Gaze Upon It And Weep

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India’s P.O.V:

I lie awake with my eyes closed. I really don’t want to get up. I open my eyes anyway and I’m staring at someones chest “the fuck?” I mutter sleepily. I sit up and realise It’s Luke and I’m at Kiers apartment. Last I remember I was in the van. He must have carried me up here I smile thinking about it. I get up making sure to lean down and kiss Luke before ambling to the kitchen sleepily. Everyone else is still asleep so I try to be quiet. “what the hell do you guys eat?” I mutter going through the cupboards “crap mostly” Laurence yawns sleepily behind me causing me to jump “ahhh” I squeal “sorry” he yawns “didn’t mean to scare you there” he continues “ah it’s okay I’m not used to having people in the house when I get up” I sigh reaching down to pet Tom who is meowing relentlessly at me “someones hungry huh” I smile patting his head “mhmmm yes” Barrone sighs as his stomach rumbles “I may be wrong but I think she was talking to the cat idiot” Kier taunts “God do you guys all ike scaring me” I groan. Suddenly foam bullets cascade around me “yes” Barrone smiles putting the gun down “heeey it’s to early” I whine “It’s never to early for a fire fight!” Kier grins “you’re such children” I sigh going through the last few cubaords “you won’t find anything of much sustanace here” Laurence laughs “you don’t say” I frown turning to look at him “biscuits!” Barrone exclaims triumphantly “Did someone say biscuits?!” Drew grins. Drew looks over at me and his smile falls “hey” I murmur, he looks down guiltily. I grab a biscuit from Barrone causing him to stare at me in shock. Obviously he’s not used to people stealing his food “It’s fine” I smile holding out a biscuit at him. Drew suddenly smiles relieved “you sure?” he asks whilst eating “Yes but eating and talking at the same time isn’t” I tease “yeah no one wants to see that” Kier frowns.

Luke suddenly meanders in “why’s everyone in the kitchen?” he yawns dazed “DO YOU ALL GET UP AT THE SAME TIME CHRIST WHATS WITH THAT?!” I exclaim “haha I think you scared her Luke” Drew laughs whilst poking Barrone after more biscuits “sorry” Luke murmurs wrapping his arms around me “morning” I breathe “mhmm” he sighs “BUT CUSTARD CREAMS ARE MY FAVOURITE!” Drew shouts in the background “is it always like this?” I sigh exasperated “yep” Luke laughs. Tom has now decided meowing isn’t working and is head butting me repeatedly. “alright alright foods coming” I frown pulling out of Luke embrace “Foods coming?!” Barrone pipes “Did someone say something about food?” Drew asks excitedly “yes cat food do you want some” I sigh grabbing the container and filling Toms bowl “oh ... not really” Barrone sighs “I want McDonalds!” Drew exclaims. Luke sighs walking into the other room. I hear his keys jingle faintly from the other room and Drew runs almost falling over on the lino “God I swear you’d think he’s never eaten before” I laugh.

Lukes P.O.V:

I’m trying to concentrate on driving but Drew is screaming “are we there yet” repeatedly from the back of the van. “I’ll kill him” I mutter under my breath “It’s a bit early in the day for blood Luke” Laurence affirms “it’s a bit early in the morning for Drew” Luke mutters. I hear India try to suppress a giggle but fail miserably and smile “I’m going to have to buy you guys actual food for the flat” she giggles “well theres no point till after K! Tour” Kier grins “woooo” Drew shouts from the back “I swear he’s crazy enough is giving him food a good idea?” India mutters causing everyone but Drew to laugh “I’ll starve thats timid abuse” he wails melodramatically “we’re here” I say pulling into the carpark sharply. I hear a thud in the back and India flys foward hitting the dash board “owwww” comes a muffled shout from the back causing me to smile “shit Luke” Laurence shouts high pitched. I look over quickly to see India lying her head on the dash “W – what?” I ask confused “she wasn’t wearing a seat belt!” Kier exclaims panicked “whats going on?!” the timids shout from the back worried. Laurence gently pulls India’s head off the dash to reveal blood.

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