Our hands entwined

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Laurence’s P.O.V:

It’s horrible, this existence. I feel trapped between life and death, not with the living, not with the dead. I can’t see anything just feel the darkness that surrounds me. I can hear though. That’s the worst part. I can hear them crying, Kier crying. I can hear their hushed whispers, I can hear them cry. I tried screaming at the top of my lungs, I tried for what seemed like days. My lips never moved though, I never really made a sound. I can hear the nurses wandering in and out, I can hear everything. The noises never stop.

That’s how I heard Kier say he wished he’d been hit. It was one of the most painful moments of my life. I could hear the sadness in his voice. I could feel his presence next to mine but i couldn’t speak to him, I couldn’t hold him. I heard him when he cried out he loved me. I heard it as clear as day. I tried screaming I love you too Kee at the top of my lungs but the words never made it out. I’ll be honest I was fighting hard at first; trying to escape the darkness but over time I succumbed to it. I became so tired. I started to drift in and out. I started to miss more of what they were saying. I started to fade. Then I heard something that brought me back. I heard Drew sob “Kier he wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself”.

Kiers P.O.V:

I’m sorry for hurting everyone but I don’t regret what I did. It helped me in a time of need. I feel the urge calling me back. I feel like a drug addict after his next fix. I need to feel the blade across my skin if only for the brief pleasure of the pain. I promised them though, after the nurse left I promised I wouldn’t do it again. The guys can’t stay here forever though and promises were made to be broken.

I check the time on my phone Drew had taken it away to charge it last night. I had 15 messages and 20 missed calls but I didn’t bother to check them. Its 11:59, the nurses have long since stopped cared about visiting hours. That’s a bad sign, they make the others leave. They don’t think Laurence is going to make it. I’m not sure I believe he’ll pull through myself anymore. I tell Drew and Shane the time, Luke left hours ago he has work tomorrow morning. Drew and Shane have taken their holidays from work, they aren’t in the state to go into work. They keep bursting out into tears. I’ve stopped crying now. I’m numb. The guys take the hint and leave me to be alone with Laurence. I switch off my phone removing the back cover. I pull out the battery and remove the shining blade from the casing. “I’m sorry Laurence I really am” I cry as I put the blade to my skin. I just about the drag it across when I hear my name. I must be hearing things I think to myself, then I hear it again.

Laurence’s P.O.V:

I hear the guys leave and a lot of fumbling. Then I hear him. “I’m sorry Laurence I really am” he cries. I can’t take this anymore. Whats he going to do? I fight with all my will against the darkness that contains me. I break the bindings holding me hear. It hurts. My god it hurts. I fight through the pain though. Kier needs me. Kier needs me I internally repeat to myself. “Kier” I mumble, “Kier” I repeat again faintly. It’s not worked I think the glimmer of hope fading. Then I force my eyes open and see Kier with blade pressed to his skin.

Kiers P.O.V:

I look up to see Laurence staring back at me pain in his eyes. I drop the blade, it falls to the floor. “Laurence” I cry out at the top of my lungs. I grab him and he gasps out in pain. I release him as a nurse comes rushing in. She screams for a doctor and everything happens so fast. I’m pulled away from Laurence and they huddle around him. “Laurence” I bleat. I’m told to leave and pushed into the corridor. I collapse exhausted. The world goes black.

Drews P.O.V:

My mobile rings waking me up. I’m lying next to Shane our hands entwined. I don’t want to move, I want to live in this moment forever but my phone continues to ring so I roll over and answer it. I hear an unknown woman on the line. I’m still weary from sleep, the second I hear Laurence’s name though I snap awake. I anticipate the worst but then she tells me he’s awake. I thank her and hang up. I’m shaking. I shove Shane off the bed not even trying to be gentle. He’s a deep sleeper It could take ages to wake him otherwise. He hits the floor with a thud and I hear him cry out startled. I can’t hello myself and laugh. His head pops up above the bed and I laugh even harder. He looks angry then he realises I’m laughing and just stops. “Drew?” He asks hope in his voice. “yes Shane he’s awake let’s call a cab” I almost shout beaming. We call a cab as we’re leaving the flat. We almost forget to lock up. The taxi pulls up and the driver looks at us like we’re crazy. I then realise we’re both in our pyjamas. I laugh grateful for the first time in ages that I wear pyjamas to bed.

