It's over?

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Laurences P.O.V:

Drew stopped talking what feels like a long time ago and I’ve been submersed in darkness since. Suddenly I hear her laugh and I’m blinded by white light “Laur come and play” she giggles “I thought you were angry?” I ask confused “I can’t stay mad at you” she pouts “What did I do wrong?” I ask sadly “Oh forget it come here!” she shouts, for some reason I obey. I feel as if I’m walking through quicksand. Eventually I reach her “Laur baby you need to know how it feels” she says frowning “how what feels?” I ask suddenly I feel a sharp pain and look down to see I’m bleeding “Layla?!” I scream out in pain “you left me Laurence now it’s my turn to leave you” she says in a sing song voice before disappearing. I scream out in pain and suddenly I’m in hospital surrounded by nurse’s, doctors and a concerned Barrone and a crying Drew. I stop screaming “Layla?” I cry out causing Drew to sob loudly. Everyone looks around confused feeling as if they’re missing something. I suddenly look at Barrone “Kier?” I ask “Mr Beveridge” “call me Laurence” I interrupt “right Laurence we need to concentrate on you first before you start getting concerned about whoever Kier is” the doctor says “he’s a man down the ward” a nurse says “he’s my boyfriend” I correct, everyone turns to look at me. “Well regardless we need to talk to you first, we’ll send another doctor down to talk to you later” “a shrink” I interrupt “Well I suppose so yes” the doctor says “I want to see Kier!” I exclaim the nurses and doctor all look at each other “I’m not talking to anyone until I’ve seen Kier” I demand “Laurence don’t” Drew begs “why?” I ask he sighs before looking me in the eye “they’ll section you”. I look at the nurses wide eyed who say nothing “you’ll section me if I see my boyfriend?” I ask incredulously no one answers “fine Barrone can you go and check on him for me?” I ask a single tear running down my check. He nods before leaving along with all the medical staff.

Drews P.O.V:

Me and Laurence are alone in his hospital room. I take a breath “It reminds me of..” I trail off “Layla” he finishes for me. I nod tears streaming down my face. “He’s not her though, right?” I ask “No he’s not he’ll be okay” Laurence says unconvinced. “Do you think we should tell the guys who Layla is?” I ask suddenly. Laurence looks at me pain in his eyes “I haven’t talked about her since she was around” he whispers so I barely hear “me either” I whisper back. Barrone suddenly walks in Luke in tow. I mouth to Laurence ‘now?’ and he just shakes his head. “So what have we missed?” Barrone asks looking at us knowingly “nothing” I mumble he looks down at his feet taking a deep breath. This is killing him, he thinks I don’t trust him “Barrone~” “Just don’t” he interrupts turning on his heel. I look over to Laurence who says nothing before running after him. “Barrone!” I shout getting a few strange looks “Shane” he stops. I run up to him “shane” I murmur, he’s crying his hands clenched in frustration “I’ll tell you” I sob. Barrone grabs me by the wrist and we walk down the hospital chapel which empty apart from us.

“Layla was my best friend” I begin Barrone looks at me worried “and Laurence’s girlfriend” his eyebrows raise “I called Laurence one night upset when he was with her” I start shaking. Barrone grasps my hand tighter giving it a quick squeeze “He said he needed to see me and they got into a fight, she said he valued our friendship over their relationship” I stop for a moment tears streaming down my face “they were out on a date so they went their separate ways after the fight, she was so angry she didn’t think where she was going” Barrone looks at me confused “she ended up in the rough part of town” Barrone’s eyes suddenly darken understanding “she called him but he was angry so he didn’t pick up” I stop shaking “I ignored her calls too” Barrone looked down at his feet “She was stabbed Shane” I cry shaking. He thinks I’m done so he hugs me “there’s more, she ... she didn’t die” I stutter “she was rushed to hospital in a state like Kier she hung on for months unconscious” I close my eyes leaning my head pack against the pew “She woke up, she wasn’t angry she was scared. We didn’t understand no matter how many times we said she was safe and she’d be okay she didn’t believe us. later that day me and Laurence went outside to get a break from the hospital and when we came back” I couldn’t finish sobbing harder “she was gone” Barrone finished for me holding me against him as I cried.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now