Blood On The Dance Floor

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Kiers P.O.V:

I’m lying on the floor playing with my phone.  Barrone is now jumping on amps drum kits and most notably Drew. I hear a crash and look up to see Drew on the floor with Barrone on top of him licking his face. Luke gave up trying to play drums and has gone out to get coffee. “help er guys help” Drew screams from the floor. I roll my eyes looking at Laurence “the whole box at once really?” “well I didn’t think he’d eat that many” Laurence answers wide eyed. “take the box back to the car” I mouth silently and Laurence nods, he gets to the door before Barrone realises and jump tackles him. At that moment Luke walks in and nearly spills coffee on them “Guys watch it!” Luke cries out trying to balance the coffee. “hey wheres mine” Barrone pouts “uuuhhh no coffee for you mr” Drew laughs pecking him on the cheek. “buuuut I want coffeeeeee” Barrone whines “NO” we all shout simultaneously. I cough causing everyone to look at me “right erm, band practice maybe?” I ask. My question is greeted by a chorus of yes’s okays and right’s. I quickly snap a picture of the state of the rehearsal space “what you doing?” Luke asks confused. “tweeting” I smile. I send the picture with the caption ‘Why did Laurence give Barrone cookies?!’ before putting my phone away. “right, lets get to work” I grin grabbing the mike and tossing it between my hands.

Laurences P.O.V:

We’re having a quick break between songs and I’m sipping on my coffee contently. Barrone has finally started to come down from the sugar high, he’s still wearing Drews hat but he isn’t licking anyone anymore so thats good. “palace in flames?” Kier asks from across the room “yeah one sec” I reply before finishing my coffee. Luke picks up his drum sticks again, he looks exhausted. “you look knackered mate” Kier comments looking at luke “mhmmm” Luke grumbles incoherently “out with a girl was ya?” Kier teases “he was actually, nice looking girl” Drew smiles “huh?” Kier grins sensing an opportunity to have some fun “stop right there or I’ll tell the fangirls what a twat you are!” Luke exclaims “ha they already know, now this girl” Kier grins “GUYS I WANT MORE COOKIES!” Barrone shouts from the corner. Everyone looks at him shooting him daggers “Guys palace in flames” I announce grabbing the microphone off Kier. Barrone sighs before picking his guitar back up.

Barrones P.O.V:

Practice is over. I sling my guitar case over my shoulder running towards the van. They all look at me questioningly. Drew suddenly stops “Barrone no more!” he shouts after me “cookies” I laugh at him. Drew runs back inside and suddenly comes back out with a water pistol. I jump behind the van for cover. I’m concentrating on Drew so I don’t see Luke sneak up behind me wih a bucket full of water. Suddenly I’m freezing “ahhhh” I cry out. Kier pops his head round the side of the van “hey that’s my trick” he shouts before running away. “over kill much” Laurence sighs “there is no overkill when it comes to water fights!” Luke exclaims “he does have a point” Drew replies looking at the tiny water pistol in his hand with disgust. I grin evilly looking at him “oh god what?” he asks before I run up to him grabbing him in a bear hug leaving absolutely soaked. “I didn’t even get you wet” he whines “no but you wish you had” I reply sticking my tongue out at him. Kier comes back with towels and chucks them at us “I could only find this shirt” he grins menacingly. I brace myself as he unfolds it. “blood on the dance floor really?!” I shriek at him “sorry” Laurence mumbles apologetically “they do kick some ass though” he grins “they really don’t” I sigh drying myself down with the towel “I’d rather go topless” I sigh “I’d rather you went topless too” Drew winks “Get a room guys” Laurence shouts “You know Kier gets off on this stuff”. Kier thumps him shouting “hey”, “Are we still going for coffee or what?” Luke asks tiredly “yeah” I sigh putting the shirt on. “suits you mate” Kier teases, I stare him down. Suddenly Drew is kissing me. He pulls away and I ask “what?” confused “you look so cute when you’re mad” he smirks “Guys I’m getting coffee you coming or what?!” Luke shouts climbing into the van “sure” we all chorus back at him before jumping into the van. “what about Liberty she’ll get lonely” Kier pouts “are you seriously still calling the car that” I grumble “shut it and go listen to BOTDF” Kier shouts. I put my head in my hands, I really hate that band. “shut it Camp” I grumble “Oh don’t you know it!” Kier exclaims and I’m sure he’d shake his ass if he wasn’t seated in the van. Luke decides he’s had enough of our bickering and puts on Metllica, very loud. I mouth “I’ll kill you” at Kier before head banging to the music.

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