For Laurence

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Kiers P.O.V:

I sit in the bed sobbing. Drew and Shane are sitting on the end holding hands looking concerned. I want to tell them I’m happy for them, that I’m sorry for walking out, how much they mean to me; but I can’t. All I can think of is Laurence. I finally manage to whisper “Is he alive?” between tears. Shanes face looks solemn and my chest tightens, he’s gone I think to myself. I want to scream but can’t. Then drew coughs and hesitates before saying “He is, just”. I nod another tear running down my face. This is my fault, all my fault. “No it isn’t” proclaimed, I hadn’t realised I’d said that out loud.

A little while later Luke walks in, a drip is attached to him but I think his is just fluids unlike mine. Drew jumps onto Shanes lap making room for Luke on the edge of the bed. We all sit in silence for a while before Luke looks at me “I’m sorry Kier, I didn’t know he was in the back”. I nod hoping he realises I’m not angry at him, Not really. Part of me wishes he’d just hit me sparing Laurence from this but I keep the thought to myself. The last thing I want is anyone thinking I’m suicidal. Shane leaves for a while and shortly returns with a sketch pad and pencils. He starts to draw; I wonder how he can be so calm. Then I notice the tears in his eyes. I look down to what he’s drawing and realise its Laurence. I untangle myself from the sheets and scoot to the edge of the bed. I wrap my arms around the guys. We stay like this for a while.

Drews P.O.V:

Shanes drawing is amazing as always. He shows Laurence laughing, he captures the glint in his eye perfectly, the way his hair falls over his face, everything. He writes a note on the bottom of the picture and swiftly drops down onto the floor from the bed. He walks out of the door and takes a right turn. We all wonder where he’s going before realising he’s taking the picture to Laurence.

~ A few days later

Kiers P.O.V:

I still haven’t been discharged from the hospital. The doctors were worried by my convulsions when I woke up. I’m allowed to walk around now though. I’m sitting In Laurence’s room playing with his favourite toy panda. It smells like him and our flat. I long to be home with him, me playing guitar and him writing. I haven’t been able to leave his side since they let me leave my room. The nurses are bringing me meals and the guys when they’re here but I’ve hardly eaten since the accident. The doctors have warned the longer he’s in a coma the less likely he is to wake up without any brain damage. The thought of Laurence waking up not remembering me makes me want to cry. Luke walks in a copy of Kerrang under his arm, it must be after 5 since he’s out of work I think automatically. “I’ve told India she asked me if she could come and visit” Luke whispers. I look up at him not saying anything before looking back to Laurence. I ask him if India can visit. The doctors said he might be able to her us and even if he can’t answer I want him to know I care. I tell Luke she can and after an hour or so he leaves me and Laurence alone once again.

Lukes P.O.V:

After I get out of the hospital I immediately call Drew. He picks up on the first ring I can feel the anticipation down the line, “He’s not back yet Drew” I stammer, Drew sighs on the other end of the line. “Drew you need to come and help Kier right now” I sob. I hear nothing but silence on the other end of the line. “Drew he looks dead behind the eyes, help him please” I beg. Drew sighs and I can hear him get up to pace his apartment “No one can help him Luke. No one but Laurence” Drew whispers before the line goes dead. After that I walk to the nearest bar and order a whiskey. I drink until I can’t think straight anymore.  

Shanes P.O.V:

I’m drawing when I hear Drew knock on my bedroom door. “Come in” I shout half heartedly. I hear Drew close the door behind him and feel him sit on the bed next to me. I put my pencil down and look up to him. He’s been crying again. I hear a message alert from my phone and check my messages, It’s Luke.


Tell Drew to stop being such a fucking asshole. Kier needs help, make him help Kier for Christ’s sake.

I lock my phone and chuck it to the end of the bed. Luke doesn’t understand. Drew cares. He’s crying himself to sleep every night. I wrap my arms around Drew and hold him as he cries. After a while I tuck him into my bed and lie next to him. I hold him until he falls asleep.

Kiers P.O.V:

It’s Thursday five days after the accident. Laurence hasn’t even stirred. I haven’t eaten for three days and haven’t slept since they anesthetised me. I want to sleep but I need to watch Laurence. If something happens whilst I’m asleep I’ll never forgive myself. I hear breathing in the doorway and look up to see Drew. He’s crying. He walks over to me and hugs me. I don’t move. I’m nothing but a statue, I’m dead without Laurence. Drew stays with me for a while not saying anything. Several times he goes to say something then stops. Eventually he mumbles “Kier making yourself ill won’t help Laurence” I look at him expressionless. “Luke should have hit me. It would be better if he’d killed me” Drew gasps and says nothing. “It isn’t fair” I shout “I Love him Drew I fucking love him” I wail. Drew says nothing he grabs my wrist. I flinch pain shooting across it. Drew looks at me sadness in his eyes before lifting my sleeve. I don’t try to stop him, I don’t care anymore. He sees the deep gash I made and my wrist and he begins to cry. “Kier he wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself” he sobs. I hear Shane exclaim “What?!” from the doorway.

Shanes P.O.V:

I’m on my way to Laurence’s room when someone at the nurse station calls me over. I look up and the nurse who told me where Kier was last time we were here summons me over. I stop walking towards Laurence’s room and make my way over to her. “Your friend Kier, we’re worried about him” she starts “I know we all are I interrupt”. “He doesn’t seem to be eating, If he doesn’t improve soon we’ll have to feed him by drip” she says sadly. I look up at her not saying anything. “I know it’s a bad time but we need to speak to Laurence’s next of kin about his options”. I just look at her before shaking my head and walking towards Laurence’s room.

I hear Drew sob “Kier he wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself” as I enter the room. “What?!” I exclaim, I look over to Kier and see the huge gash on his wrist. Drew lifts his sleeve revealing several more deep red gashes on Kiers arm. I just stand in the doorway in shock. “I’m so sorry” Kier sobs “I  didn’t know what to do”. “Well not that would have been a fucking good idea” I shout at him. I see the pain on his face and immediately regret shouting. A nurse comes in to see what the shouting is about, she see’s Kiers arm then walks out. She returns with a first aid kit and walks over to Kier. She asks him several questions but he doesn’t say a word back. After she’s wrapped it up she leaves. “I’m sorry Kee” I mumble, the nickname brings tears to his eyes. I realise it’s what Laurence calls him and regret using the name. I walk over to him and put my arms around him. “We need to stay strong, For Laurence” I fumble before releasing Kier from my arms and pecking Drew on the cheek.

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