The taxi gets to the hospital in less than 10 minutes but it’s not quick enough. Me and Shane run up the stairs. We reach the top breathless. I feel like my lungs are about to explode. We press the button to let the nurses know we’re waiting outside the ward. The beep that means the door is unlocked has never sounded so welcoming. We run towards Laurence’s room and a nurse shouts after us to stop running. We don’t. We’re almost there when we see a nurse pushing a passed out kier to his room in a wheel chair. I stop. “No” I shout frustrated. I punch the wall. “Drew stop what’s” Shane trails off seeing Kier. “My god” he whispers running to Kier. “what’s wrong?” he asks the nurse. She replies saying she doesn’t know. It suddenly strikes me how small he really is. He was slim to start with but after nearly a week without food he looks emaciated. His skin has taken on an almost grey pallor. I grab his hands and they’re cold. “Shit” I call out. The nurse just looks at me. Shanes obviously just realised the same thing as me “He hasn’t eaten for a week”. The nurse looks concerned then almost relieved. “That explains it” she sighs. “He’ll be okay I’m sure. We’ll put him on a feeding tube. Go see your friend”. We look back at Kier concerned then turn away and run Towards Laurence.

Laurences P.O.V:

The nurses leave but Kier doesn’t come back in. I try to call out his name but I feel weak and I only manage to whisper it. Drew and Shane run in at the same time. They’re wearing their pyjamas. I would laugh if I wasn’t so worried about Kier. “Kier” I mumble again. Shane and Drew both look at each other a silent conversation taking place before Drew comes over and tells me. “He’s passed out Laur, He hasn’t eaten since the accident”. I start to cry tears running down my cheeks. Shane walks over and Drew grabs my hand. “He’ll be okay Laur, they have him on a feeding tube now”. I try to respond but I’m in a state of shock. Shane looks at me “I’ll go check on him okay”. He runs out of the room.

It’s just me and Drew now. “I thought we’d lost you Laur” he whispers tears in his eyes. “Me too” I manage to whisper back. I have so many questions but I’m so tired. The nurses put me on a lot of pain medication. Shane comes running back in “He’s not awake yet but he’s stable”. I grip Drews hand tighter the tears flowing freely now.

Kiers P.O.V:

I wake up in a hospital bed. My stomach feels like it’s being torn to shred from the inside. I wonder why then I realise. I’m so hungry it hurts. I suddenly remember everything that happened before I passed out. Ignoring the pain I cry out “Laurence”. A nurse comes in “Laurence I need to see Laurence”. “You’re not going anywhere right now” she replies her tone stern. “I love him, He’s been in a coma, let me fucking see him” she must hear the desperation in my voice. “Okay but we need to bring the tube with you” she replies softly. She puts me into a wheel chair and pushes me down to Laurence’s room. I feel sick and I’m not sure if it’s the hunger or the nerves.

Laurences P.O.V:

Kier is wheeled in by a nurse and the first thing I notice is how frail he looks. “Kier” I cry. “Laur I’m so sorry” he sobs back. The nurse pushes him up to the bed then leaves. Drew and Shane stand looking at us concerned. “Kee you look so ill” I say on the verge of tears again. “You don’t look so good yourself” Kier laughs before starting to cough violently. Soon the coughing subsides and Kier looks at me a burning intensity in his eyes I’ve never sen before. “I thought I’d lost you Laur, I thought you were never coming back”. “I’m back Kee” I mumble feeling really drowsy. “I love you Bevers” Kier announces tears in his eyes. “I love you too Kemp” I mumble before Kier struggles out of his wheel chair and lies on the bed beside me. I’m not sure how long we lie together our hands entwined before I drift off into a blissful sleep. 

A/N so guys finally a happy ending to a chapter! yay :D It was about time it ended nicely. I was going to end it with Kier passing out but I couldn't do it to you guys. This Chapter is dedicated to my good friend Lizzie, she ships Keveridge so hard :') Anyway hope you guys liked it.

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