It's my fault

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Laurences P.O.V:

After Barrone calms me down we decide to get a taxi to the flat and to call Luke on the way. I’m sitting in the taxi wringing my hands. Barrone is biting his lip just like Kier does when he’s stressed or worried. The cabbie makes no attempt at light conversation and the journey is spent in silence apart from the quick call between me and Luke.

We run up the stairs to the apartment and I stop outside the door to catch my breath and collect myself “go on” Barrone urges me carefully “Okay” I say more to myself than him and open the door. I notice Kier Immediately and feel a surge of relief that he’s okay. Then I see the towel pressed against his arm. My stomach drops. You could have prevented that a little voice nags at the back of my mind. I move aside to let Barrone in and stand next to the doorway uncertainly. I try to read Kiers face, he doesn’t appear angry just upset and disappointed, I’m not sure who at. “Kier” I start I stop trying to think what to say next “It’s okay” He mutters from the sofa “IT’S NOT OKAY” I shout and Barrone immediately looks uncomfortable. Kier doesn’t look surprised “sorry” I apologise “It’s just this is my fault” I sigh, Kier looks shocked and saddened by this “No it’s not Laur” he whispers getting up and walking over to me. “Can I?” I ask nodding at the towel on his arm. Kier looks over to Drew who nods. I carefully remove the towel and he flinches. Even now I’m still hurting him I think to myself. The cut is an angry red and the skin around it is raised. Bloods still seeping from it however not as bad as it was judging the look on Kiers face. “Why If it wasn’t my fault?” I ask gently. Kier looks at me before looking over at Drew “I can’t, Drew you can” He trails off walking to our room and closing the door behind him.

“Drew?” I ask confused. “He said he feels worthless” Drew pauses gauging my reaction before continuing “he says you’re the better singer, guitarist, front man and person in general” he mumbles not looking me in the eye. I sit on the sofa “So it is my fault” I say to myself “No it isn’t” Drew protests “HOWS IT NOT MY FAULT HE’S COMPARING HIMSELF TO ME!” I roar. Drew swallows and I hear the front door open behind me “You can’t help how he feels” Drew says calmly “I SHOULD BE ABLE TO IT’S NOT FAIR” I shout frustrated “I know” Drew says placidly “NO YOU DON’T OKAY! YOU CAN’T IMAGINE HOW THIS FEELS” I yell. I hear someone cough behind me and turn to find Luke standing in the doorway. He looks at Barrone who’s been crying the whole time by the looks of it and Grabs him walking out of the apartment slamming the door behind him. Drew finally snaps “YOU KNOW YOU CAN’T HELP HOW KIER FEELS BUT YOU CAN STOP UPSETTING EVERYONE ELSE” he screams at me. I stand in silence and Drew immediately looks as if he regrets saying anything “Laurence I’m~” “No you’re right Drew all I do is hurt people~” “Laurence you know~” “Drew just leave” I say sadly turning my back on him. I hear the door close behind me before I fall to the ground head in my hands.

Kiers P.O.V:

I walk into the bedroom and sit at the foot of the bed. I can hear hushes voices. Thats good at least they’re not shouting I think. Suddenly I hear Laurence shouting ‘HOWS IT NOT MY FAULT HE’S COMPARING HIMSELF TO ME!’ and I regret letting Drew say anything. I hear Laurence shouting abuse at who I can only assume is Drew then the door slamming closed. The shouting continues and soon Drew starts screaming back. I get up and walk into the bathroom picking the razorblade up out of the sink. The damage has been done already what’s the harm now I think to myself toying with the blade. The door slams again and then there’s silence. I wait for Laurence to come in but he doesn’t. I look at myself in the mirror sunken cheeks, dark circles under my eyes, messy hair and the single deep slash on my arm. I’m a mess. I remember there’s another first aid kit in the bedroom and retrieve it. I bandage my arm quickly. I get undressed and grab a hoodie ready for bed. I catch my reflection and see my ribs. “You caused this” I mumble looking at them in the mirror. I notice the razorblade and pick it up. I cut along the side of my ribs before bandaging it up too. I decide the sleeves on the hoodie might catch the bandage on my arm and grab a shirt instead tiredly before getting into bed.   

Barrones P.O.V:

Me Drew and Luke are sitting in a small cafe sipping coffee’s. “So” I murmur looking at Drew “Oh right you probably want to know what you missed” he sighs looking down into his coffee before taking a sip. “If you wouldn’t mind” I reply carefully not wanting to upset him “Laurence just screamed at me some more because he’s angry at himself, me, everything” Drew sighs swirling the coffee around in his cup “You know Kerrang tour starts in 11 days” Luke sighs “I’m not sure we’re gonna make Kerrang tour” I mumble “we need to there a bills to pay” Drew replies always the realist. I sigh pushing my now empty coffee cup away from me “you’re right but we really need to talk to the guys about this” I groan “fun!” Drew sarcastically exclaims “well we’re not going to sleep for a few hours what d you guys fancy doing?” I ask “dunno” Luke replies looking at Drew “I could probably sleep actually” Drew yawns making a small ‘o’ with his mouth “right, well back to our place then I guess” I nod at Drew “I’ll hang out at yours if thats okay? I’ve only a few hours ‘til work anyway” Luke grumbles displeased at this revelation “sure” Drew drawls sleepily “right! Lets go before you fall asleep on the table wooly” I smile getting up. No matter how enthusiastic I act or how much I smile I still have a bad feeling in the bottom of my stomach. 

A/N: so this is a shorter chapter I think sorry about that. Also sorry for any feels caused, it's just I feel Laurence would blame himself. I know I'd blame myself in that situation. Hell I've blamed myself in a similar situation anyway I digress. So you may have noticed theres a You Tube video linked at the side. Whats that? I hear you ask. Well Kier was on the news  tonight and in case you weren't aware many lost hearts were fan girling and sending messages of encouragement. We also congratulated him on kicking some telegraph newspaper fellows ass. So watch it if you wish, I'm not going to tell you what it's about I'll let you watch. Anyway I've dedicated this chapter to Killjoyandproudofit as her comment on my last chapter was very nice and made me warm inside. It also encouraged me to update tonight so you have her to thank :) 

Update: Also holy freaking asdfhhfjl 2.500 reads?! thats crazy guys thank you so much I honestly expected no attention and not to get past 4 chapters when I started this so thank you :D

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