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Indias P.O.V:

I’m filling up Toms food bowl when I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me. I jump before realising it’s Luke “sorry didn’t mean to scare you” he smiles as I turn around and plant a kiss on his lips “It’s okay” I smile putting the cat food on the side. I smile at him “so?” I ask “Right erm yeah” he coughs clearing his throat blushing slightly “we’re going to band practice you can stay here if you want or...” he trails off “I’d love to come” I beam. He grins obviously happy at my decision “I could never get bored of your music, or you” I smile before kissing him passionately “ahh my eyes” Drew shouts “It’s too early in the morning for this” Barrone complains. I pull away from Luke who looks slightly disappointed “you’re just jealous” I wink before continuing to kiss Luke. They sigh melodramatically making as much noise as possible whilst making breakfast “okay we get the hint” I grumble walking out “girls are so moody” Drew sighs “yeah thats why I have you” Barrone mumbles. I quickly poke my head around the door “Oh not too early for you guys” I shout hitting Barrone on the head lightly before running away “Get her” Drew exclaims before I hear footsteps chasing me.  

Kiers P.O.V:

We’re taking a break between songs when an idea strikes me “guys” I smile “oh shit kemps smiling” Luke sighs “this can’t be good” Barrone frowns “do I even want to know whats going on in that perverted head of yours?” India frowns. I pout at their reactions but quickly recover “yes, yes you do” I smile cheekily “hit us with it” Drew frowns “we should cover an Elton John song” I grin “oh my god oh my god yes” India squeals. Drew just smiles “I thought it was going to be horrid” Barrone laughs “are you guys forgetting we have 4 days of practice left?” Laurence sighs “we can do it!” I grin enthusiastically. India’s stopped smiling now “Laurs right” she sighs. Silence falls upon the room for a moment “actually you know what we can” Laurence smiles causing everyone to stare at him in shock “what song are we going to cover?” Barrone asks getting down to business. Luke looks at India before smiling faintly “I’m still standing” I look at him “that’s perfect” I grin. Laurence claps his hands “right let’s do this”

India’s P.O.V:

My stomach grumbles loudly causing everyone to look at me. “sorry” I mumble wide eyed “it’s cool” Laurence laughs “wow I’ve just realised how hungry I am!” Drew exclaims holding his stomach for effect “you’re always hungry” Barrone laughs “hungry for you” Drew winks kissing him. Luke coughs awkwardly before checking his phone “it’s half 3 I’ll go get lunch and drinks” he mutters “I’ll just have a coffee” Kier smiles causing Laurence to glare at him. Kier looks at the ground before sighing “and an apple. Green” he frowns “thank you” Laurence mumbles kissing him “I want cookies!” Drew shouts “me too!” Barrone grins. I sigh “do you guys live off cookies?” I ask serious “oooh actually custard creams” Barrone grins “I still want cookies!” Drew shouts “just go before they ask for an entire biscuit factory” Laurence shouts. Luke walks out the door and I frown. He quickly pops his head around “you coming” he smiles at me “yeah” I laugh running after him “you guys practice without us” Luke shouts steeping outside. As he unlocks the van they start playing again “why’d you choose I’m still standing?” I ask as I get in the van “It makes me think of you” Luke smiles putting the key in the ignition.

Kiers P.O.V:

As we finish going through the song again and I sit on an amp. “you okay?” Laurence asks concerned “yeah tired” I mumble “you need to eat” he sighs “apples on it’s way” I smile faintly “can I draw for a bit I’m getting sick of Elton John already” Barrone sighs falling to the ground with a thud his sketchpad on his chest “sick .... of Elton?!” Drew exclaims in horror “yeah sure” I mutter. Barrone rolls over in response and opens his sketch pad beginning to draw immediately. All signs of offence on Drews are replaced by interest as he sits on Barrones back watching him sketch “kinda distracting” Barrone mutters “you always distract me” Drew purrs “guys still here!” I shout causing Drew to snap out of it and blush red “sorry” he mumbles rolling off Barrone watching him draw intently. “so you think we’re gonna get this?” I ask Laurence referring to the song “yeah I’m more worried about Death Or Disgrace” he murmurs. I sigh “maybe we shouldn’t play it” he suggests. Drew and Barrone look up at him in shock “what? Why?” Drew asks “because have you seen him after that song? He’ll end up in hospital again!” Laurence exclaims. “I’m fine Laur” he looks at me disbelieving “look these are getting taken out soon” I continue “they’e going to have to be taken out on tour” Barrone gasps “no they-” Drew interrupts “they will you’ve had them in 10 days on tour they’ll need to be taken out” “great” I sigh “when are we going to have time for that” I frown

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now