This day keeps getting worse

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Laurences P.O.V:

After a night of no sleep I’m exhausted. I look out the window to se it’s light outside. I sigh getting off the floor and stretching my legs “I better check on Kier” I mumble to myself. I stop to yawn and collect myself before walking into our room. The first thing I notice is Kiers in a plain white t shirt not a hoodie. His back is too me so I walk around the bed so I’m facing him to wake him up, thats when I notice. His shirt is soaked through and blood is on the bedclothes. I takes everything I have not to scream. I run into the front room and grab my mobile calling Barrone. It takes several attempts as my hands are shaking. He picks up after three rings “hey” he says tiredly “Shane, oh my God Kier he’scoveredinbloodandthebedsheetsaretooandohmygodwhatdoido help me” I frantically shout down the phone “Laurence slow down I can’t understand you what’s wrong?” he asks quickly “It’s Kier” I cry, I don’t have anytime to say anything else as he interrupts “Hang on I’ll be there soon” before hanging up. I sit on the sofa in shock until he arrives “Laurence?” I hear someone say. They sound distant though and my hearing is muffled as if I’m under water. “Laurence snap out of it!” “Laurence what happened?!” “Laurence where’s kier?!” someone asks frantically his name snaps me out of it and I recognise Drews voice “blood... bedroom” I manage to mumble before slipping back into what I imagine is a state of shock. I hear someone exclaim “Oh God” from the other room before I completely lose sense of everything happening around me.

I’m walking into the bedroom again exactly as before, Kiers lying facing away from me. I walk up to him and see the blood, so much blood before running out of the room. That imagine, Kier pale covered in blood keeps appearing in my mind. I know it’s not happening right now but It’s all I can see. Kier. Blood. Everywhere.

Barrones P.O.V:

“Drew” I shout “uhhhhh” comes his muffled reply from the bedroom “Drew get in here now!” I shout. Drew obviously picks up on the distress in my voice as he runs into the living room “Whats wrong?!” he asks sharply “Kier we need to go now” I say quickly grabbing the keys and running out of the flat. We run out of the flat and onto the street, we flag down a taxi almost immediately. For once I’m grateful for living in London. The taxi drivers looks at us in our pyjamas’ with bed hair and looks as if he’s about to say something but looks up at our faces and seeing the panic on our faces says nothing. We get into the taxi and give the cabbie the address in a haze.

We arrive at Laurence and Kiers flat and let ourselves in. Drew immediately starts to question Laurence which doesn’t seem to be of any use until he uses Kiers name and he manages to get two words out of him that chill me to the bone ‘blood’ and ‘bedroom’ Drew immediately runs to the bedroom and I hear him scream “Oh God” I look at Laurence who’s sitting in complete silence shaking and unresponsive and run into the bedroom. Everything looks normal until I see Drew’s face his eyes wide in shock and his face pale. I run around the bed to see what I’m missing and I stop dead almost throwing up “call an ambulance now!” I shout snapping him out of it. Drew immediately grabs his mobile dialling 999 “ambulance” he says waiting for what seems like forever before answering the dispatcher’s questions. He gives the address and his mobile number before explaining what’s happened to the bets of his ability which considering Laurence’s state is not very well at all.

It doesn’t take long at all for the ambulance to arrive and two paramedics arrive at the flat. One goes to Laurence and the other runs into the bedroom. I stay with Laurence whilst Drew stays with Kier. “how longs he been like this?” the paramedic asks her face sincere “erm I don’t know he was like this when I got here” I say feeling helpless “he did call me to tell me something was up about 40 minutes ago if that helps” I add as an after though “It does, the shorter the time in shock the loess damage done” she smiles before turning back to Laurence. I can’t help but worry over the word ‘Damage’. She puts a blanket on Laurence ‘for shock’ apparently but he still doesn’t respond so she decides he should go to hospital. Just as she reaches that decision the other paramedic comes out “we’ll need a stretcher” is all he says before dashing back into the bedroom. I can’t really think straight. Everything becomes quite frantic and Kier and Laurence are dashed to the hospital leaving me and Drew behind in their empty flat dazed. “we should call Luke” Drew says simply “We should” I reply.

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