Number 20

846 16 0

Laurence’s POV


After flicking through all the channels on the television for what must have been the twentieth time I turned it off setting the remote control down of the coffee table. It’s been over an hour, what is taking him so long I wondered as I paced the flat restlessly waiting for Kier to return.

Kiers POV


Me and India were in an embrace when a customer walked in. He looked us up and down before coughing to draw India’s attention. “sorry” she squeaked her voice showing her embarrassment. She grabbed a copy of the telegraph before handing the man the paper “I’m so sorry Mr Jones i won’t leave you waiting again”. “ I should hope not” he replied with an edge of bitterness creeping into his voice. He left the change on the counter before walking out muttering “stupid kids with their crazy hair these days” under his breath.

The door barely closed before India doubled over laughing her face soon turning bright red as she struggled to breathe. “Did ...”. For God’s sake breathe India I exclaimed as her cheeks turned the brightest shade of red I’d ever seen. “sorry” came her breathless reply before she coughed to clear her lungs. “Its just what does our hair have to do with anything” she giggled. “I honestly don’t know but did that man just call me a kid I’m in my twenties for Gods sakes” I replied.

 India reached behind the counter grabbing a bottle of diet coke and chugged a good third of it before replying “yeah. He’s like 90 we’re all kids to him, bloody coffin dodgers interrupting our celebration; Now were we we?”I heard something out in the street so I turned to take a look; I quickly realised all the streetlights were out and there were local kids on their way to school. “Shit Laurence will be freaking out I better go” I cried out before running out of the paper shop the door slamming behind me. 

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now