Dr Broomhall

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Shanes P.O.V:

Me, Drew and Luke were sat on the floor in the front room of Kiers and Laurences flat playing the dungeons and dragons board game. Kier was lying on the sofa curled up his back to us. Occasionally we looked up to check on him but he didn’t move. “Where’s Laurence?” I mumbled to Drew nuzzling my face into his neck. He pecked my cheek before replying “I don’t know” solemnly. Luck got up and stretched “I’ll go find him, hey you guys want anything from the kitchen”. At the mention of the kitchen Kier tensed up. “Can you see if there are any biscuits?” Drew asked getting up and sitting on my lap.

Laurence’s P.O.V:

I sat on the edge of the bed turning the card over in my hands. A nurse had given me it the day we left the hospital. I read the card ‘Dr Broomhall Dieticain’ again. I glanced at the number then at my mobile phone lying next to me. ‘Should I do this? Would he view it as a betrayal?’ I thought to myself. I desperately wanted the decision to be out of my hands but I couldn’t confide in anyone else, Kier would probably be angry and he needed to be able to turn to someone other than me when he was upset with me. My phone rang suddenly making me jump. I hastily grabbed it answering “hello” dully. “You don’t sound good has something bad happened? I called to see how you guys were doing preparing for the K! Tour” our manager replied. I started to explain the situation and after a few minutes Luke walked in. I motioned for him to be quiet pointing to the phone. I told our manager I had to go and he said to get back in touch soon regarding any developments, I promised I would. “Whats that?” Luke asked nodding at the card I was still holding in my hands. “Oh it’s ... nothing” I replied wishing I could tell him. Luke walked over and grabbed it realising I wanted to tell him but couldn’t. “Oh” he mumbled reading the card then passing it back. “You should call him, book an appointment” he stated “Kier might be angry but it’s for the best” Luke announced walking back out. “He’s right” I muttered to no one picking up my phone and dialling the number. I explained the situation and managed to get an emergency appointment for Wednesday, four days from now. After hanging up I got up from the bed and meandered into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and sliced it placing it onto a small plate. I walked through into the front room and placed the plate on the coffee table, the noise didn’t even cause Kier to stir, he’d fallen asleep. Shane looked at the plate then nodded at Kier his face questioning. I smiled and nodded getting up. “Kee” I mumbled my voice soft, I shook him gently causing him to make some weird noises in his sleep. “Kee wake up” I asserted shaking him slightly harder now. “huh what?” Kier moaned still sleepy. I gently pulled him up into the sitting position and sat next to him, “you need to eat” I warned seeing how pale he was. “later” Kier replied rubbing sleep from his eyes. “No you need to eat now” I commanding grabbing the plate from the coffee table. Kier looked at me anger and sadness in his eyes “No, You don’t understand Laurence okay! You don’t get it” He fumed tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “You’re right I don’t but I understand you need to eat something” I pleaded. The anger dispersed from Kiers eyes leaving only sadness behind. “You don’t even have to eat all of it” Shane mumbled “Yeah just something” Drew piped in. “Please you promised to try” I pleaded. Kier took a deep breath, if there was one thing Kier hated to do that was to break promises and let people down. “Okay” he sighed eyeing up the plate. I handed him a piece of apple and after staring at it for a while he finally began to nibble at it. An hour later Kier had managed to eat nearly the whole apple before pushing the plate away. “I proud of you kier” I smiled hugging him tears in my eyes. Kier sadly smiled back at me before kissing me on the lips and getting up. After he’d left Shane looked up at me concerned “You should erm ... keep an eye on the bathroom Laur, he might be” Shane trailed off. “He’s not bulimic okay” I snapped getting up and going to my room to write.

Kiers P.O.V:

I was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling when Laurence walked in. “Hey” he spoke softly “I can leave if you want to be alone” he mumbled trying not to show the pain in his eyes. “Please don’t leave” I replied my voice breaking. Laurence lay on the bed beside me “I promise I’ll never leave no matter what, I love you Kier just remember that okay” he sighed. “Okay” I whispered my voice barely loud enough to hear. I’d found the card lying on the end of the bed and wondered if Laurence had called the dietician or not. I’d put it in the bedside draw not wanting to look at it. Me and Laurence lay side by side for a long time, I waited for him to mention it but he never did and I drifted into a haunted sleep.

Drew’s P.O.V:

We were packing up dungeons and dragons when Laurence walked back in. It suddenly struck me how exhausted he truly looked. “Laurence have you been sleeping?” I asked concern in my voice. “Mmmm yeah, not well though” he answered in a daze. I put the board game under the coffee table before sitting next to him. “me and Shane are going out for drinks, you guys coming?” Luke asked. “No I think I’ll stay here” I replied “yeah maybe next time” Laurence mumbled. The guys left slamming the door behind them. “So what are we going to do about Kier Laur?” I asked. We talked well into the night.

Laurence’s P.O.V:

I woke up the next morning on the sofa. Drew was snoring softly on the floor. The guys hadn’t returned yet and I yawned whilst stretching. I heard Kier walk in and looked up at him. He still had dark circled under his eyes and was unbelievably pale but he was looking at Drew with a smile on his face. “Do you think he knows he snores?” he mused. “I don’t know” I smiled back. Kier padded over quietly to the sofa and curled up next to me. “God you’re cold” I exclaimed. “I know” Kier sighed. “I’ll warm you up” I smiled as he snuggled into me. At that moment Luke and Shane stumbled into the flat obviously still drunk. Shane was missing his shoes and soon fell over Drew waking him up. “Ouch” Drew cried out in pain when he saw how drunk the guys were he laughed. “glad we missed out I don’t fancy the hang over they’ve got coming” Drew laughed getting up and brushing himself down. Drew turned on the tv and we all watched apart from Shane who was lying face down on the floor asleep now. Luke waffled complete and utter nonsense. When a story about the NHS came on the news Lukes eyes flashed and I realised what he was about to say. I flashed daggers at him hoping it would be enough to stop him in his tracks. It didn’t. “You’ve got to see a dia~aatecien” Luke slurred unable to pronounce the word adequately; It was enough though Kier knew exactly what he meant. Kier tensed up and turned towards me “When exactly where you going to mention that” he almost snarled at me. “I~I don’t know” I stammered. Drew looked at us anxious he hated confrontation the most out of all of us. “I’ve somewhere to be” he mumbled slipping out of the apartment unnoticed. “When have I got to go” Kier spat at me, Luke wandered off oblivious to the trouble he had caused. “What does it matter I doubt you’ll go anyway” I shouted raising my voice at him. “Well I don’t need to go!” Kier shouted in denial “Look at yourself Kier you obviously do” I fumed. Kier stormed off to the bedroom slamming the door behind him. I sank down on the sofa my head in my hands. Shane was stil asleep next to the tv.  

A/N So sorry it's been so long since the last chapter guys I've been really distracted lately, also sorry this chapters so short. I'll try to update quicker this time.

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