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Kiers P.O.V

First I saw the blood, then Laurence, Poor kind, beautiful Laurence lying on the floor. His body was crumbled, his face pale. I let out a scream, every fibre of my being ached. I screamed for what seemed like an eternity before I heard someone gasp “Oh my God” behind me and for the second time today felt me being dragged away. The ambulance is here but I’m still screaming. My throat is raw but I can’t stop. All I can see is Laurence, his blood. His body. I’m not sure if he’s alive or dead. I’m not entirely sure whether I’m alive myself. I just scream. Images of his lifeless body haunt my mind and no matter how hard I try to stop screaming I can’t. I’m aware of someone trying to talk to me but I can’t stop screaming, I can’t stop. I don’t even feel the needle go into my arm before everything goes black.

Shanes P.O.V:

We’re in the back of the taxi when I hear my mobile phone ringing. I grab it quickly anxious to see who it is. Amy and Drew both look at me as I look at the caller ID. It’s Kier. I swallow nervous and accept the call. The first thing I notice is the sirens in the background, then I realise it isn’t Kiers voice I can hear. My chest tightens and I start to panic. The others are looking at me now worry on their faces. The unknown guy is talking but I don’t really hear his words. I hear my name and snap back to reality. “Sorry” I mumble into the phone and the man stops and begins talking again I believe he’s repeating what he’s just said but I can’t be sure. I sit motionless while he explains the accident, that Luke is on his way to hospital, Laurence’s condition and what’s happened to Kier. I begin to cry silently tears running down my face. Drew is shaking me asking me what’s wrong and the taxi driver looks really uncomfortable.

The taxi pulls up outside mine and Drew’s flat but I hardly notice. Drew is shouting at me now. Amy drags us out of the taxi; she goes to pay but the driver’s shakes his head and pulls away. I fall to the kerb and Drew is still shouting at me. He realises I’m still on the phone and takes it off me. He begins talking frantically into it and Amy just sits down next to me holding my hand. Drew hangs up and immediately begins dialling another number. “Hello I need a taxi right away...” I don’t hear the rest I zone out again.

Lukes P.O.V:

I wake up in an ambulance; two paramedics are watching me like hawks. I feel really uneasy and I’m not sure why. Then it slowly dawns on me what’s happened. I hear enter sandman and realise my phones ringing. The paramedic sighs saying “It pretty much hasn’t stopped ringing for 10 minutes do you want me to answer it?” I nod unsure if I’m able to do anything else. The paramedic listens his face looking grave then hangs up. He looks back at me saying “I’m sorry but there was someone in the back of the van, He’s in a bad way”. My world starts to fall apart and I feel despair tugging at the edges of my mind. I can only think one word. Laurence.

Laurence’s P.O.V:

I’m drowning in the darkness. It crawls into my mouth and floods my lungs. I can’t breathe. I can’t scream. I start to panic. I drift in and out of this almost consciousness. I’m alone with my pain for an endless amount of time. I hear sirens and a sickening crunch then silence for a long time. Then I hear a click and a horrible sound. I hear screaming. It doesn’t stop it just fades into the distance and as I slip into nothing once again I think of Kier and wonder if I’ll see his smile again.

Kiers P.O.V:

I wake from a horrible nightmare screaming. Then I take in my surroundings, the sterile smell, and the white walls. I realise It wasn’t a nightmare at all. It’s frighteningly real. I feel a hand gripping mine and I look up to see Drew holding my hand. Concern fills his eyes and I can see dried tears on his face. I try to speak but no words come out. I start to panic and the machine monitoring my pulse starts to beep. A nurse comes in and presses a few buttons adjusting my drip and I start to feel a sense of calm enveloping my body. I try to fight it, this feeling is wrong. It’s not natural. Then I realise it must be something in the drip i try to pull the IV line out but Drew grabs my hand. “Kier please stop” I don’t Drew’s voice rises in pitch slightly “Kier listen to me, they will put you into the psych ward. Stop please”. I stop and look at him. The effect of the drip is becoming stronger and I begin to feel drowsy. Drew just grips my hand tighter whispering things I don’t understand to me as I fall back into a restless sleep.  

Drews P.O.V:

I look down at Kier and he’s asleep again. A nurse comes in and checks the machine he’s attached to writing notes in his chart. When she’s finished she turns to leave but stops and addresses me instead. “I know this must be worrying for you but he’ll be okay, We’ll keep him anaesthetised until he’s ready. He won’t wake up for a few hours, you should rest”. I nod at the nurse unable to do anything else. After sitting in the chair for a while I begin to fall asleep.

I wake up to hands shaking me. It’s Shane he leans down planting a kiss on my lips before walking to the end of the bed and sitting on it. Hi eyes are red and puffy; I can tell he’s been crying. I go to ask where he’s been but he answers before I can ask. “I’ve been to see Laur, Its horrible Drew. He’s hooked up to so many machines and...” he doesn’t finish before he starts to sob. I envelop him in a hug, his body shaking against mine. We’re still like this when we hear Kier mumble Laurence’s name in his sleep. I feel my heart break a little.

A little while later Kiers mumbling intensifies and we call a nurse. She tells us that the medication must be wearing off and he’s beginning to wake up, she says it could take a while but she’ll be nearby and to shout if we need help. I worry what she means by help. Suddenly the mumbling stops and then I hear Kier take in a deep breath. His eyes flash open and his body begins to convulse. I scream out “NURSE” as loud as I can and several come running. One opens his eyes again and I see they’re rolled to the back of his head. I begin to scream. Shane grabs my hand and pulls my face to face him. I look into his eyes and for a moment everything is okay, it’s not long but it’s enough. The machines stop beeping and my heart stops in my chest. Then I hear them beeping at regular rate. I hear Kier call out “Drew” and I cry with relief.

A/N so wow yeah I feel that was a fairly long chapter. I'm sorry not much really happened with the laurence situation i just went where my mind took me with this chapter. Really sorry about Laurence guys and Kier and well all of it, sorry :c 

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