packing THAT was a good idea” he says slowly “look at his cute little face Kier” Barrone smiles. Weezer starts playing and Kier lets out an exasperated sigh “I’m going to find a nurse” he says getting up “something wrng?” Laurence asks Immediately concerned “nope” he smiles walking out “what was that about?” Luke asks “not a clue” Laurence frowns.

Kiers P.O.V:

I arrive at the nurse’s station “hi honey what can I do for you” a perky blonde asks, If I wasn’t with Laurence I’d probably like her. I dismiss the thought quickly. “Hey I was wondering when I’m expected to be discharged?” I ask politely “I wouldn’t know I can check your notes for you” she smiles “sure” I grin. She quickly taps a few things onto the keyboard “Kier right?” she asks smitten “Yep” I reply carefully “hey” Laurence purrs in my ear from behind me I turn around to speak but he kisses me before I have the chance “I was going to say hello” I protest “no need” Laurence grins. I turn back to the nurse who’s now shooting daggers at Laurence “You should ask a doctor” she says coldly “fine” I mutter angrily. I kiss Laurence again just to piss her off and we go back to my room. Fortunately we bump into a doctor on the way back “Hey excuse me I need some help” I say politely “Sure no problem what do you need help with?” The doctor asks cooly “I was wondering when I’m due to be discharged” I ask state “Well you should have gone to the nurses station” The doctor says calmly “we did” Laurence frowns “Oh. Okay well if I can read your chart I should be able to tell you”. The doctor follows us back to the room and we walk in to find Drew headbanging to weezer running around in circles, Barrone sprawled on the floor surrounded my comics and Luke tapping out a beat on the bedside table. The doctor looks around bemused before grabbing my chart “Riiiight” he says grabbing my chart “Mr Kemp” “Kier please” I interject “Kier well it says here you haven’t had your psyche appointment yet” he frowns “apart from that?” I ask “well I suppose once you’ve had that you’re good to go if all goes well” he smiles “right well I’m supposed to be on tour in a week so when do you think thats going to happen?” I ask biting my lip. The doctor frowns “well they’re quite busy at the moment” “I think I’d like to discharge myself then” I say simply “well that isn’t advisable actually regarding psyche issues you can’t just discharge yourself” “So how do I get out of here?” I ask impatiently “Well someone could sign for you agreeing to keep an eye on you and taking all responsibility” he frowns. I Immediately look at Laurence “I Don’t know kier” he starts “please Laur, you know we need to rehearse” I beg.

Forty minutes later we’re all sitting in Lukes van. “That” Laurence exhales “Was a lot of bloody paperwork” he continues “OH MY GOD THINK OF ALL THE TREES THAT YOU’VE KILLED KIER” Barrone gasps from the back of the van “Why did we let him buy more cookies again?” I frown “CAUSE YOU LOOOOOVE ME” Barrone shouts “Okay, okay inside voices” I grumble feeling a headache coming on. It’s going to be a long ride back.

A/N: Oh my gosh guys a chapter with no blood or puke what is this?! *happy dance* I should definitly make me a happy playlist for when I'm writing and stick a load of Paramore on there as it seemed to bring out the happy in the story XD So any feelings on Luke and Indias blossoming romance I think it's adorable I'm going to start shipping them in a minute O.O Hope everyone enjoyed it. It was certainly soothing to write a nice chapter for once. I do however have bad news. I start school again tomorrow *sobs* So I'll be updating less. I'll still update at least twice a week and more if possible, I'll try to write a few chapters in class when no one's looking :') As always hope you guys enjoyed it. I should try to get some sleep now *sigh*

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