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Barrones P.O.V:

We all cross the road across from the park carefully, we’re all much more cautious now after the accident. As soon as we reach the gate Kier runs in and straight for the swing set receiving strange looks, did I mention the parks busy? “WHY IS IT SO BUSY?!” India exclaims “it is Saturday” Drew mumbles “oh. Really?” she asks shocked. We all laugh “losing track of the days already India. Welcome to the band” Luke grins tousling her hair. She shrieks in surprise before hitting him then running away. I place the picknik basket on the ground and watch them for a moment before sitting down. “drew?” I pat the ground next to me “oh. Yeah. Sorry” he stutters sitting next to be calmly. It’s strange seeing him so disconnected he’d normally be attack Kier or something by now.I grab my guitar beginning to strum the chords to an old song I’ve been working on called Handlung as Kier runs over. “that... was... awesome” he grins breathless before falling backwards to the ground with a thud “oowww” he murmurs staring up at the sky. “sound familiar Barrone who wrote it?” Kier asks rolling over and rubbing his back “me” I say sheepish still strumming quietly “you’ve never played it to us before yet I recognise it” Drew says his face mirroring Kiers confusion “well... erm... I’ve played it when you guys were sleeping” I mumble “okay thats weird God knows what weird shit I’ve picked up” Kier shudders “you guys haven’t ... you know when I’ve been” “- of course...” I trail off realising maybe a little. Drew blushes red beside me.

Laurences P.O.V:

I walk over to the guys with India and Luke no we’re done chasing each other like children. I’m only a few feet away when I notice Drew blushing “I sense something good” I grin strutting over “whats happening here then?” I wink Barrone makes eye contact before looking down at his guitar quickly. Deciding I’m not going to get anything from him I turn to Kier who’s suddenly even plaer than usual and looking slightly shocked “you ... you didn’t?” he asks disbelief in his tone “this does sound good” India laughs “whats up baby” I smirk sitting next to Kier “I played them a song for the first time” Kier suddenly exclaims “well not the first time really is it Barrone?!” “hey you look er whats the word...” “peaky?” Luke offers “yeah peaky whats up?” I ask “oh wait until you hear this” Kier groans. Drew and Barrone exchange a look, Drews cheeks only slightly pink now “they. Have. Been. Doing .... things whilst we were sleeping” Kier chokes out “for someone so dirty minded you really are innocent kemp” India chuckles as Luke laughs hysterically next to her “you guys don’t sound surprised?! Why?!” Kier exclaims next to me. I try to suppress a small chuckle and fail miserably “well pet we all knew ... apart from you it seems” I smile patting his head “REALLY?! OH GOD GUYS THATS ... THATS ...” we all laugh hysterically, you hardly see Kier flustered “wrong” he mutters darkly “like we haven’t done it when they were sleeping in the van Kier” I laugh “oh God THE VAN?! I’M SUPPOSED TO SLEEP IN THE VAN” India shouts causing a few strangers to look over “all kinds of things have happened in the van” Barrone mutters shaking his head “I’m going to be sick” India groans sitting down. Drew suddenly opens the picnic basket “sandwhich anyone?” he smiles before devouring one practically whole “I can’t wait to take India on tour now” Kier grins devilishly. So much for him being flustered I think grabbing an apple and chucking it at him. Kier looks at me with disdain “eat it kemp” I frown glaring at him until he asks for a knife. Seriously, who the hell cuts up apple?


Indias P.O.V:

The sound of Barrones strumming and Kiers voice drifts over to me and Luke. I turn to face him the chains on the swing rattling “you look tired” I frown. Luke looks up at the now orange sky before answering “yeah I guess I am” we sit in silence for a moment the sound of the chains creaking and the guys playing in the distance is the only noise “you should go to bed early you know” I yawn “looks like I’m not the only one in need of an early night” he laughs “yeah well I don’t need to drive to Cardiff tomorrow morning” I sigh getting up from the swing “c’mon lets go” I grumble poking him “I’ll push you on the swing for a bit first?” Luke grins “you know what a girl wants” I laugh pecking him on the lips before sitting down on the swing again.

Laurences P.O.V:

Barrone messes up a chord on his guitar again “time to go sleepyhead” I laugh getting up “I’m not tired it’s just dark” he whines “I wasn’t talking to you” I nod over at Drew who’s given up playing bass and is now sleeping on the grass his bass beside him “oh” Barrone smiles putting his guitar into it’s case “I’ll carry his bass if you want to carry him” Kier suggests. I grab the bass before he has a chance “it’s probably half your weight” I frown slinging the bass over my shoulder and making towards the park area “LUKE. INIDIA!” I shout now a reasonable distance from Drew “oh WHEN DID IT GET DARK” India shouts back “coming” Luke shouts before I hear a squeal and them laughing hysterically. Luke runs up into view India slung over his shoulder “nice girlfriend” I laugh nodding at her kicking her legs up and squirming over his shoulder “nice bass” Luke replies “oh yeah Drews sleeping” I smile “never was one for burning the midnight oil was he” India laughs “given up kicking now?” Luke asks “yeah free ride home” India shouts “shh Drews sleeping” I laugh as we approach. Kier walks up and grabs my hand “ready to go?” I ask. Barrone shifts Drew in his arms “yep lets go” he whispers “stealth mission” Kier giggles as we sneak through the streets of London towards our flat.

Kiers P.O.V:

“come on I need to unlock the door” Laurence groans. “I don’t want to move” I mumble sleepily “it’s your fault carrying him bridle style when he’s tired” Luke grumbles I hear Laurence sigh before I drift into a dreamless sleep

*time lapse*

I open my eyes and look around the flat groggily “huh how’d I get here?” I mumble as last nights events slowly come back to me. I yawn rolling lazily off the sofa with a thud. It wakes me up suddenly and I stick my head up alert, the mumbling and snoring continues so I get up gingerly. I make my way to the kitchen pouring a glass of water “couldn’t sleep?” a vaguely familiar voice asks. I freeze suddenly looking up to make eye contact with Indias dad. How did he find us? How did he get in our flat? A million questions run through my head but all I do is scream.

A/N: So guys it's truly been great to write this. The feedback was pretty darn insane I actually never thought I'd finish this, or that anyone would read it, let alone like it. Thanks to everyone who's stuck it out this far 47 chapters (not including random updates about FVK). I honestly hope you guys liked it. I think my writing really sucked at the beginning but it sucks slightly less now. So as you guys have probably guessed from the ending... a sequel is coming. I actually started this story pre kerrang tour so I could write about it as I was really excited and I actually never got the guys to play any bloody gigs in this story. So thats all by the by once again thanks for sticking it this far guys and please don't kill me over the ending! 

One final note I nearly didn't upload today as me and the coffee table have had a disagreement yay concussion ._.

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