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Barrones P.O.V:

I was fiddling with the tuning pegs on my bass trying to tune it just right, when I heard Laurence scream out, I looked over quickly to see what was happening. Kier was standing behind him with an empty bucket. I quickly looked back at Laurence and realised he was soaking wet. “I thought it was a bit warm in here and you might want to cool off Laur you’re always the first to feel hot” Kier grinned. “You are freaking dead Kee, this is war” Laurence playfully growled. All the guys were laughing but I tried not to trying to give Drew an evil glare as if to say I’ll get you back for scaring me in the van. He just walked over and tickled me though knowing I wasn’t serious and was struggling to keep a straight face. I jumped on him surprising him and tackling him to the ground. I just about managed to hear the words “well that escalated quickly” coming from Kiers mouth before it all went black.

Kiers P.O.V:

We were all messing around as usual when Barrone tackled Drew. Drew managed to gain control flipping Barrone over, he didn’t realise how close the amp was because next thing we knew there was a thud and Barrone was out cold. When Drew realised what had happened he started to freak out “Barrone, Barrone Oh my god Barrone wake up” he wailed tears starting to fill his eyes. Luke walked over to him and gently pulled him away from Barrone. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called 999. “hello emergency services what service do you require?” a Lady asked me completely calm. Her voice soothed me a little helping me to regain composure, “An ambulance, my friends unconscious i replied” looking over at Barrone who was now being carried outside over Laurence’s shoulder.

A few minutes later I joined the guys outside locking up. I went and sat next to Drew who was sitting on the kerb his face in a frown trying not to cry anymore, it didn’t work the tears kept coming. I pulled him into a hug trying to calm him down. “It’s my fault” he cried out between sobs “I hurt him Kee, He’s gonna hate me when he wakes up, Oh god what if he doesn’t wake up?” He cried even louder his whole body shaking with his sobs now. I continued to try and calm him down worried he was going to have trouble breathing if he kept this up. Laurence just looked over at me concern on his face. He lifted his hand from Barrones head. It was red with his blood.

A/N okay guys argh I'm really sorry to hurt Barrone, I love him really, i wasn't planning on it, it just happened. It's actually quite ironic really though considering I'm concussed myself right now, I guess thats where my inspiration came from.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now