No Remorse

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Lukes P.O.V:

I look at India, she looks terrified. She’s holding onto my hand as if her life depends on it. She suddenly releases her grip “I – I should do this alone” she stumbles. I look at her biting her lip, trembling “India” I start “No, no this is my fault” she mumbles walking up to the front door without me. She pauses for a second before opening the door and going inside closing the door behind her gently. Kier has got out of the van now and is frowning ‘why didn’t you go with her’ he mouths. I don’t know. I answer the only way I can, I shrug.

India’s P.O.V

The door closes with a soft click behind me. I stand still by the door for a moment listening for any sign he’s home. I can hear the clock ticking upstairs, nothing else. I make my way up the stairs quietly just in case he is in. I don’t want to bump into him when he’s this angry. I poke my head around the door quickly surveying the front room, it’s empty apart from my ginger cat Tom sleeping on the sofa. I exhale in relief scurrying through. I quickly check the kitchen, the dining room and the study. They’re all empty luckily. I finally relax content the house is empty and open the door to my bedroom. I quickly grab my bag from beside the door “going somewhere?” a voice asks angrily scaring me, causing me to jump. I look over to my bed and he’s sitting on it glaring at me “D – Dad” I stutter “You didn’t answer my question girl!” he says angrily “I – I” stumble panicking. He looks angry. I’m scared, memories of the times he’s been angry flash in my mind and I close my eyes in an attempt to make them go away. I open them again and he’s standing in front of me. I jump again. “I said where. Are. You. Going” he growls. I stand silent too shocked to speak. Suddenly he’s screaming at me. I feel a hand connect with my face and sudden pain. I suddenly snap out of it screaming. I run as if my life depends on it, maybe it does. I make it to the stairs before he grabs me dragging me back into the depths of the house “LUKE. KIER!” I scream through my tears. Nobody comes. They probably think we’ve made up. Nobody’s coming to save me.

Kiers P.O.V:

I check my phone “It’s been 15 minutes Luke” I mutter worried “I’m sure she’s having trouble deciding what to pack. You know what girls are like” he said uncertainly “Luke” I start suddenly I hear crying. I look towards the house but Luke doesn’t. I must be hearing things “Luke. Kier!” I hear muffled from the other side of the door “Luke?” I ask looking him in the eye. His eyes show fear, he looks terrified. He heard it to. We both stand for a moment unsure what to do before I run to the door leaving a shocked Luke standing behind me. I burst through the door and see India being dragged up the stairs by her hair, her face contorted in pain. Tears are streaming down her face and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look so scared before. “Kier” she cries as she’s dragged around the corner. He doesn’t know we’re here I should call the police I think for a second before dismissing the thought “LET HER GO!” I shout running up the stairs two at a time. India’s dad turns her hair still in his grip causing her to flinch. I can hear her whimpering quietly “Who are you?!” he demands “let her go” I growl. His grip on her tightens but she has a sudden surge of confidence pulling away from his grip and running towards me. He grabs her wrist before she can make it though “IS THIS WHERE YOU’RE GOING RUNNING AWAY WITH A MAN LIKE THE LITTLE WHORE YOU ARE!” he screams in her face. He suddenly pushes her against the wall putting his hands around her throat. I run up to him and grab him trying to get him off her. Suddenly his first connects with my temple and everything goes black.

India’s P.O.V:

I watch my Dad hit Kier and Kier fall to the floor “Kier” I scream my lungs burning. My dad slaps me across the face again. I continue screaming Kiers name. Suddenly Luke bursts in “India” he screams before noticing Kier “Kier!” he bursts out “he – help” I stutter.

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