I just wanted coffee

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India’s P.O.V:

I wake up my arm throbbing slightly. I look down at it confused and see it’s wrapped. I suddenly realise and smile to myself “I got a tattoo” I mumble sleepily “Sure did Kiddo” Kier grins causing me to jump “Christ Kemp you trying to kill me?” I whisper furiously, aware of the others sleeping. “No that would a waste of ink” he winks “God are you always like this?” I smile “always” he laughs softly. I look around the mess of empty Chinese cartons littering the living room and frown. “Whats up?” Kier asks gently “is it always this messy?” I say exasperated “not anymore” he laughs watching me gathering the cartons quietly. He follows me into the kitchen.

As I put the cartons into the recycling he coughs gently. I turn around to look at him “yeah?” I ask everything still slightly hazy from sleep. “The story behind the tattoo?” he asks “too early” I yawn “not now” I say boiling the kettle “coffee please” Kier smiles before I have the chance to ask “How did you know I was going to ask?” I tease “because you’re a nice person” he says seriously. I cough uncomfortable at how heavy the atmosphere has become “thanks” I smile opening the cupboard to get mugs.

I grab a mug that has ‘not my division’ printed on it and chuckle placing it down “mine don’t put your drink in it” Kier asserts “woah calm down it’s just a mug” I laugh “Not just a mug. A Sherlock mug” he smiles “all the same-” “ITS A SHERLOCK MUG!” he shouts “Okay, okay you can have the mug” I sigh grabbing another out of the cupboard.

I hear a load bang in the living room and raise my eyebrows at kier before grabbing my mug full of coffee, I have a feeling I’ll need it, and poking my head around the doorway. It’s chaos. Barrone’s lying on the floor a scared Drew on top of him, Luke has his head in his hands and is mumbling whilst Laurence picks up the pile of books scattered around. “What the-” Kier finishes for me “fuck”. Barrone is making a load of noise but his words are muffled by Drew making them impossible to understand. I sharply turn to look at them after hearing another thud and see Drew on the floor and Barrone patting himself down. “The screaming made me jump” Laurence yawns as if that explains the carnage before me. I hear Drew squeal “you asshole” as he jump tackles Barrone causing him to fall on the pile of books Laurence had just tidied, they fall to the ground again wrestling amongst themselves. I turn to Kier my eyes wide “I- Is it always like this?” he doesn’t get a chance to answer before I hear a loud thump and Drew screaming.

Barrones P.O.V:

Me and Drew are play fighting on the floor. I suddenly flip Drew onto his back. Drew makes a small noise and I reach to grab the nearest book. Drew leaps to attack me and his head is met by the book I’d just grabbed as I throw it at him. Drew screams out in pain then starts screaming obscenities and God knows what else at me “I’ll fucking kill you” he finishes storming off.

“well that was eventful” Kier smirks “erm” India mumbles “coffee?” Laurence asks glancing at her mug “kettles boiled” she sighs collapsing on the sofa “It’s not even 9 in the morning and you’ve already destroyed the living room had a fight and practically killed each other”. “Wait till we get on tour –” Kier is interrupted as Drew runs in firing his nerf gun bullets going everywhere. “TAKE COVER” I scream leaping behind the sofa and grabbing a conveniently placed abandoned nerf gun which is lying beside me.

Lukes P.O.V:

I place the final book on the pile “we’ve been tidying for nearly three hours” India complains collapsing in a heap “bloody exhausting work dear make some coffee?” Drew smiles. India glares at him causing him to shrink away “It has been yes FOR THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY TIDYING!” she shouts getting up and storming into the kitchen “no coffee then?” Drew shouts after her. I sigh shooting an annoyed glance at him “shut it” I mumble walking into the kitchen after her.

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