The Dead Don't talk?

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Laurences P.O.V:

I suddenly snap back to reality. “where am I?” I say out loud “You’re in hospital bevers” Kier smiles at me. I grin he’s okay. “I thought you were hurt?” I ask noticing he appears to be fine. He walks up to me slowly. I think he’s about to kiss me but I suddenly become uneasy. Something in my mind is screaming this is wrong. He’s in my face now he leans in but instead of kissing me he whispers something into my ear “Not really, I’m dead”. Suddenly my eyes fly open and I’m in a hospital room similar to the one from my nightmare. I try to scream but nothing comes out. I try to move but I’m paralysed. “kier!” I try screaming at the top of my lungs bit nothing comes out. A nurse appears, she looks into my eyes and see’s the blind panic “I need a doctor here!” she shouts. A doctor rushes over. I try to scream, cough, sing, speak anything. I move my legs and nothing happens. Whats happening I’m trapped. “listen Mr ... Beveridge” the doctor says checking my chart “calm down, do not panic, you’re in a state of shock it’s not that unusual considering the circumstances. You’ve been through a very traumatising experience do not make it worse by panicking” he says calmly. He continues to speak and I try to listen but it does nothing to settle the panic still rising within me. I see a nurse messing with my IV drip before everything goes black again.

I’m surrounded by complete darkness “Kier?” I call out confused. Suddenly it all becomes white “He wont answer you know” she answers smiling at me. No. No you can’t talk. Dead people don’t talk. “he’s kind of busy Laur” she smiles. I stare in silence dumbfounded. “Well being dead does keep one busy” she smiles “I’d know” she adds “Layla” I mumur “yes it’s me Laur, I’ll take care of him for you” “please don’t” I cry “you want him to be all alone do you? Like I was?!” she shouts hysterically “Layla I don’t understand” I say confused “Oh but you do Laur darling you understand you just don’t want to admit it”

Drews P.O.V:

I wake up to see Barrone curled up next to me. “It was just a dream” I mumble sleepily blinking my eyes rapidly trying to wake up. I yawn the blanket of sleep wearing off. Then I slowly realise we’re not in our flat. This isn’t my bed? Confused I sit up carefully and look around, Lukes sleeping next to us in a plastic chair. I notice the curtain covered in a hideous pattern and realise. I’m in hospital. “Barrone. Barrone!” I shake him awake “mhmmmm” he mumbles sleepily “what happened?!” I ask. He opens his eyes and looks up at me sleepily. The last few days hit me like a train. I suddenly remember. “Laurence?Kier?!” I shout. A nurse comes over “whats wrong?” she asks politely “My friends where are my friends?” I ask distressed. She looks at my chart “you should be okay to visit them come to the nurses’ station and I’ll find out for you” she smiles. I get out of bed, me and Barrone follow her holding hands. “what are their names?” she asks chirpily at the desk “Laurence Beveridge and Kier Kemp” Luke answers from behind us. We both jump “Christ Luke don’t do that!” I exclaim my heart almost jumping out of my chest. The nurses face falls “Whats wrong?!” I ask suddenly “nothing well erm, they’re both in quite bad ways” she says grimly. She tells us where they are then makes us sign some release forms to discharge us since we’re okay now.

Barrones P.O.V:

We’ve been trying to find Laurence and Kier for the last 30 minutes now “Just admit we’re lost!” Drew exclaims as we walk past the hospital chapel for the third time “We’re not lost!” Luke says back. I let them argue amongst themselves reading signs as we pass them “guy” I murmur. They don’t hear me over their bickering “Guys!” I say again louder this time. They both turn to face me anger burning in their eyes “I found it” I squeak pointing to the sign above us. They both sigh “told you we weren’t lost!” Luke grins “I will hurt you!” Drew exclaims “you can’t do that in a hospital!” Luke gasps “Even more reason too, you’ll get help quickly”. Luke frowns at Drew before starting to walk up the flight of stairs, me and Drew follow close behind. “You need to stop getting into arguments” I whisper harshly. Drew stops and looks at me as if he’s about to say something but thinks better of it and continues up the stairs.

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