Sugar high

481 16 1

Kiers P.O.V

I wake up feeling refreshed. I slept well for the first time in a long time and I’m not hungry either. I slip out of bed quietly and pad down the hallway trying not to make any noise. I steal Laurence’s laptop since he’s sleeping anyway. I log onto my facebook finding friend requests from fans, I accept them all before signing out again. I’ve been detached from the band lately and realise I have no clue what they’re saying so I check the website. I read through the latest blog entries, nothing much same old. Then i log into the twitter looking through all the tweets I’m mentioned in. I scroll through a few before I start noticing tweets from worried fans

‘@kierfvk you haven’t tweeted in ages’

‘@kierfvk are you okay?’

‘no one will says whats up with @kierfvk’

‘@kierfvk are the rumours you’re cancelling shows true?’

I sigh closing the tab before putting my head in my hands and exhaling loudly. “well this doesn’t look promising” Laurence yawns from the doorway. “how long has this been going on?” I ask quietly “what?” Laurence asks confused. I nod towards the laptop and he comes over and takes a look. He looks down not saying anything. “Laurence.” I say sharply. “a while” he mumbles sitting down next to me. I sigh looking across at him “I need to do something” “well tweet something then” Laurence murmurs. He’s right, but what. I type in the new tweet box ‘Hey guys I’m alive a lot has been going on, super secret stuff! #busy’ before sending the tweet. Almost instantly people are tweeting me asking what, they all think it’s good news to do with the band. “great now they’re expecting good news” I grumble frustrated running my hands through my hair. “hey you know what you need?” Laurence asks suddenly, I shrug in response. He walks out before coming back in with my guitar “band practice come on you text the guys in the car” I don’t have a chance to argue, Laurence drags me out of the door quickly.

Barrones P.O.V:

I’m lying on the floor drawing and Drew is sprawled across the sofa. “what you drawing” Drew asks half heartedly “a new merch design I think” I mumble back focusing on my drawing “let’s have a look” Drew asks suddenly excited “get off the sofa then” I mumble still drawing “come on I don’t want to” he replies “well I’m not moving!” I exclaim “well I’m comfortable and...” my phone vibrates cutting Drew off. I reach for the coffee table and grab it before checking my texts. Drew sits up and looks at me eyebrows raised “well?” he asks “Kier band practice apparently” I sigh throwing the phone at him. I hear Drew cry out in pain “that bloody hurt” he screeches “why’d you chuck it at me anyway” I look at him sarcastically before returning to drawing “text back I’m busy”. I hear Drew sigh then my phone vibrates again “Okay pack up your stuff they’re on their way there already” Drew exclaims before running around the flat trying to find his keys and picks. He’s so cute when he’s panicked. I stick my pencil into my jeans back pocket and put my sketchpad under my arm before grabbing the keys off the coffee table and shaking them. Drew immediately turns around and runs over to grab them “why didn’t you tell me they were here I’ve been running around...” I press my mouth against his cutting him off. He gasps in surprise and I deepen the kiss before pulling away, I peck him on the lips quickly “lets go the guys will be waiting”

Laurences P.O.V:

I’m drumming my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently “argh bloody traffic” I moan “Well that’s London innit” Kier grins at me. I can’t help but smile “Traffic is good for one thing though” I smile “whats that?” Kier asks acting surprised. I open the glove compartment grabbing the cd holder, I wave it at Kier before unzipping it “right” I mumble deciding which cd to play, Kier grabs it out of my hands rummaging through it and placing a disc into the cd player. He skips straight to track 11 and turns the volume up ‘is this the real life or is this just fantasy’ booms out of the speakers and I smile madly. Bohemian rhapsody, gotta love a good old bit of Queen. I turn to Kier and look him the eye before we starting singing at the top of our lungs to each other. I look back to the road and see the traffic is finally moving, the phone rings and I grab it answering it quickly and putting it on my should “hello?” I ask. Kiers screeching Queen loudly so I can’t hear the phone, I quickly turn down the music and I’m pretty sure he’s pouting at me, I don’t look to check. “yeah sorry?” I ask “Hey how’s rehearsal and well everything going?” a familiar voice asks down the phone, I quickly glance sideways at Kier and he’s looking questioningly at me. I mouth manager and he turns the music back up a little. “yeah actually we’re on our way to rehearsal right now, I’m actually driving so I need to go.” I reply keeping my eyes on the road. I quickly say goodbye before hanging up. “you turned down queen” Kier pouts “really? Our manager phones and you’re complaining I turned music down?” I exclaim “but it was queen” Kier shouts excitedly “yeah sorry Freddie” I laugh starting the track again and turning it back up.

Lukes P.O.V:

I’m playing Metallica on the drums when Barrone and Drew walk in. “where are kier and Laurence” they ask simultaneously before looking at each other weirdly and laughing. “huh” I frown confused. “well its hardly band practice without them!” Drew exclaims “band practice?” I ask confused. “bet they forget to text you again” Drew sighed “I ... er ... yeah” I stammer before looking back at my drum sticks. “might as well go back to that god knows how long they’ll be” Barrone smiles before sitting on an amp and sketching in his sketch pad. “he has a point” Drew agrees walking over to Barrone and watching him draw. I toss my drumsticks and catch them a few times before carrying on from where I left off. I play a few more songs before looking up. I jump, Kier is standing right next to me. He bursts out laughing “personal space Kemp!” I shout jokingly. He doesn’t stop laughing and soon falls to the ground clutching his side “it’s really not that funny!” I exclaim causing him to laugh more. Laurence walks in with a box “what’d I miss?” he asks confused “it doesn’t matter” I sigh looking down at Kier who looks like he’s going to run out of air any minute. “whats in the box?” Barrone asks Laurence. I look over intrigued, that box seems familiar. Laurence grabs something out of the box and holds it up “OH MY GOD THE SMARTIES COOKIES OH MY GOD!” Barrone shouts jumping up and down. Kier suddenly stops laughing and sits up looking at Barrone confused “GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME!” Barrone shrieks running towards Laurence. Laurence looks terrified and throws several at Barrone. Kier still looks confused, his face is hilarious. I burst out laughing. “What?” Kier asks confused. “hospital cookies” Laurence laughs. “you’re going to regret showing him there’s a whole box at once you know that right?” Drew laughs grabbing a few out of the  box and chucking one at me. “Oh my god ... so good” Barrone grins between mouthfuls. He also says something else but all I can understand are the words “food coma”. I guess It’ll be a while before we start rehearsing. I look over at Barrone who’s now rolling around on the floor rubbing cookies on his face. Great Barrone on a sugar high. Just what we need.

A/N I'd like to thank everyone who gave me support on the last chapter. I'm home alone for a few days so I'll try to write a few chapters so I at least have some in reserve so I can uploading regularly. Your support means a lot it actually helped me a little. Sorry if this chapters terrible I haven't had much sleep lately, probably six or seven hours since MCR broke up seven days ago. Hope you enjoy it anyway. Enjoy the happy chapters while they last, I'll say no more.

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