It must be the medication

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Laurences P.O.V:

I’m pacing the flat when the phone rings. I grab it and smile to myself wondering when the last time I’d actually used it was. I quickly glanced at the caller ID and remembered what had happened; the wave of sadness hit me again crushing my lungs. I answered and breathed a barely audible “hello” down the phone. Kier realised something was up and yelled “Cheer up Laur He’s okay!”, I breathed a sigh of relief and we talked for about 15 minutes before i realised how tired I was, I say my goodbyes to Kier telling him not to call Luke as he is sleeping on the couch. After putting the phone back down on top of the tv I grab a scrap of paper from my notebook and write a note to Luke telling him that Barrone’s okay before heading into the bedroom and falling into an almost comatose state.

Barrones P.O.V:

I wake up again to see Drew curled up asleep next to me, he’s so cute sleeping I think to myself. It takes me a while to realise that Kier isn’t here. My head is still foggy but I manage to call out “Kier” softly. A passing nurse asks if he’s the nice looking guy with the red fringe whilst smiling brightly. “Yeah where is he I ask” slightly panicking. “he went outside to make a phone call” she replies with a gentle smile obviously aware of my distress. I smile weakly and nod hoping he won’t be long. The nurse soon leaves and after watching Drew sleep for a while I notice the cookie on the bed side table. “oooh I love cookies” I grin excitedly. “Glad to see you back to yourself” Drew yawns looking into my wide eyes. I look into his big big soft brown eyes and whisper “I love you” before going back to munching on the cookie.

Kiers P.O.V:

“I love you” echoes through the room, Barrone only whispered it but his words hit both me and Drew with force. Drew looks like he’s about to say something back when he looks up and sees me. I cough gently and sit on the end of the bed pretending nothing happened. Barrone continues munching on his cookie oblivious to what he said. After a few moments of silence I utter the words "It must be the medication" before looking away my face burning red. Drew shakes his head before turning to me and muttering “so, you took a while”. 

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