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Laurences P.O.V

I was sat on the bed waiting for Kier to come back when I grabbed his phone. He’d gone to the cafeteria and would be a while so i scrolled through his apps until i found twitter. I logged him out and logged into my account. The first thing I noticed was how many people had tweeted me, then I saw Barrone had mentioned me in a tweet. I opened up the tweet seeing there was a picture attached. I clicked the url and waited for it to load. It was a picture of me and Kier asleep in bed, snuggled up together. “I am going to kill him” I grumbled. “Kill who?” Kier asked coffee in hand. “No one I thought you were going to take a while so...” I motioned waving the phone. “It’s okay Bevers, you look so cute when you’re mad” he laughed. “I am not mad!” I exclaimed in a high pitched voice “Or cute” I added. “So are” Kier murmured jumping onto the bed. He crawled along the bed until he was right in front of me. He leaned forward and grabbed the phone from my hands. “Hey” I gasped “It’s my phone innit who are you heying at?” Kier laughed. He tapped the phone a few times before his jaw dropped. “We are so going to kill him” he mumbled. “Guessing you found it then?” I asked cautiously. “Yep and the fans are freaking out, we’re still in hospital they’re all worried. Idiot!” he exclaimed throwing his phone. Kier doesn’t get mad often so I knew he was really shaken up. At that moment Shane walked in. “Shit” I frowned. “You” Kier accused jumping off the bed and running at Shane. He caught Shane by surprise and had him pinned against the wall within seconds. “What the fuck did you think you were doing?!” He shouted his voice harsh. “It was just a joke” Shane mumbled fear in his eyes. “Kee stop please?” I pleaded. Shane was still pinned up against the wall, Kier glowering at him when Drew walked in. Drew took one look at Kier and walked up to him briskly before punching him in the jaw. Kiers jaw clicked and he fell to the ground clutching it. Drew didn’t look at him once though grabbing Shane and holding him tight “Are you okay, did he hurt you, oh my god Shane are you okay?” Drew rambled. Kier was still on the floor clutching his jaw. “You punched Kier” I stammered. “You bastard!” Kier snarled getting up. Drew looked up at Kier and shrunk back. “Kier for Gods sake STOP” I demanded. Kier looked back at me and muttered “I’m out” before turning and walking off. I sighed debating whether to go after him. It took only a few seconds before I came to my decision and leapt out of the bed running after him.

Kiers P.O.V:

I glared straight ahead walking focused. I didn’t look at anybody just kept looking straight ahead. I turned to the right swiftly and ran down the stairs. I reached the ground floor and walked out the main entrance, I saw a guy smoking and went and stood by him. “Want a cigarette?” he asked. “I don’t smoke” I replied sharply. “You look line you need one sonny” He motioned. “Actually I wouldn’t mind one mate”. I took his cigarette and he lighted it for me. I put it in my mouth and exhaled the smoke billowing out of mouth. I quickly grabbed my phone and tweeted

‘ everyone is fine guys apart from Drew. He hurt his face’

Quickly before shoving my phone in my pocket again. At that moment Laurence turned up. He caught me off guard and knocked the cigarette out of my mouth before flicking me on the temple. “Ouch” I exclaimed. “Kier Kemp if I see you smoking again I swear to God I’ll do more than flick you” Laurence growled. I heard the man who offered me the cigarette mumble “I’ll be off then” before disappearing inside. I looked back to Laurence and he didn’t look mad at all. He looked worried and that hurt me more than his rage ever could. I looked at the ground afraid to see the worry in his eyes again. He cleared his throat “Kier..” he trailed off. I looked up and put my arms around him “I’m sorry Laur it’s just the fans were so scared and if any of them hurt themselves over this I...” “It’s not me you need to apologise to” Laurence frowned. “I should” “yeah you should” he interpreted. He genuinely cares I thought to myself before taking his face in my hands and kissing him. I broke my lips away from his regretfully and grabbed his hand “We should go back” I sighed.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now