You're Like An Old Man

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India’s P.O.V:

I sit on the sofa cradling Tom in my lap whilst most of the guys run around grabbing my things. Kier sits on the sofa opposite a bag of pea’s held to his temple. Luke walks through holding a bag full of my stuff “You okay?” he asks gently. I shake my head “I just want to get out of here” I say quietly, looking down at my feet “WE’RE NEARLY DONE” Drew shouts from the other room and Luke just smiles running out of the room and down the stairs to load some more of my belongings into the van. I stroke Tom and look down at him before bursting out into tears “Hey” Kier says softly “what’s wrong?” he asks. I look down at Tom “I’m going to have to give him away” I say through my tears. Kier just looks at me silent “LAURENCE” he shouts “yeah what?” Laurence asks running in “you know you wanted a cat?” Kier smiles “yeah?” Laurence asks confused “well I think we just found you one” Kier says nodding at Tom. I smile properly for the first time since my dad rang me at rehearsal “Thank you” I grins tears still falling down my face.

“Hey what happened?” Luke asks as he walks in before gently wiping the tears off her face with his finger. I  flinch “sorry I didn’t-” “No Luke it’s fine It just stings” I smile placing the cat down and getting up to hug him. Barrone and Drew walk in their arms full of posters “We erm thought you-” Barrone starts before I run up to him hugging him tightly catching him off guard “Thank you” I mumble before patting him on the head “I better go check everything’s been taken” I frown looking towards my room “yeah you probably should” Drew smiles “Do you need me to come with you?” Luke asks worried “No I’d like some time alone please” I say quietly “We’ll be in the van” Kier says getting up and walking towards the door.

My room is almost stripped bare of my belongings. The only things left are my bedclothes and a picture of me, my mum and my Dad when we were younger. I pick it up looking at it sadly before placing it back down. I sit on my bed looking at the bare walls free of posters for the first time in years “I’ll miss you room” I sigh. I get up tears in my eyes and lower myself to the ground reaching under my bed. My hand touches a box and I pull it out gently removing the lid. I look at the contents inside. My memory box, a reminder of happier times. I flick through the photos of me when I was younger. Several stick out; my Dad pushing me on a swing, me and my mum making cupcakes, me holding Tom as a kitten. I smile sadly. I take out the few pictures of me and my mother and her necklace holding them close to my heart. I close the box on the remaining photos of me and my Dad, the story he wrote me as a child and various other trinkets including cards. I place the box on the bed and write a note hastily on a scrap of paper lying on the bedside table

‘Dear Dad,

I know you’re not the man you used to be. I miss the old days, I miss mum too but I’ll never hurt someone because of it. I’m angry but I’m going to try and forgive you. I’m never coming back. I’m going to stay with some people you don’t know. Don’t try to find me in 5 years or even 10. I don’t want to see you ever again.



I place the note on top of the box tears silently falling from my face. I place my phone on top of the box too. I walk to the door stealing one last glance at the photograph of me and Dad framed on my desk before turning my back on my room and my old life. It’s time to let go and move on.

Kiers P.O.V:

India walks out of the flat Tom under her arm. I quickly jump out of the van grabbing him from her “thanks” she mutters as she locks the door with shaking hands “I’ll never do that again” she says sadly before posting the key through the letter box “I know” I say quietly “lets go home” she says smiling faintly. I squeeze her hand with my free one “lets go home” I repeat back walking with her to the van.

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