Ice cold

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Kiers P.O.V:

“for fucks sake” I screamed grabbing a hardback book off the bedside table and throwing it at the wall. It hit the wall with a thud and fell to the ground. I turned around and punched the wall before collapsing against it my chest heaving. “why do I always screw up?” I cried out, my knuckles were bright red with my blood, but I was too angry to feel the pain. The house is silent and my thoughts are too loud. I got up and walked into the bathroom and washed my face. I looked up at the mirror, Laurence is right. I look like shit. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration before punching the mirror angered at my reflection. The mirror cracks shards of glass falling to the ground. It doesn’t make me feel any better, if anything I feel worse. I eye up the shard of glass picking it up. I turn it over in my hands a few times before throwing it to the ground and storming back into the bathroom. I pull the window down the cold air hitting my face. I feel trapped like a bird in a cage and I can’t breathe, I can feel my chest tightening. ‘I need air’ I think to myself panicking. I step out of the window onto the stairwell that is only supposed to be used as a fire escape.  

Shanes P.O.V:

I wake up to the sound of multiple crashes and frustrated screaming. My head feels like it’s collapsing in on itself. ‘How much did I drink last night?!’ I think to myself. Then I really become aware of the racket I can hear. “What the hell” I mutter not realising Laurence is in the room. “Me and Kier fought about the Dietician” Laurence sighed lifting his head from his hands briefly. “Dietician?” I asked confused. “Oh yeah you were sleeping.” “ I booked Kier an appointment behind his back and Luke mentioned it” Laurence added his voice monotone. “How much noise did I sleep through?!” I ask in shock. “A lot” Laurence replies before sticking his head in his hands again. Well I guess I’m not going to get much more from him I think to myself getting up and stretching my legs.

I wander into the kitchen to get some tablets for my headache and notice Luke lying face down on the floor. “Oh my God are you alive?” I squeal. Luke grunts in reply. “What the hell are you doing?!” I exclaim bewildered. “Planking” comes Lukes muffled reply, he’s still face down on the kitchen floor. “mhmmmm okaaaay then” I grin  searching the cupboards for some Paracetamol. I find it in the third cupboard and after nearly falling over trying to wrestle the bottle open I finally manage to take some of the tablets. I throw the empty bottle on the side and decide to go and find Kier nudging Luke with my foot on the way out of the kitchen.

“Kier are you in there?” I stammer outside his bedroom door. I get no response. “Kier?” I whisper. Still nothing. “Kier are you okay?” I ask urgently. “Okay I’m coming in” I announce opening the door. I take in the room and let out a gasp. It is trashed. Furniture lies on it’s side and objects are littered about the room. I decide to check to see if Kier is in the bathroom only to find it empty. The mirror is smashed into pieces shards of glass lie on the floor threatening to impale my feet. I grab a towel from the towel rack and throw it over the glass backing out of the bathroom quickly to avoid injury. It’s only on the way out of the room I notice the window is open. “Where the hell have you gone?” I ask the empty room. 

Laurences P.O.V:

“Laurence” Drew shouts from my bedroom. I ignore him keeping my head resting in my hands. “Laurence” He calls again louder this time. I sigh getting up and drudging towards mine and Kiers room. “What?” I ask as I walk into the bedroom. Then I notice the mess. “Christ I know he was throwing stuff around but. Wow”. Shane doesn’t even have time to respond before I notice the open window. “Shit” I moan remembering what happened last time Kier walked off pissed. “Where’s he gone?” I ask my full attention on Shane now “No idea”. We both look at each other an unspoken conversation taking place. We come to the conclusion we need to find Kier. Fast.

Kiers P.O.V:

I wander through the abandoned streets of London alone. My mind is going ten thousand miles an hour and I just need to stop and slow down. “where can I go think?” I mumble to myself, then It hits me. I walk towards the local park which should be mostly empty midday on a Monday afternoon. I’m right there’s a woman with a child by the swings and a dog walker a couple hundred yards down the path. I walk to the far side of the park which is abandoned and sit under the large oak tree. I remember sitting here last summer Drew messing around with his bass, Laurence strumming my guitar and Shane drawing whilst Luke was mindlessly picking daisy’s from the grass. I rest my head against the trunk of the tree closing my eyes and letting my mind wander. My rage soon dissipates and I just feel a sense of calm. I could sit like this forever I think to myself.

Laurences P.O.V:

Me and Shane were running down the flight of stairs in the apartment building when we bumped into Drew. “oh” he exclaimed colliding with Shane. Drew nearly fell over but Shane caught him. “Where are you guys going?” Drew asked straitening himself up. “Kier smashed the place up then left” I mumble trying to keep myself together. Drew and Shane exchange concerned looks before Drew pulls me into a hug “well lets go find them then hey?” he smiles sadly.

Half an hour later we’re still looking for Kier. “where is he?” I ask no one in particular. “Hey, what about the park?” Shane exclaimed. “worth a shot” I frown  not having much faith in finding Kier any time soon. We walk into the park and at first it appears abandoned then I notice Kier sitting down his back against a tree. I elbow Shane nodding towards Kier. “You go talk to him we’ll wait here” Drew hesitated taking Shane by the hand and sitting on the nearby bench with him. I take a deep breath and start walking towards Kier. He doesn’t look up then I realise he’s asleep. I grab his hand to shake him awake and realise how cold he is. How long has he been out here? “Kier?” I shake him still nothing. I shake him calling his name frantically now. “mhmmmm” he mumbles. I breathe calmer now. “Hey sleepyhead get up”. Kier opens his eyes but he appears distant.  “Guys” I shout. Drew and Shane come running over. “come lets go home” I mumble grabbing Kiers Ice cold hands and helping him up. He almost immediately falls down again and me and Shane exchange worried glances. I help him to the ground again. “I’ll go get him something, his blood sugars probably low. He’ll be fine don’t worry” Drew chatters manically, with that he runs away and out of the park. Kiers leaning against the tree again now his eyes closed. I huddle against him to try and keep him warm. Drew comes back with a diet coke and some chocolate. Kier opens his eyes and looks at him suspiciously “I’m not eating that” he protests weakly. “You are” Drew says sternly. Kier looks at him a mixture of hatred and fear in his eyes. “Just have the coke then” Shane pipes up. Shane looks at Drew frustrated before handing Kier just the coke. Kier tries to open it himself but his hands are shaking. I gently take the can off him and open it before placing it back into his hands. “Thanks” Kier murmured before taking a sip.

Kiers P.O.V:

I finish the can and smile at Laurence. I’m not visibly shaking anymore though I can feel my limbs threatening to betray me. Shanes obliterating the chocolate bar now and Drew is trying his best not to glare at him. “lets go home” I declare. Laurence helps me up obviously not fooled by me pretending to be fine. I lean into him as we walk home. “I’m sorry” Laurence sighs “me too” I reply sadly “I love you Kier. You need to go see him okay, I’m sorry I did this behind your back I just want what’s best for you” Laurence frowns. I look at him not sure how to reply so I just grip his hand tighter and we all walk back to the flat in silence.   

A/N sorry I have updated in a week. I've been really distracted, I rpomise I'll try to update more regularly. Hope everyone is having a good mothers day, mines been full of arguments.

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