Trouble in McDonalds

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Kiers P.O.V:

I was sat on an amp whilst Shane and drew tried to no avail to towel dry themselves. I had long given up and just taken my shirt off instead. I saw Laurence looking at me and smiled. He grinned back his face warm. ‘I love you’ he mouthed silently across the room at me. ‘Love you too’ I mouthed back. When I looked back at the timids they were both also shirtless however Shane looked really uncomfortable. I suddenly felt a pang of guilt for throwing water on them. “I’ll be back” I shouted running out to the car. I rummaged through the boot until I found a shirt. I ran back in and gave it to Shane he looked really relieved. We were all dry so we finally started practicing. We started by playing palace in flames. We played a few songs switching between me and Laur singing. After an hour or so halfway through Bow ties on dead guys I suddenly became aware of how tired I was. I stopped mid song too tired to carry on. Everyone stopped concerned and looked at me. Laurence rushed over and grabbed my face in his hands “Kier are you okay?” He asked panicked. His voice was kind of muffled I managed to mumble “I’m so tired can we go home Laur?”. Laurence looked terrified but managed to nod and led me to the car. He opened the door for me and helped me into the back seat before running back into the rehearsal space. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Shanes P.O.V:

“What the hell just happened?!” I asked anxiously. “I don’t know but it can’t be good” Drew mumbled into my neck an edge of worry in his voice. Neither of us said anything after that until Laurence ran in. “Guys somethings wrong with Kier” Laurence cried out. “What should we do? He’s never just stopped before” I worried. “Well I guess I should take him home” Laurence commented staring into space. “I wouldn’t worry about that he’s out cold” Luke sighed running back inside. “Hey has he eaten today Laur?” I asked suddenly. “I don’t, I don’t know” He stammered. “Make sure he eats something when you get back yeah?” I mumbled. “Yeah sure, err do you guys want to be dropped off or” Laurence trailed off. “No it’s okay we’ll practice a bit more then get taxi’s back” Luke declared. “Okay I should go” Laurence murmured gesturing outside. “Yeah” we chorused watching his back as he left. We never ended up practicing we just talked about Kier. He needs to get better soon I thought to myself.

Laurence’s P.O.V:

I pulled up outside the flats and turned the Key in the ignition. Kier had hardly made a sound during the ride back and I was left in silence with my thoughts. Should I wake him or what? I thought to myself. It wasn’t too late so I decided to go in and unlock the flat door. I asked the guy from the flat next door to keep an eye on the flat whilst I went back down to the car. I opened the door and lifted Kier out. I managed to kick the door shut awkwardly and lock the car up. I carried Kier upstairs with ease. He’s so light I thought to myself as I held him in my arms in the lift. I got to the flat and thanked my neighbour for watching it he replied saying “no problem” then he looked at Kier and made a sharp intake of breath “God he’s so tiny” he worried. “Yeah he didn’t take care of himself while I was in the coma” I sighed. “Shit you were in a coma?! I though you guys were touring or something” Chris exclaimed. “Yeah there was a van accident and” I trailed off. “Hey I’ll let you guys get on, we should have coffee and catch up mate” Chris smiled leaving the apartment. “yeah” I said to no one after he’d closed the door.

I carried Kier into the bedroom and tucked him into bed. I lay watching him sleep for a while before trying to sleep myself. After a while I gave up trying to sleep and went into the front room to write. I was writing on the Laptop when I heard Kier yawn behind me. “What? How did I get here?” He asked still yawning. “You just stopped during band practice so I brought you home, you fell asleep in the car so I carried you up” I murmured. “oh” Kier frowned. “You should eat something Kee” I sighed. “I’m not hungry Laur I think I’m going to go back to bed” he mumbled turning away from me. “please” I pleaded. My plea’s fell on death ears and Kier went back to bed. I texted Shane about what happened he was worried too. We texted for an hour or so before I finally went to bed and fell into a restless sleep.

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