The appointment

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Kiers P.O.V:

I open my eyes to a trashed room. As I wake up I realise it’s my bedroom. “Laurence” I call out weakly. At first I think our flat was broken into while I was sleeping, then I remember it was me who did this. “Yeah?” Laurence calls back from the other room. “What day is it?” I shout louder no finally waking up properly. He doesn’t reply. I sigh as I untangle myself from the bed sheets and get up. Once I’m in the front room he looks at me his eyes anxious “Tuesday” he frowns. Why is he so ~ then it hits me. Today is the day that caused the mess in our room. I sigh before sitting down next to him. He looks like he wants to hug me but doesn’t. I figure he doesn’t want to upset me so I lean into him, happy he’s there. “when have we got to leave?” I ask halfheartedly. “bout an hour” he sighs.


The hour goes by incredibly quickly. It was nice though. Laurence wrote on his laptop whilst I lay leaning against him. Too soon he’s putting his laptop away and bundling me into the car. The drive to the dietician is silent. Laurence looks scared to breathe. When we arrive at the clinic we have to buzz to be let in. I wonder if it’s to keep the unwanted out or the wanted in. We’re let in immediately and walk up to the front desk. “hello what’s your name?” the woman at the desk asks politely not wasting time on small talk. “He’s Kier kemp” Laurence answers for me. The woman types a few things on the computer before turning back to us “yes you have an appointment with Dr Broomhall. I need you to confirm a few things first” she smiles. After we’ve told her my nationality, date of birth, address and a lot of other information another nurse points Laurence to the waiting room. “You need to be weighed, it’s through here” she smiles opening the door to a small room next to the desk. I undress down to just my boxers and step on the scale. “You can face the other way if you don’t want to see your weight. Some don’t want to know” the nurse chirps getting a clipboard with papers on off the side. I smile saying nothing. The scale beeps telling us it’s finished. 111.9 pounds reads on the display. The nurse frowns before telling me I can get dressed again. “don’t put on your shoes though we need your height” she adds quickly. When I’m dressed in all but my shoes she checks my height “5’11” she mumbles to herself writing on the paper. “Okay we’ll need to take your bloods” she says before leaving to get the Dr. He takes my blood quickly explaining they need to check my iron levels and various other things. Then he leaves telling me to go and wait in the waiting room for him. Nearly two hours after we arrived we leave the dieticians. In the car Laurence asks me questions about it. After I tell him they’re worried about how much I lost since hospital and that I don’t want to talk about it anymore he stops. “So you feeling up for band practice” he asks hesitantly. I feel like shit. “Yeah sure” I grin faking enthusiasm

Shanes P.O.V:

Me and Drew are sitting on the floor of my front room surrounded by comic books when my phone vibrates. I’m engrossed in my comic and carry on reading. It buzzes again. I feel something hit me hard in the side then something hitting the floor. I look up from my comic at Drew. “answer your phone” he says cheekily sticking his tongue out at me “you hit me” I pout before bursting out laughing. I grab my phone “Why does it always go off when I’m reading comics?” I ask, Drew just shrugs before looking down at his comic again.


Dietician didn’t go well,

He won’t speak. Band practice?



I quickly tap back a reply closing my comic with a sigh. Drew looks up at me quizzically. “Band practice” I shrug “Oh” Drew replies. “It’s always when I’m reading the comics” I grumble under my breath as we walk out of the door.

We get to band practice before the others so we raid the mini fridge. We’re set cross legged on amps eating chocolate bars when Laurence and Kier walk in. “Hey you better not have eaten all the chocolate” Laurence shouts playfully while Kier stands behind him silent. “so... wheres luke?” shane asks awkwardly “not coming just us lot today” Laurence smiles. Kier walks over to the mini fridge and we watch him like hawks, he grabs a bottle over water kicking the door shut before walking over to mike and picking it up. “right lets start then” Laurence declares the disappointment obvious in his voice. Kier looks down at his feet not saying anything waiting for us to start playing.

Kiers P.O.V:

Practice is exhausting. Two hours later I feel like my lungs are going to collapse and practically fall onto an amp. I make the time out sign and lean back against the wall. I close my eyes but I can feel everyone staring at me. I want to go home, I feel terrible but I can’t tell anyone. I don’t want to worry them even more. I open my eyes and smile standing up “right what’s next guys” I grin “home you look like shit Kemp” Laurence mumbles “nah I’m fine mate c’mon” I say trying to sound like my usual cocky self. “please” Shane mumbles from the corner. He’s not said a word all practice. I wonder if I’m making things worse by refusing to go home “alright lets go” I frown defeated.

Drews P.O.V:

Kier goes to the car before Laurence so I grab Laurence on his way out “You look sad. When you think he can’t see you. Are you okay? And don’t just say you are because I know what that means - looking sad when you think no one can see you.” I mumble looking him in the eye. Laurence shakes me off “I’ve gotta go” he says coldly as he walks away. I look at Shane and realise how sad he looks. I walk over and put my arms around him “It’ll be fine timid” I murmur nuzzling his neck. It’ll be fine. It has to be. 

A/N: Sorry it's so short guys. I dedicated this chapter to HardCoreInternetFan since she motivated me to update today, I think I'm going to go and crawl back into bed and listen to FVK now. I hate being sick! Also yes that is intentionally a Sherlock quote from Drew in the last chapter, my Sherlock obsession has gotten worse since they started filming series three :)

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