Enough tomfoolery!

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Barrones P.O.V:

The ride over to the practice space doesn’t take long but Drew still manages to fall asleep. Drews leaning into me snoring softly “luke can you turn it down a bit?” I ask conscious of Drew stirring slightly. Luke quickly looks in his mirror and sees Drew sleeping on me “sure” he mutters turning the volume down ever so slightly. Drew calms down stirring less “thanks” I murmur. Kier and Laurence seem to be the only ones fully awake, in fact Kier looks too awake. They’re taking it in turns to flick each other, suddenly all sense of control is lost and they begin to continuously flick each other. Laurence decides it would be a good idea to tickle Kier causing him to squirm knocking me and consequently Drew “guys” I hiss. They both look up “sorry” they apologise before beginning to flick each other again. They’re such children sometimes. The van stops but I don’t notice “we’re here” Luke announces. Laurence hops out of the van and Kier launches himself out of the van onto Laurences back who somehow mangaes to mantain his balance and give Kier a piggyback to the door where he somehow mangaes to unlock the door with Kiers legs wrapped around his waist and his arms around his neck “hey ouch spidermonkey stop kneeing me” they continue bickering as they walk inside “you going to wake him up or what?” Luke asks “huh” I mutter dazed “rehearsal inside now?” Luke asks “oh yeah sure” I mutter unbuckling the sleeping Drew and lifting him out of the van. I look down at him sleeping in my arms he finally looks completely peaceful, not anxious, for the first time in weeks. I focus on the small details the way his fringe falls over his face, the dark shadows under his eyes. He hasn’t been sleeping much lately I worry. Luke looks at me watching him “You want to let him sleep in the van for a while?” he asks “yeah he looks so tired” I sigh. Luke opens the back door for me and I place Drew on the bunk gently careful not to wake him, he stirs lightly then continues mumbling in his sleep.

Kiers P.O.V:

“ahhh get off me” Laurence shouts “NEVEEEER” I scream “Hey haven’t they been gone a while?” Laurence muses. I jump down from his back causing him to sigh in relief. I quickly lift a finger to signal one minute before walking down the hallway and sticking my head around the outside door. I jog back to Laurence “well?” he asks “Luke was holding the back door to the van open” I frown confused. “weird” Laurence mutters just as Barrone walk in “wheres Drew?” I ask puzzled “sleeping” Barrone frowns softly “we really need to practice” Laurence sighs “he’ll wake up soon enough I’m sure” I frown “lets just start without him”. We run through a few songs and a new one called Diamond Dust And Crimson Reign. “God that’s a workout” I breathe heavily “break?” Laurence asks “please” I gasp collapsing in a heap on the floor “I really think we should play that on K! Tour” Luke grins “ughhh” I groan, Barrone just laughs. A few minutes later Barrone chirps “you better yet?” I groan in reply “I’m assuming thats a no” Laurence laughs “Hey you guys okay with India coming and hanging out since we’ll be here all day” Luke grins “mhmmm sure get coffee” I grumble from the floor. I see Lukes feet walk past my face “you done being dead yet?” Laurence asks poking me with his foot.

Lukes P.O.V:

I’m driving rather quickly to Indias when I hear a thud in the back of the van. Weird Must be Drews bass I think to myself “ooowwwwww” comes a screech from the back of the van. I jump in shock nearly crashing the van “Shit Drew” I moan. I stop at a traffic jam. “I hate traffic” I mutter opening the door and running around to the back of the van, Drews holding onto the converted bunk dazed and terrified “come on” I mutter grabbing his hand and leading him out of the van “you’re bleeding” I sigh noticing the small cut on his head “you concussed?” I ask “conwhu?” he asks confused “great concussed bass player just what we need” I sigh helping him into the front of the van. At this point the traffics started moving and I hear frustrated drivers honking their horns behind me. I jump in the van behind him and push my foot down on the accelerator hard.

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