You muppet

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Kiers P.O.V:

I’m leaning against Laurence my head resting on his chest. I can hear Luke snoring softly across the room. I open one of my eyes slightly and look up at Laurence, he’s reading a book worry etched upon his face. I let out a small yawn “Laurence?” “whats up Kier?” he asks half heartedly now flicking aimlessly through his book. “What time is it?” I yawn “12:01” he sighs “One day till tour” I say unenthusiastically “if there’s even going to be a tour” he frowns. I snuggle closer into him closing my eyes again “we should get some sleep” I frown “we should” he agrees closing his book and throwing it on the coffee table. “night Laurence” I sigh happily. I only just hear him say “night Kier” before I fall asleep.

Barrones P.O.V:

I throw our coffee cups into the bin “you sure you don’t want anything?” I ask again nodding towards the counter “don’t feel like sandwhiches” Drew frowns “we could go to mcdonalds?” I ask “don’t feel like food” Drew says quietly. I sigh grabbing his hand “lets go home” I mumble “but I don’t have the keys to our flat” Drew replies “their flat I meant their flat” I frown “but they-” I cut him off “will be asleep now”. Drew sighs following me out of subway.

*time lapse*

We walk the familiar streets on our way to the flat “I don’t want to go back” Drew mumbles looking at the street ahead where the flat is located “I know” I say sadly gripping his hand tighter and turning into the street.

Drews P.O.V:

I stand outside the flat door “you got the keys?” I ask quietly “It won’t be locked” Barrone smiles turning the handle and opening the door. He steps inside leaving me standing outside hesitantly “they’re sleeping” he whispers poking his head around the door. Reassured I follow him inside, sure enough I can hear Luke snoring and Kier muttering in his sleep “Drew?” Laurence asks opening his eyes and looking at me. I say nothing looking down “want to talk?” he asks concerned “tomorrow” I mumble “It is tomorrow it’s” he pauses to check his phone “12:31” he finishes. I sit down on the floor by the door and Tom skulks over to me rubbing his head against me meowing softly “even the cat knows something’s up” Laurence observes “shouldn’t you be sleeping?” Barrone asks Laurence “probably” he admits sitting up “always been a night owl though personally” he sighs “you and me both” Barrone sighs grabbing his sketch pad off the coffee table.

Laurences P.O.V:

I look over to Drew who’s fallen asleep Tom purring in his lap “he’s obviously not a night owl” I frown “yeah he never has been” Barrone agrees looking up from his sketch pad “so... is he still quitting the band?” I ask hesitantly “I ... I don’t think so he’s just...” Barrone trails off “depressed?” I ask “something like that”. We sit in silence for a while Barrone sketching feverishly “we’ll help him you guys got me through he’ll be okay” Barrone looks up at me his face pained “Kier. Kier got you through” he sighs “and he needs help himself now” he says sadly looking over at Kier sleeping on the sofa. “You are his Kier okay, you love him. Love conquers all” I smile “it hurts” he says sadly “the things worth fighting for always do” I smile looking at Kiers sleeping form. Barrone places his sketch pad on the table, it’s a drawing of Drew sleeping “looks great” I smile at his drawing “I’m going to sleep” he says defeated walking over to Drew and lying next to him.

Kiers P.O.V:

I wake up to almost be blinded by the sunlight glaring through the windows. I look around to see everyone sleeping apart from Laurence who’s missing. “Drews back” I mutter sleepily to myself ambling into the kitchen “coffee” Laurence smiles thrusting a mug at me “it’s not my mug” I pout sleepily “oops!” he exclaims grabbing the other mug off the counter. I take a big gulp burning my tongue “thanks ouch hot though” I frown “kettle did just boil” he laughs sipping his coffee carefully.

I jump hearing a cupboard open behind me “Christ Barrone you scared me” I frown. He says nothing finding the paracetamol and quickly swallowing two. I look at Laurence who’s frowning back at me “you okay?” I ask gently “not really” he sighs grabbing a glass and pouring some milk into it. He sniffs it hesitantly before drinking any “Drew?” I ask “yeah I don’t know what to do” he says tears in his eyes. I pat him on the shoulder “just be there” I whisper into his ear. He smiles sadly at me before finishing his milk and placing the glass in the sink “I am” he mumbles walking back into the front room. “well that was er-” Laurence stutters. We finish out coffees in silence.

We’re about to walk into the front room when I hear hushed whispers. I hold my finger up cautioning Laurence to stop. I strain to hear but I can’t make out the words “sounds serious” Laurence mutters “do we?” I nod at the doorway “I don’t know” he sighs. I stand in the doorway for a minute undecided before walking into the front room. Barrone looks up at me but Drew continues to stare at the floor.

Drews P.O.V:

“we need to talk” I mutter to nobody in particular. I continue to stare at the floor hearing Laurence waking Luke up. Luke doesn’t seem pleased to be woken up until he realises why “oh sorry” he apologises sitting on the floor opposite me. “well here goes nothing” I laugh sarcastically “Do you guys still want me in the band?” I frown. The room falls silent for a moment “why would you think otherwise?” Kier asks confused “I just I don’t know feel like I’m holding you guys back” I stumble. Kier looks over shock obvious on his face “Drew you write everything I sing for Gods sake, you contribute more than me” I shake my head refusing to believe that “hey guys I have an idea” Barrone mutters getting up and grabbing his guitar “we’re going to play a song” he hesitates for a moment “without Drew” I look at him my face pained. I thought he wanted me in the band. After a few minutes everybody’s ready and they begin to play palace in flames. Immediately they begin to frown. They make it to the chorus before stopping “hear that Drew?” Barrone asks placing his guitar back down on the sofa “what?” I ask already knowing what he’s going to say “it sounded flat” “lifeless” Laurece adds “it doesn’t sound right” I admit cautiously “exactly we need you Drew!” Kier grins “no you need a bassist” I frown “we. Need. You.” Barrone asserts wrapping his arms around me “stay please?” he murmurs in my ear. India sits in the corner of the room observing in silence. She seems shocked when I call her name “India... do you want me to stay?” suddenly all eyes in the room turn to her “OH COURSE DREW WHY WOULDN’T I?!” she shouts causing the next door neighbour to bang on the wall which is quite funny considering they didn’t complain when they were playing, well actually they might have we probably couldn’t hear them. I stay quiet for a moment “because I made you leave-” I’m cut off “shut it!” she shouts compassionately bounding over and bopping me on the head “you Muppet” she laughs before joining in on mine and Barrone’s hug. Suddenly everyone piles on and our hug lasts a matter of seconds before we fall to the ground laughing. Things are back to normal... almost.

A/N: Can you tell I wasn't in the best place writing this? Well I wrote half of this at school and the other half a week later after 6 hours of revision. I had an exam the morning after which I was terrified about. It's only core science It's not like I need it to get into college ... oh wait. By the way sorry I missed the usual midweek upload some rotten stuff happened and that coupled with exams just led to me spending a lot of time alone crying whilst sitting in trees. Anyway enough about that this story has one chapter left, so I guess I need to know whether you guys want a sequel or whether you can't bare anymore of my 'supposed' writing. Anyway until next time, Becki

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