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Kiers P.O.V:

I woke up to being nudged. I opened my eyes and saw Laurence looking back at me; I smiled. I went to kiss him when I heard a cough from across the room. I looked over to see a man in uniform. It took me a second to realise it was a police officer. I sat up blushing. “Mr Kemp?” the officer questioned. “Yes” I replied confused and still drowsy from sleep. “I have some questions regarding the accident” the officer stated. “What? Why?” I asked waking up quickly. “It’s standard procedure, in case someone is liable and needs to be prosecuted” the officer said monotone. It must be a line he’s said many times before I think. Then I realise who was involved in the accident; Me, Laurence and shit Luke. Luke was driving if anyone was going to be prosecuted it’s him. I look at Laur concern in my eyes and he grips my hand tighter. After Me and Laur have told the officer our accounts of what’s happened he leaves. “Laur?” I ask. “What Kee?” Laurence asks back. “What’s going to happen to Luke?”. “I wish I knew Kee I really do” came Laurence’s tired reply.

Lukes P.O.V:

I was talking to Drew when a police officer arrived. Drew looked at the police officer than back at me and swallowed hard. “I need to question Mr Illington over the accident. You need to leave sir”. Luke looked at me conflict in his eyes before getting up and leaving “I’ll be with Kier and Laurence, come and find me when you’re done” he said quietly. “Okay” I mumbled as he left. “You were driving is that correct?” the officer barked at me. “Yes, why?” I asked. “So you’re to blame for the accident” he replied his voice cold. “No Kier ...” “I spoken to Mr Kemp” he interjected. “He appears to be innocent”. “I ~ what’s going to happen?” I asked worried. “You will be found negligent and punished”. I swallowed hard, my palms were sweating. “You need to come to the station with us” the officer said his eyes narrow. “NO HE DOESN’T” shouted Laurence. “I’m not going to prosecute, he’s my friend. This is a waste of your time” he said quieter now but with just as much passion in his voice. “You’re lucky it was a friend you injured. If it was anyone else you’d be in Jail, where you belong” The officer said harshly as he left the room. Kier who was standing next to Laurence gave him daggers as the officer stalked out. “Thanks guys” I mumbled. “No problem mate” Kier smiled.

Drews P.O.V:

I arrive at Laurences room to find it empty. “hmm thats strange” I say to no one. “They just left to visit Luke I think” a nurse announced. I jumped. “sorry, I thought you were talking to me” she apologised. “no problem” I chirped before running back to Luke’s room. I ran straight into the police officer on the way down. He was frowning “Watch it” he hissed. “sorry” I mumbled before carrying on to Luke’s room at a slower pace. “Guys ~ that police officer did not look happy” I said breathless. “What police officer?” Shane asked in the doorway behind me. “Some police officer wanted to lock Luke up for the accident, asshole” Kier grumbled. “Oh really?” Shane asked worried “But Luke’s still here?” He said a few seconds later confused. “I told him we weren’t going to prosecute and he left” Laurence smiled. “I’m hungry” I moaned. The guys laughed and Shane held out a cookie. “Oh my God smarties cookie. Gimme gimme gimme” I begged. “Only if you kiss me” Shane smiled placing his lips on mine before handing me the cookie. I heard a chorus of awwws from the guys as I ripped off the packaging on the cookie before shoving it in my mouth. “These are so good” I grinned between mouthfuls.

A/N Sorry it's so short guys It's just I felt guilty about not uploading for a few days and well I haven't actually slept for a few days either. My insomnia was acting up again and the nightmares were being sucky. Anyway Then yesterday I finally decided to watch Sherlock holmes and well one episode turned into two series and before I knew it everyone was waking up and it was 7 am... So I am exhausted sorry. 

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now