Please wake up

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Drews P.O.W:

I was still crying onto Keirs shoulder when we heard the sirens approaching. I jumped up and ran towards the ambulance showing them where we were. All I could think is this is my fault, I hurt Barrone, He’d be okay if it wasn’t for me.

The paramedics ran over to Barrone they didn’t seem to worried at first until they started to talk to Laurence then one of them put their hand to Barrones head and that’s when I realised. He was bleeding, a lot. They managed to get him onto a stretcher. One of the paramedics was holding something to his head to stop the bleeding, I didn’t notice what it all seemed so surreal. I remember Laurence climbing into the ambulance and the door being closed behind him. After that my memory goes blank.


Barrone hit his head six hours ago all of the guys have gone down to the hospital cafeteria to get something to eat, I decided to stay behind. I don’t want Barrone waking up on his own and I can’t eat right now I’m too upset to even think about food properly.

Soon the guys are back and Kier has a cookie in his hand. “Take please Drew, eat something, not eating isn’t going to help him” Keir says concern drawn on his facial features. “No it won’t actually me not being there at all today would have helped him, me not causing him to...” Laurence cuts me off “Drew don’t you dare say this is your fault okay, he floored you first and we were all messing around, we do it all the time. We never thought something like this would happen okay”. “He’s right Drew, it was unexpected” Luke sighs before sitting down in a chair at the end of the bed. I don’t bother arguing I just look back at look expecting him to wake up at any minute. I don’t even notice Kier put the cookie on the bed next to me.

Barrones P.O.V:

I try to open my eyes but I can’t everything seems really fuzzy. Where am I? I think to myself. I try to repeat the words out loud but nothing happens its like there a disconnect between my body and my mind. I can hear muffled voices and crying. Oh my god Is that Drew crying? Drew I try to scream but again nothing comes out. It’s not his fault I think to myself before slipping into the darkness again.

Kiers P.O.V:

I sit perched on the end of the bed next to Drew my arms around him. I’m trying to do all i can to make him feel better but theres only one person who can do that and he’s not able to right now. Barrone looks so pale and small in the bed. He’s connected to a few drips and a monitor. The nurses reassured us not to worry too much and that it was just to keep an eye on his blood oxygen levels and some other stuff, but how can we not worry Barrones just lying there unconscious.

A few hours later Drew is asleep his head on my shoulder and I really need to stretch my legs but I don’t want to risk waking him up he needs to rest I think to myself, he’s not happy awake. Laurence and luke have gone back to the flats now. I told them they might as well try to sleep it won’t make any difference us all being here anyway. I sit alone with my thoughts whilst Drew is asleep and Barrone is unconscious for what seems like an eternity when I see Barrones eyes flutter. “Barrone” I cry out hope in my voice. It wasn’t that loud but it it was loud enough to wake Drew from his restless sleep. “kee whats going on?” Drew asks sleepily before he realised whats happened and he starts to cry again. I start to comfort hiom when we hear Barrone mumble “Don’t cry Drew”. We both stop and look at him. He looks really confused but he’s awake. “Nurse” we both shout as loud as we can.

A/N two uploads on a school night. Isn't that just crazy. I couldn't leave the story like that though , poor Barrone. I'm sorry :c 

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