What if?

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Kiers P.O.V:

I wake up to an empty bed. The sun is shining so I assumed it’s fairly late. I yawn still sleepy. As I walk into the bathroom and catch my reflection I remember last night, my appearance, Laurence crying, Laurence leaving early in the morning. I stop to wonder if he’s back before grabbing my razor. I haven’t shaved in days and stubble is lining my jaw accentuating my sunken cheeks and high cheekbones. I look at the razor for a while remembering the time in hospital. Laurence in a coma, me cutting myself out of distress. I feel almost the same now. I let Laurence down, I hurt him. Maybe I deserve this, to feel like this, to hurt myself. It’s only a cheap razor, we have loads. Laurence wouldn’t notice one missing. I’m sitting on the edge of the bathtub holding the razor between my shaking hands when Laurence walks in. He smiles at me before seeing the razor in my hands and does a double take. His eyes are round in shock “you didn’t...” he trials off trying to keep himself together. I say nothing looking down at the razor, he couldn’t stop me if I want to right? I don’t notice him walk over deep in thought. I feel the razor being taken from my hands and hear it bouncing in the sink. Laurence grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me up. He’s shaking me “Kier. Kier you didn’t? Please tell me you didn’t” he cries “I’m too numb to say anything, I feel empty, like my stomach. “Kier?” I snap back to complete consciousness “yeah” I reply “Oh God” Laurence cries shaking. I realise he thinks I’m answering his earlier question “No Laurence, No I didn’t” I reply monotone. Laurence looks at me his eyes wet, his shoulders slumped and I swear I can see disappointment in his eyes “I think you’ve cut yourself again and I’m here crying and you.. you.. you don’t even care you machin...” Laurence stops himself walking out. I hear the front door slam and collapse against the bath shaking through my tears. I reach into the sink and grab the razor removing the blade and playing with it. To cut or not to cut? I ask myself

Drews P.O.V:

When I wake up I walk into the front room to see Barrone sitting he knees drawn up to his chest staring into space. It scares me because he’s never just sitting. He’s always doing something, drawing, eating, reading comics, running around like a lunatic. “Barrone?” I ask concerned. He doesn’t reply “SHANE” I shout he suddenly jumps his pupils dilating and he starts to come back. “Hey” I murmur “sorry I scared you” I say gently sitting next to him “It’s okay” he says looking at the floor. He looks sad and scared really scared “whats wrong?” I ask worried “Kier” he replies “I know he’s not been right but you saw him at band practice and the coffee shop he looks better lately right?” I ask “No he doesn’t” Barrone replies solemnly “Shane, what happened?” I ask really worried now “He...Laurence saw... him... getting undressed and” Barrone cries stumbling over his words “Shane you’re making no sense. Breathe do you want some water?” I ask calmly trying not to make panic him anymore than he already is. He just nods tears streaming down his face. I get up quickly and come back with water to find him still crying. I place the water down and hug him kissing him on the cheek “Shane. Try again whats wrong?” I ask handing him the water. He takes a sip before holding the glass tightly in his hands “While you were asleep... me and” he starts crying again. I wait patiently “Me and Laurence went out” “Okay, that doesn’t tell me whats wrong” I reply calmly. He puts down his water and grabs his phone out his pocket his hands shaking as he unlocks it. He hands me the phone and I read through his texts between him and Laurence this morning one sticks out

 ‘3:51 You can see his ribs Barrone’

I feel the bile rise in my throat. I get up and run to the bathroom only just making it. I vomit into toilet. I’m throwing up again when Barrone walks in, he places his hand on my back trying to comfort me. When I finally stop throwing up I collapse against the wall sliding into sitting position. I think I hear Barrone messing with the bleach as I zone out. I feel hands shaking me “Drew? Drew?” a voice asks concerned. I realise it’s Barrone. I look into his wide worried eyes still red from crying. I don’t say anything. I have no words but he can tell what I need and he helps me up hugging me tightly.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now