Are you f**king mental?

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Drews P.O.V:

We arrive at the hospital with tears in our eyes. India has finally stopped wailing but she’s still silently crying tears slowly rolling down her face. “hey” I smile sadly hugging her. We take the short walk up to Kiers room but it feels like it takes forever. I spend the entire walk hoping he’s awake when we get there. He isn’t. I pass Barrone his guitar “Drew I don’t feel like” “Hey” I interrupted him. Laurence finally looked away from Kier to see what was happening “guys?” he asks confused “Right well he can hear right, maybe? And we need to practice maybe if we do some of his favourite things he’ll wake up” I encourage. An hour later I’m walking down the ward trying to find a nurse who isn’t busy. I spot one and try to get ehr attention quickly before she becomes busy “Hey excuse me?” I ask timidly “Yes what do you need?” she asks smiling at my shyness “erm have you erm got a er cd player somewhere around here?” I stutter “Sure honey there’s one in the activities lounge you can use it there” she smiles “oh” I frown “Is something wrong?” she asks politely “It’s just my friend is erm unconscious well comatose I guess and we just wanted to play him some” “Oh don’t worry you can take it to the room as long as you tell the nurses at the station where it is” she smiles before dashing leaving me thinking where the actual frick is the activities longue?

Barrones P.O.V:

“Where the hell is he?” I frown “he’s been gone 20 minutes” I sigh lying on the floor “We know as much as you” Laurence mutters angrily from Kiers bedside. He hasn’t slept since being anesthetised so I should let it slide but I’m tired too “sooorrrry” I glower sarcastically. Laurence frowns at me saying nothing before turning back to Kier. He’s been watching him like a hawk for hours now It’s honestly not going to make a difference I think to myself. Suddenly Drew walks in interrupting my trail of thought “see you finally found one then” I sigh nodding towards the cd player “Yeah not like it matters how long I took It’s not like he’s going anywhere” Drew nods towards Kier. Laurence suddenly turns around anger and disappointment clearly written on his face. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it again. He quickly gets up from his chair causing it to fall to the ground and Drew leas back against the wall terrified Laurence just glares at him and walks out. Me Luke and India look at Drew “Are you fucking mental?!” India screams at Drew before storming out chasing after Laurence. I just sigh falling from my current sitting position back to lying on the floor. I close my eyes and I hear Green Day start to play on the CD player. I suddenly become aware of how exhausted I am.

India’s P.O.V:

“Laurence” “LAURENCE!” I shout again louder. He still doesn’t stop so I continue to run after him. Why does he have to be so darn tall? I think becoming breathless. “Laurence” I wheeze stopping to catch my breath. Laurence stops and I jog up to him as quickly as I can when I feel like my lungs are about to stop working. “Hey You okay?” I ask I quickly speak again “Of course you’re not sorry stupid question I’m full of those want another?” I ask not waiting for an answer I continue “Why is the sky blue? What are potatoes? What is we had spaghetti for hands?” I stop again trying to get my breathe and notice a small smile on Laurence’s lips “ahh see stupid people can be funny” I cough “You’re not stupid though talking when you look like you’re about to collapse isn’t exactly intelligent” Laurence smiles. We stand In complete silnce for a while allowing me to catch my breathe “better?” Laurence finally asks “much” I reply “so about what Drew said” I mumble “It was inappropriate and he should know better” Laurence mutters angrily “Yeah” I agree quietly allowing him to continue “I mean for fucks sake Layla now Kier. What if Kier ends up like her I can’t lose anyone else He’s my rock I know I have you guys but I’d feel so alone. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for him, he pulled me out of depression even when he couldn’t understand it and I think I’m going to be sick What if we lose him?” Laurence cries “We won’t” I murmur putting my hand on his shoulder “Kiers a fighter, always has been always will be” I smile “He was always stubborn wasn’t he” Laurence mumbles “Is Laurence Is, he’s still here okay even If he can’t talk he’s still here don’t forget that” stated. Laurence just nods before turning back to the direction we came from “should we?” he asks quietly “are you going to strangle him?” I ask “I don’t think so no?” I don’t answer I just start walking.     

Drew’s P.O.V:

I look over to Barrone who’s now sleeping curled up in the foetal position sucking his thumb. He’s so adorable when he’s sleeping though how he can sleep over the music being this loud I don’t know. I’m quietly crying to the ghost of you when Laurence walks in. I don’t bother to try and compose myself we’ve seen each other at our best and worst. Laurence walks over to me and envelops me in a hug. There are no words shared just tears. He finally releases me from the embrace and I look over to India who’s now tickling drews nose with a feather I go to tell her to leave the poor boy alone but my curiosity gets the better of me so me and Laurence watch in silence, him probably also wondering where she got the feather from when Barrone suddenly bursts out “asgdjrowhatahhmyfacegetitoffmehelpDrewitsamonkey” We all burst out laughing and Drew looks at us realising he must have said that out loud “hey no she was tickling me with a wait” he turns to India “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?!” We all carry on laughing hysterically until Kiers machine beeps reminding us where we are. The laughter dies down quickly and we all look expectantly at Kier. 

A/N: So this is a super duper short chapter but fear not I've decided to double upload! :)

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